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Eric Bischoff On Why AEW’s Decline Isn’t Cyclical

July 24, 2024 | Posted by Andrew Ravens
Eric Bischoff AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

On the latest episode of 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff talked about the state of AEW and why their interest has dropped. You can check out some highlights below:

On AEW and the wrestling business being cyclical: “If it’s cyclical, it’s affecting both companies. I’ve been through that bulls**t excuse before. I endorsed that position before. ‘Oh, it must be that. It’s not us, not the fact that we can’t come up with a good idea. It’s not that we don’t have the greatest talents. It’s not us, the wrestling business is cyclical.’ If business is down for everybody in the sector, I’ll entertain the conversation.

“That’s not the case for AEW. They’re down because the audience is not buying the product. It doesn’t matter if it’s professional wrestling or Jiffy Pop popcorn. People are either buying it or they’re not. And less and less people buy the product every week. What do they have, like 2800 people at their 250th landmark show where the two biggest stars in the company [are wrestling]? And they drew less than 3000 people? That’s not cyclical. That’s just dying. WWE’s business is up year over year. They’re setting financial records every time it opens their mouth. Attendance records, ratings year-over-year. Business is not cyclical for them. It’s only cyclical for AEW… it’s a downward spiral”

On whether he takes joy in seeing AEW’s decline: “I’m not taking joy. I take joy in pointing out fact versus the bulls**t that lives because of idiots like Dave Meltzer. Who are constantly making excuses, that sounds something like — I’m not accusing you of peddling his s**t. But it sounds like something, ‘Yeah, I know businesses is a little down. But you know, it’s cyclical, and they’ll come out.’ No they’re not. Give me one reason to think that law is going to come out of this downward cycle.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit 83 Weeks with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

AEW, Eric Bischoff, Andrew Ravens