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From The Network – WWE Battleground 2015

August 5, 2015 | Posted by Dylan Diot
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From The Network – WWE Battleground 2015  

WWE Battleground 2015
St. Louis, MO

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and JBL.

Kickoff Match

R-Truth vs. King Barrett
Winner gets Barrett’s crown. Truth fires away in the corner and he hits an Avalanche for 2. Barrett works over Truth and Truth gets a wheelbarrow roll-up for 2. Dropkick by Truth forces Barrett to bail and he follows up with a slingshot pescado. Barrett snaps Truth’s neck off the ropes and he hits a big boot for 2 as we go to break.
Back and Barrett has the surfboard on Truth. Truth fights out so Barrett catches him with a back elbow for 2. Barrett throws some knees and he hits another big boot. Barrett clubs the back of Truth and he goes to the chin lock. Truth fights out again and Barrett misses the Yakuza kick in the corner. Truth cleans house and he hits a second rope dropkick for 2. Leg lariat by Truth and he hits the Scissors Kick for 2. Winds of Change by Barrett gets 2. Roll-up by Truth gets 2 and Barrett blocks the Lie Detector. Bull Hammer by Barrett gets 3.
Winner- King Barrett **1/4 (The crowd was hot for this match but this wasn’t anything that we haven’t seen before from these two. Thank god this feud is over and I don’t know how they can ever repair Barrett after all the crap they put him through since winning King of the Ring. )

Main Show

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton
Feeling out process to start and Orton catches Sheamus with a back elbow, forcing Sheamus to bail. Orton follows and he sends Sheamus into the barricade. Orton catches Sheamus with a clothesline on the floor and back in, they trade uppercuts. Irish Curse back breaker by Sheamus and he connects with two more. Sheamus catches Orton with a knee to the midsection and he hits a second rope knee drop for 2. Sheamus goes to the chin lock but Orton begins to fight out so Sheamus takes him down and hits a knee drop for 2. Sheamus goes back to the chin lock and he charges in the corner but misses and crashes all the way to the floor. Back in, they slug it out and Orton begins to clean house. Orton clotheslines Sheamus to the floor and he follows out with rights. Back suplex onto the announce table by Orton and back in, Orton catches him with the powerslam for 2. Sheamus snaps Orton’s neck off the ropes and he hits the rolling senton. Tilt-a-whirl slam by Sheamus gets 2. White Noise by Sheamus gets 2. Orton takes Sheamus down by the Mohawk and he hits an Exploder suplex for 2. Punches in the corner by Orton but Sheamus breaks with snake eyes. Sheamus goes up but Orton stops him and follows up. Superplex by Orton gets 2. Hanging DDT by Orton and Sheamus counters the RKO into a roll-up for 2. Brogue Kick by Sheamus and he grabs the Cloverleaf. Orton makes the ropes to break!!! Orton catches Sheamus with the RKO for 3!!!
Winner- Randy Orton ***1/2 ( This wasn’t the typical Orton/Sheamus in where they constantly resort to rest holds and phone it in. Orton was motivated by his hometown crowd and we got a smartly drawn out competitive match that worked perfectly as an opener. This is up there as one of the better matches these two have had together.)

Stephanie McMahon puts over St. Louis as a wrestling city and says she wants a rep from each of the Diva’s units to compete in a triple threat match tonight. She wants them to tear the house down.

WWE Tag Team Championships- Primetime Players (Darren Young and Titus O’Neal) © vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Big E) w/Xavier Woods
Kofi and Young start. Clothesline by Young and he hits a swinging neck breaker. Northern lights suplex by Young and O’Neal tags in. They overpower Kingston and O’Neal throws some chops, forcing Kofi to bail. Back in, Big E tags in and O’Neal slams him into a leg drop. Tag to Young and O’Neal gordbusters Young onto Big E. Big E sends Young into the corner and the momentum sends him crashing to the floor. PK kick from the apron by Kofi and back in, he covers for 2. New Day takes turns stomping away on Young in the corner and Kofi hits a PK kick for 2. Half nelson by Kofi but Young fights out. Tag to Big E and he hits a Big Splash on the apron onto Young for 2. Abdominal stretch by Big E but Young fights out. Big E with a back elbow for 2 and Young catches him with an enzuigiri to come back. Tag to O’Neal and he cleans house. Rapid back breakers and O’Neal tosses Kofi away. Avalanche in the corner by Titus and Woods catches him with an enzuigiri to the back, allowing Kofi to hit a DDT for 2. Kofi goes up and leaps but O’Neal nails him on the way down. Tag to Young and he hits an overhead belly to belly suplex on Kofi. Rolling elbow to Big E and Young hits a back suplex onto the apron on Woods. Kofi catches Young back in and tags Big E. Young catches Kofi with the gut buster and ONeal hits Clash of the Titus on Big E for 3.
Winners and Still WWE Tag Team Champions- Primetime Players **3/4 ( A better match than they had at Money in the Bank, as they had more time to work with and they worked in a good heat segment on Young. The finishing stretch wasn’t all that hot though and it’s a rare occasion in a tag match where I felt the body of the match was better than the finish stretch. )

Paige, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte promise to put the Diva’s division on notice.

