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Csonka’s Smackdown Review 4.04.17

April 4, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Shinsuke Nakamura
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Csonka’s Smackdown Review 4.04.17  

Csonka’s Smackdown Review 4.04.17

Smackdown Women’s Title Match: Champion Naomi defeated Alexa Bliss @ 10:20 via submission [**¾]
– Tye Dillinger defeated Curt Hawkins @ 1:55 via pin [NR]
Non-Title Street Fight: Baron Corbin defeated Champion Dean Ambrose @ 11:05 via pin [***½]
– Luke Harper & Randy Orton defeated Bray Wyatt & Erick Rowan @ 12:00 via pin [**½]

– Still no Mauro Ranallo; we get Phillips, Otunga, & JBL.

– We get highlights from WrestleMania

Randy Orton Talks: In what must be a sign of the apocalypse, Orton is wearing pants tonight. He didn’t get a very kind reaction from the fans. He says Wyatt has no power over him, and that he is Wyatt’s master. Bray appears from the dark and smoke filled backstage area. He is coming to get his title back, because he has a rematch coming. He has something special planned, to drive Orton into insanity and turn his world upside down. One of them will be sent to eternal damnation, and proposes a house of horrors match. Orton doesn’t know what that is and accepts the challenge and calls him to the ring. Bray then teleports to the ring and they brawl. Erick Rowan then returns and attacks Orton, and helps Bray beat down Orton, but Luke Harper arrives to make the save for Orton and clears the ring. Solid opening segment, hopefully the follow up to their disappointing Maina match is good.

– Miz and Maryse run down Cena for creating a Mania moment out of his proposal, and say that they will call out Nikki & John tonight. Miz promises that this will be the last time we see Nikki & John on Smackdown for a long time.

Smackdown Women’s Title Match: Champion Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss: Bliss attacks at the bell, taking the fight to Naomi. Naomi quickly fights back, hitting a bulldog to the corner and then taking Bliss to the floor. Post break, Bliss had Naomi grounded and is attacking the previously injured knee. Solid plan by Bliss here, as she is looking to rip off her leg. Bliss maintains the heat in the corner, and then goes right back to the knee. Naomi fires up as they trade strikes, and then hits a belly to back suplex. Naomi powers up and hits a kick, but is slow to cover as she favors the knee. Bliss cuts her off with a DDT for a near fall. Bliss then slams her down by the hair, but Naomi manages to hit the rear view for 2. Naomi is selling well overall, looks for a moonsault but Bliss cuts that off, slamming her to the mat. Bliss tries to use the ropes, but Naomi locks in her side choke submission for the win. Champion Naomi defeated Alexa Bliss @ 10:20 via submission [**¾] Pretty good match here, with a good tease of Bliss taking the title back by attacking the previously injured leg.

– Curt Hawkins is here, and comments on the Superstar Shakeup, but he wants to hear more about him and issues an open challenge… TYE IS HERE!

Tye Dillinger vs. Curt Hawkins: Tye controlled early, but Hawkins quickly fought back. Tye cut him off, worked chops and knee strikes and then stomps. Mounted strikes in the corner followed, and the crowd loves it; Tye breaker and that’s that. Tye Dillinger defeated Curt Hawkins @ 1:55 via pin [NR] Happy for Tye to get the call up, after washing out of developmental a few times, he worked his ass off, got another shot and made the most of it. This was a good debut win for him, exactly what it needed to be.

– Mojo is interviewed about winning the Andre battle royal. He says this has been a dream come true, and it’s been unreal. He says he hasn’t slept since because of the celebration and puts over Andre’s drinking abilities and that the ladies loved him. He worked his whole life to get his Mania moment.

– We get footage from Raw, and Vince’s announcement of the Superstar Shakeup.

– Miz & Maryse walk.

Miz & Maryse Talk: Miz & Maryse arrive dressed as John & Nikki. Miz does his John Cena robot impersonation. Maryse is wearing a ridiculously huge fake ring to mock the engagement; it’s pretty great. They then say that they are going to Hollywood, and will be gone for a long time, and “you won’t be able to see us, goodbye!” But wait, a violinist is here…

 photo Nakamurw wink_zpsnizvigr3.gif

Nakamura is here!

