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Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 5.24.23

May 24, 2023 | Posted by Thomas Hall
AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 5.24.23  

Date: May 24, 2023
Location: MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the go home show for Double Or Nothing and that means it’s time for one final push towards the pay per view. It would be hard to imagine anything else being added tonight, but for now at least, we should be in for a nice hard sell. The Blackpool Combat Club gets a Ring Of Honor Tag Team Title shot this week and you know the Elite will be around. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

International Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Kyle Fletcher

Cassidy is defending and gets knocked down for a fast two count. Fletcher knocks him to the floor for the suicide dive and a clothesline gets two more back inside. Back up and Cassidy knocks him off the apron for a nine count, allowing Cassidy to put his hands in his pockets. A superkick cuts Cassidy off again and a rather delayed suplex gets two as we take a break.

Back with Cassidy getting in a few shots of his own, only to be kicked off the apron. Fletcher grabs a Michinoku Driver for two, followed by a running kick in the corner. Cassidy is back with a brainbuster of his own but Fletcher grabs back to back Tombstones for another near fall. A super sitout Michinoku Driver gets two on Cassidy, because of course it does. Cassidy manages to reverse into a tornado DDT and a cradle finishes Fletcher at 15:05.

Rating: B-. They lost me with Cassidy being dropped on his head over and over and still getting up, but it wasn’t like there was any drama about the winner here in the first place. Cassidy isn’t losing the title four days before a 21 man match after having been built up as this surviving champion, especially to one half of a tag team. Nice opener, though it went longer than it needed to.

Ricky Starks is in the Blackjack Battle Royal but insists that he is in full control against Jay White and Juice Robinson. He’ll do something about it and win the title but here is Robinson to start the fight. White jumps him from behind and Starks is left laying thanks to some chair shots to the back. Well that’s more than White has been able to do lately.

Jungle Boy talks about working at low level shows in Las Vegas and driving the roads here time after time. What matters is being in the ring, which has let him live the life that he wants. On Monday morning, he’ll be driving on that same road, but this time as the World Champion.

Here is FTR to say it’s time to get serious with Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal. Jarrett has broken countless guitars and still can’t stay relevant, but he needs to understand that a couple of rejects from TNA aren’t going to be the heads of the tag division. After Double Or Nothing, Jarrett better go call the Queen Of The Mountain (Dax: “I mean Dixie Carter.”) to make sure he has some job security.

Top Guys are out but here is Mark Briscoe to cut them off. Briscoe asks about the piledriver last week, but Dax says it was an accident. Briscoe won’t shake his hand and instead slaps him in the face. He goes to leave and here are Jarrett and company. Briscoes shoves Karen away, drops Jeff, and tells Lethal that he’s getting tired of his BS. I’m still not sure how Lethal and Jarrett are the top options for the titles but the division has kind of fallen quiet in recent weeks. At least the match should be very good from a technical standpoint.

Sammy Guevara says MJF doesn’t have enough money to make him lay down because he’s coming for the title.

Trios Titles: Blake Christian/AR Fox/Metalik vs. House Of Black

The House is defending and the challengers have selected Lucha Rules for their Dealer’s Choice. Matthews knocks Christian outside to start but gets sent outside by Metalik. Black comes in to kick away at Metalik and it’s off to Christian, who gets planted by King. It’s back to Black to drop Christian, but Metalik comes in with a double dropkick.

A big step up flip dive to the floor takes out most of the House, but Fox is left alone to stare down King. Fox slips away and hits the big imploding moonsault to take out everyone else. Back in and Fox misses a 450, allowing Matthews to Stomp him down. The Prism Trap (hi Rhea Ripley) sends Fox to the rope…which means nothing. Black kneebars Metalik and Matthews no sells Christian’s kicks. King grabs a choke on Christian as Fox finally taps at 5:18.

Rating: C. I know this isn’t the big showdown match or the titles but having a thrown together Ring Of Honor trio coming after the belts isn’t exactly inspiring. The trios division isn’t exactly top heavy right now, though there are some teams out there who could become viable challengers if given the chance. That wasn’t the case here though, and we got a House workout instead of a big time match as a result.

Video on Anarchy in the Arena from last year and the setup of this year’s version.

Blackpool Combat Club is read for Anarchy in the Arena. Jon Moxley talks about how they are the best in the world and they don’t take that lightly. They’ll prove it on Sunday.

Here is MJF for a chat. After mocking the fans, MJF lists off various ways that his challengers can be hurt/maimed/killed (including Jungle Boy being put in an echo chamber so he can hear himself and be bored to death). MJF talks about how four years ago, no one knew who the Pillars were, but now they have given you everything you want. They ARE AEW but MJF is kind of sick of this place. He’s sick of the lack of competition and respect, and hey did you know his contract expires soon?

MJF thinks it is no coincidence that he can lose the title without being pinned, but here is Darby Allin to interrupt. Allin talks about how he was working at the 99 cent store cleaning toilets and living in his car. Then AEW saved him, because no wrestling company is going to let him skateboard with Tony Hawk or drive a car over his house with Travis Pastrana (there uh, might be a reason for that Darby). Allin threatens to win the title and gets hit low.