Video package for Reigns/Wyatt airs.

Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns
Wyatt works over Reigns to start and Reigns fires back. Punches in the corner by Reigns and he knocks Wyatt down, forcing him to bail. Back in, Wyatt catches Reigns with a clothesline and Reigns returns the favor, forcing Wyatt to bail again. Reigns tosses Wyatt into the barricade and back in, Wyatt hits a flying forearm. Reigns catches Wyatt with a corner clothesline and knocks him down with a short arm clothesline. Samoan Drop by Reigns and Wyatt bails again. Reigns goes for a Spear but misses and crashes into the steps. Back in, Wyatt works Reigns over and he hits some punches in the corner. Wyatt dumps Reigns to the floor and he hits a DDT on the apron!!! Back in, Wyatt hits a suplex and follows up with the back senton for 2. Wyatt goes to the chin lock but Reigns begins to fight out and he catches Wyatt with a back suplex. Reigns fires back and hits a leaping clothesline. T-Bone suplex by Reigns and he follows up with a second one. Reigns goes for the Drive-By but Wyatt blocks with a clothesline. Back senton on the floor by Wyatt and back in, he covers for 2. Wyatt puts Reigns on top and follows up. Reigns escapes and catches Wyatt with a sit-out powerbomb for 2. Wyatt dumps Reigns to block the Superman Punch and Reigns sweeps the legs of Wyatt on the apron. Drive-By by Reigns and back in, Wyatt catches Reigns with the Urinage for 2. Wyatt hammers Reigns on the mat and Reigns rolls through Sister Abagail into the SUPERMAN PUNCH~!!! Reigns covers for 2!!! Wyatt blocks the Spear with a boot and he knocks Reigns down for 2. Reigns throws some head butts and he hits some rapid corner clotheslines. Samoan Drop by Reigns and they head to the floor where Wyatt throws Reigns into the barricade. Reigns tosses some chairs into the ring but is attacked by some hooded man. Wyatt hits the Urinage into the apron and back in, he hits Sister Abagail for 3. The hooded man is revealed to be Luke Harper, as he associated with Wyatt once again!!!
Winner- Bray Wyatt ***1/4 ( This match had some solid sequences and had flashes of greatness but it lacked a consistency and it took some time after the chin lock to get the crowd engaged again. The magic that the Wyatt gimmick had a year ago is gone and it’s hard to get invested in his matches now. )

BAD (Beautiful and Dangerous) explains who they are and what they represent. That’s pretty much it.

Sasha Banks w/BAD vs. Charlotte w/Paige and Becky Lynch vs. Brie Bella w/Nikki Bella and Alisha Fox
Charlotte rolls up Banks for 2 and Brie sweeps Banks’ leg. Brie pulls Charlotte off the apron and back in, she hits a Thesz press on Banks. Banks drives Charlotte into Brie and she stacks them up in the corner for the guillotine double knee drop for 2. Banks mocks Charlotte so Charlotte catches her with a roll-up for 2. Double knee strike in the corner by Banks gets 2 as Brie saves. Brie and Banks trade forearms and Charlotte catches both with a double clothesline. Swinging neck breaker by Charlotte and she hits a big boot on Banks for 2 as Brie saves. Brie cleans house and she hits a double bulldog for 2. Brie throws some kicks to the chest and Charlotte comes back with a Spear. Wheelbarrow roll-up by Banks gets 2 and she hits a Bow Tie neck breaker for 2. Double missile dropkick by Brie and she throws basement knee strikes on Banks and Charlotte. Banks pulls Brie to the floor and everyone surrounds Fox and the Bellas. Banks dropkicks Brie off the apron, sending her crashing onto her teammates. Suicide dive by Banks onto Paige and Lynch!!! Slingshot pescado by Charlotte to Tamina and Naomi. Charlotte puts Brie on top and follows up. Banks pulls Charlotte down into the Bank Statement but Brie breaks it up. She sends Banks into the post shoulder first and Charlotte catches Brie in the Figure-8. Brie taps!!!
Winner- Charlotte **1/2 (Not the blow away start to this Diva’s Revolution that we probably wanted. This is just above the usual Diva’s match we get on PPV and it’s going to take some time for Charlotte, Banks, and Lynch to get accustomed to the main roster and improve the quality of the division going forward. )

Video package for Cena/Owens airs.