The crowd is on fire for his entrance. He poses and that’s that.Miz killed it again mocking Cena, and transitioning to a feud with Miz will be a good introduction for Nakamura on the main roster. I was also fine with that being it, you don’t give away Nakamura’s debut match without any build.

Non-Title Street Fight: Champion Dean Ambrose vs. Baron Corbin: Corbin attacks at the bell, but tried to fight back, only for Corbin to immediately cut him off. Corbin went to get a chair, but Ambrose dropkicked it in his face and hit a suicide dive, sending Corbin over the announce table. Ambrose continued the attack, sending him into the crowd and then followed to continue his assault. Post break, Corbin had control as we have a table and a bunch of chairs in the ring. Corbin then put Ambrose through the table in the corner. Corbin then busted out strap and beat on Ambrose. Ambrose fought back, slamming Corbin head first into a chair that was wedge in the corner. Corbin managed to fight off dirty deeds, but Ambrose fired up and got the strap and laid into him for some revenge. Ambrose is beating the shit out of Corbin and they go to the floor, where Ambrose hits the elbow drop press. We have a table set up on the floor; Ambrose lays him on it and climbs up top and hits the elbow drop and puts Corbin through the table. Corbin fights back, crotches Ambrose and hits end of days for the win. Baron Corbin defeated Champion Dean Ambrose @ 11:05 via pin [***½] This was very good, sure they had the advantage of the weapons and such, but it had all of the intensity that their Mania match lacked. I would assume this sets up a strap match, due to the use of that weapon and the way commentary sold it. I honestly look forward to that, both guys do very well in gimmick matches.

Shane McMahon Talks Superstar Shakeup: Shane makes his way to the ring and addresses next week’s shakeup. He says the Raw stars should be praying to end up on Smackdown. AJ Styles then arrives, sporting a shiner from Shane’s crazy fists. Styles says he doesn’t want to go anywhere, because Smackdown is the house that Styles built, and no one will take that from him. He feels he owes Shane something and they shake hands; Styles teases attacking him and they share a laugh. Ok, that was a segment that could have been easily accomplished backstage. It really feels as if AJ is heading for a full blown face turn, moving Joe an or Owens to Smackdown may be a good idea if that is the case.

Bray Wyatt & Erick Rowan vs. Luke Harper & Randy Orton: Orton and Rowan started things off. Orton teased an RKO right away, but Rowan hit a spin kick and we took a break. Post break, Bray worked the heat on Orton, but it didn’t last long at all as Orton tagged out almost immediately to Harper. Harper ran wild on Bray, sending him to the floor. Harper wiped out Rowan with the suicide dive, but Bray cut him off with a lariat on the floor. Bray and Rowan then took the heat on Harper. Rowan and Harper they traded strikes, but Rowan kept control and did the cranium crunch. Harper tried to fight back, but ran into a powerslam for 2. Bray tagged in, continuing the beat down on Harper. He and Rowan worked quick tags, and then maintained the slow heat. Harper manages to hit the bossman slam and gets the tag to Orton, Orton runs wild, powerslamming Rowan but Bray returned and tried to cut him off but ate a draping DDT. But the Wyatt’s gimmick hits and when the lights come back on, Bray in on the floor, and Orton hits the RKO for the win. Luke Harper & Randy Orton defeated Bray Wyatt & Erick Rowan [**½] This was a perfectly solid, if lethargic main event to continue the Orton vs. Wyatt feud.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
Much like Raw, the results don’t mean too much tonight, because due to next week’s “Superstar Shakeup,” the rosters could be very different in seven days. Tye is a fun addition and got a great reaction, and if Nakamura stays on the brand it’s a huge get for Smackdown. He got a true superstar reaction, and will be perfectly fine if he starts off with Miz. Good show this week, not quite as good as Raw, but another fun effort setting the stage for next week’s changes. Possible moves I can see is American Alpha to Raw and Enzo and Cass to Smackdown. I also think Alexa & Charlotte change brands, especially after their recent losses, to freshen them up.