MJF loads up the Dynamite Diamond but Sammy Guevara runs in for the save. Cue Jungle Boy so MJF goes after him, only to get dropped as well. Jungle Boy holds up the title. They’re trying so hard with this feud and it’s just not making that high level. It’s good, but it doesn’t feel like a main event feud no matter what they do.

Video on Wardlow vs. Christian Cage.

Lady Frost vs. Taya Valkyrie

Valkyrie takes her down to start but Frost is back up with a running hurricanrana. Frost gets sent into the corner and pulled back out for a sliding lariat. A missed charge in the corner sends Valkyrie into the post, followed by a running kick to the head in the corner. Frost’s front flip is cut off by a clothesline for two but cue Jade Cargill and company as we take a break. Back with Frost sending her into the corner and hitting a front flip into a Cannonball. Valkyrie hits a spear and gets two off a Blue Thunder Bomb. Road To Valhalla finishes Frost at 7:30.

Rating: C. Frost can do some nice gymnastics but that’s about all she showcased here. It was more competitive than I would have expected but not so much that it was getting unreasonable. At this point though, Taya almost has to win the title or I’m not sure what else she is supposed to do in AEW. For now though, she had a nice win on the way there.

Tony Khan announced that the first episode of Collision is going to be in Chicago.

Hangman Page isn’t sure if he was ever really friends with the Elite, but they have always been family. Page is ready for revenge and promises to take it back from the Blackpool Combat Club.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring for a contract signing between Adam Cole (with Roderick Strong) and Chris Jericho (with the Jericho Appreciation Society). Cole signs immediately and calls out Jericho for having Britt Baker attacked. Jericho must think that he can do anything he wants but we are going to see just how invincible he is on Sunday. Cole threatens a variety of damage to Jericho and tells him to sign, while calling him a b****.

That isn’t cool with Jericho, who says that isn’t what happened to Baker. We see a clip of Saraya beating on Baker with a kendo stick (as Jake Hager mocks back pain). Jericho asks what kind of a man allows that to happen to the love of his life. That’s enough to get Jericho to sign as he says Cole and Strong are outnumbered.

Cole says it is 5-2, but he made a phone call to someone here in Las Vegas. It’s someone he grew up idolizing…..and I kid you not……it’s SABU. After a long entrance, Sabu pelts a chair at Matt Menard’s face to chase off the Society. I’m not sure what to say here, but Tony Khan’s resurrection of the 90s continues, along with various promoters’ obsessions with trying to live off ECW’s legacy. I mean…..it’s SABU. In 2023. And Jericho and company are supposed to be intimidated? And fans who aren’t diehard ECW supporters are supposed to be interested?

Video on Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm.

Roderick Strong vs. Daniel Garcia

Strong wastes no time with the chops and gets two off his first backbreaker. Back with Garcia curb stomping him but taking too long dancing. Strong faceplants him to take over and hits the dropkick for a knockdown. Another backbreaker gives Strong another two but Garcia is back up to strike away. The Dragon Tamer is broken up though and End of Heartache finishes for Strong at 8:48.

Rating: C+. This is the kind of match that is always going to work as there was nothing technically wrong with it and both guys were working hard. AEW has stars like this to have a fine wrestling match and that is what they did here. Good enough stuff and I’d watch them both do something like this on a pretty regular basis.

We look at Willow Nightingale winning the New Japan Strong Women’s Title over Mercedes Mone.

Double Or Nothing rundown.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros vs. Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta

The Bros, with Alex Abrahantes, are defending and Bryan Danielson is on commentary. The champs send them outside to start for back to back dives, followed by Made In Japan for two on Yuta. Castagnoli uppercuts Fenix out of the air though and we take a break. Back with Yuta cravating Fenix, setting up Castagnoli’s swing into Yuta’s dropkick. Fenix kicks his way out of trouble, allowing Penta to come in and clean house.

Penta kicks away at both of them in the corner, setting up Fenix’s rolling forearm to Yuta. A running Canadian Destroyer plants Castagnoli and Fenix’s Black Thunder Driver gets two on Yuta. Castagnoli is back up to knock Penta outside and a Rocket Launcher hits Fenix for two. Abrahantes gets on the apron and here are the Young Bucks to cut off Castagnoli. The spike Fear Factor retains the titles at 10:28 (as Danielson is FURIOUS).

Rating: B. As usual, the Bros are able to have an exciting match with just about anyone and they did it again here. Thankfully they didn’t do a title switch to mess with the championship situation even more, as that would have just been one thing too many for the Club. For now, they had a main event level match and the Bros get a win over some big names.

Jon Moxley and the rest of the Club come in to swear vengeance against the Bucks and the Elite. A lot of violence is promised to end the show.


Orange Cassidy b. Kyle Fletcher – Cradle
House Of Black b. Blake Christian/AR Fox/Metalik – Prism Trap to Fox
Taya Valkyrie b. Lady Frost – Road To Valhalla
Roderick Strong b. Daniel Garcia – End Of Heartache
Lucha Bros b. Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta – Spike Fear Factor to Yuta



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
The wrestling was good enough and they pushed the pay per view well so I can’t complain that much. Other than the Sabu (I still can’t get over that) appearance, there was nothing too insane or over the top. Double Or Nothing should be good, but I’m going to be glad to get away from the Four Pillars stuff as it really doesn’t feel like a pay per view worthy World Title match. Solid Dynamite though, and they did what they needed to do.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Thomas Hall