US Championship- John Cena © vs. Kevin Owens
Owens knocks Cena down to start and he works over Cena. Dropkick by Owens and he sends Cena hard into the corner. Inverted TKO by Owens gets 2. Owens slams Cena and follows up with a back senton for 2. Dropkick by Cena and he hits a release gord buster for 2. Cena goes up and hits the Guillotine leg drop for 2. Owens blocks the AA and catches Cena with a DDT for 2. Cena cleans house and he hits the Blue Thunder Bomb. Owens knocks Cena down from the apron and he goes up. Swanton Bomb eats knees and Owens cleans house in Cena-like fashion. Five Knuckle Shuffle by Owens and Cena catches Owens with the reverse Electric Chair. STF by Cena but Owens powers out. Back breaker by Owens gets 2. Owens blocks the springboard Stunner and he hits a release German suplex. Cannonball by Owens gets 2. They trade blows and Cena hits Code Red for 2. Cena goes up for another guillotine leg drop but Owens catches him with a power bomb for 2!!! Cena catches Owens with the AA for 2!!! Cena puts Owens on top and follows up but Owens catches him with the Fisherman’s Superplex for 2. Cena counters the pop-up power bomb with a hurricanrana but Owens comes back with a super kick. AA by Owens and he grabs the STF!!! Cena makes the ropes to break!!! Cena catches Owens with a Tornado DDT for 2. Springboard stunner by Cena but Owens answers right back with a lariat!!! Fisherman back breaker by Owens gets 2. Cena catches Owens with the AA for 2. Clothesline by Cena turns Owens inside out and Owens comes back with the Pop-Up Powerbomb for 2!!! Owens goes up but Cena stops him and follows up. Super AA by Cena gets 2!!!! Small package by Owens gets 2. Cena catches Owens in the STF and Owens taps!!!
Winner and Still US Champion- John Cena **** ( Great match but easily the weakest match of their series. At times it just felt like a greatest hits version of their prior matches and they were doing too much at too quick a pace, as they didn’t allow any particular moment to resonate or any story to really develop to create a true emotional investment. The action was fantastic but hopefully Owens’ matches going forward can be a bit toned down, as matches at this pace will cause fans to burn out on him quick. )

The Miz comes out and says he’s disappointed that the triple threat match is off as he was going to become the Intercontinental Champion. He calls Ryback a pansy and when the going gets tough, Ryback gets injured. He claims Ryback is afraid of him and that he is the toughest man in the building. He claims Big Show is missing as well and says Show should retire. Miz wants to be crowned champion but Big Show comes out. Miz changes his tune and wants to reform ShowMiz but Show just lays him out with the KO Punch.

Video package for Rollins/Lesnar airs.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship- Seth Rollins © vs. Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman
Shoulders to the gut in the corner by Lesnar and Rollins bails. Back in, Rollins throws some kicks to the leg of Lesnar but Lesnar ends that quickly. Rollins goes up and leaps but Lesnar catches him and hits the release German suplex. It’s SUPLEX CITY as Lesnar lands four more German suplexes~!!!! Rollins bails again and he grabs the title, looking to leave. LESNAR LEAPS OVER THE BARRICADE AND brings Rollins back to ringside!!! Back in, Lesnar hits another German suplex. Rollins lands on his feet on another suplex attempt and he hits a super kick. Chop block by Rollins and he hits some basement super kicks. Lesnar blocks the Pedigree and Rollins throws more kicks the leg. Knee to the back knocks Lesnar to the floor and Rollins hits rapid suicide dives. Back in, Lesnar catches him with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Six more release German suplexes by Lesnar and he hits the F-.5. He covers but the lights go out!!! UNDERTAKER IS IN THE RING!!!!! Lesanr and Taker trade counters until Taker goes low!!! Chokeslam by Taker and he hits the Tombstone. He begins to leave but starts to see Lesnar move so he comes back and hits another Tombstone on Lesnar!!! Taker poses to end the show.
Match ends in a No-Contest ***1/4 ( Lesnar throwing suplexes and killing people is never not fun. I figured they would go the No-Contest route here and the return of Taker worked as the crowd went ballistic for his return and the Taker/Lesnar rematch is a hot program for SummerSlam. As long as they go back to Lesnar/Rollins in the fall and Lesnar finishes the job he started, I have no issues with the non-finish. This is one of the rare instances where an angle and a non-finish worked for the finish of a show. )

The final score: review Average
The 411
This is one of those cards where the action throughout the night was pretty solid but nothing will really be remembered long term. You had another solid outing between Cena/Owens (albeit their weakest effort to date), a shockingly good Orton/Sheamus match, and a undercard that lacked any bad or even mediocre matches. But again, as has become the theme for major WWE events this year, some of the booking and decision making is puzzling and coming off this show the outlook for SummerSlam is shaky at best outside of Lesnar/Taker. This show is worth a look but it's nothing that you have to go out of your way to see and it'll pretty much be a forgotten show by the end of the year.

article topics :

WWE, WWE Battleground, Dylan Diot