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Erik Watts Says He Inspired Hardy Boyz’ Outfits, Talks About Paul Heyman’s Relationship With His Dad

June 25, 2021 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Erik Watts Image Credit: WCW

In an interview with Wrestling Epicenter, Erik Watts spoke about inspiring the early attire choices of the Hardy Boyz, Paul Heyman’s relationship with his father Bill Watts and more. Here are highlights:

On the push back against him in the WCW locker room in the early 90s: “Well, you had a lot of new guys, like you said, who were starting to do things differently – Starting to call it in and back and not call it in the ring. And, you had a lot of spoiled guys too. I’m not saying anything bad. I’m not! But, I’ve been around. I worked for WCW, WWE, TNA, ECW… Guys in WCW were spoiled! They were! (laughs) You had your contract and it didn’t matter if you wrestled one time or 30 times. So, I remember when you got the booking sheets – What told you what dates you were working… I remember guys were like, “Oh yes! I got 3 towns!” And, I was like, “What are you talking about? I got 13 towns! That is awesome!” How was I ever going to learn if I wasn’t on the road? It was so reverse pathetic! But, I was also the only guy on the road, and I don’t know if it ever happened again afterwards, I got a bonus in my contract if I worked more than 23 days in a month. So, when we would do the Twin Cities, I would try and get booked on the Saturday morning show and then on Saturday night. If I could get two shows in on one day, I was the happiest guy you would ever see in your life! I wrestled over 305 events my first year.”

On the Hardy Boyz using his outfit: “So, the reason I told you that is to tell you this. I ran my own show for charity in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I got some WCW guys, I got some other guys, and I called Vince McMahon himself, everyone says Vince is impossible – He’s not. I got all the WWE guys I wanted. I do all the promotions to do the show. From Atlanta, Georgia, I flew in for one night only to do a show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We did $38,000 in ticket sales. To the rafters! I brought back “Dr.Death”, Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy, Michael Hayes… All these people! So, Vince goes, “Hey, I am going to send down some other people to get some work.” I go, “Sure.” Prince Albert with the nose ring comes down, nicest guy in the world. He says, “E Watts! I have these two kids. Can they come and talk to you?” I’m like, “Sure.” So, now I know there is something they want to talk about but I don’t know what the Hell it is. So, they go to me, “Sir, we have been taught not to steal moves or steal things. Would there be any way that you would allow us to use your outfits up in WWE? Bro, when I say I was laughing so hard. Listen, they’re not Matt and Jeff Hardy yet. They haven’t even blown up yet. But, I’m thinking to myself that I didn’t give a shit if they made it. I was just so happy. So, I was like, “Sure you can! I’ve got some more designs!” So, they came out in the shirt and pants. That was all off my character! So, I called Page one time and said, “Ask Bischoff what he thinks of the Hardy’s outfits, mother f***er!” (laughs)”

On Paul Heyman’s relationship with his father: “Paul E didn’t get along with my dad. Not at all. But, I liked Paul E because he was brilliant. But, he was a shit disturber. He got into trouble because he… Lets just say he made up some expenses. (laughs) And, he got caught. My dad was like (to Paul Heyman), “You’re just so smart. You’re the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever met!” (laughs) My dad was like, “I don’t dislike him. I just don’t like bullshit artists.” But, I love Paul E!”

article topics :

Erik Watts, Joseph Lee