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Join 411’s Live AEW Rampage Coverage

April 27, 2024 | Posted by Lee Sanders
AEW Rampage 4-27-24 Image Credit: AEW

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hello friends! Lee Sanders is back with you all for another Saturday night edition of AEW RAMPAGE! The show ended up being pushed to tonight due to the NBA Playoffs. Enjoy your vacation, Lebron James. I’m seeing a gentlemen’s sweep for the Lakers for their early exit this weekend. I have been enjoying the games so far. How about you all? We are hours removed from an exciting week where Tony Khan and AEW trended on social media for the right and wrong reasons. I’m curious to see how everything is handled going forward to help them rebound. Anyway, let’s get on with the action!

Location: Jacksonville, FL

Venue: Daily’s Place

Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, and Matt Menard

MATCH 1: Parking Lot Brawl-Chuck Taylor vs Trent Beretta

We join our two participants, swinging at each other as Chuck throws Trent into a black car. Trent tries charging at Taylor but gets nothing but the car instead. I wonder if that car is real glass, anyway; Trent takes a trash can lid to Taylor’s head. Trent follows it up by throwing a trash can at him before ramming his back with it. Trent ends up getting powerbombed onto a white car. The action heads over to a red truck as Taylor is sent through a piece of drywall in the flatbed area of the truck. Trent follows it up with another shot as he goes to the roof of the red truck. Trent hits an elbow that connects with Taylor, who’s on the roof of the other vehicle, and we head into a commercial break. We are back as Taylor is slingshot face-first into the back of the truck’s rear door. Both men are a bloodied mess as Taylor is suplexed onto broken lightbulbs and more. The action heads over to a white car, where Taylor powerbombs Taylor back onto the windshield of a vehicle. The cover attempt was made, and it’s a kick-out. Both men crawl onto the roof of the car and start slugging it out. I think I saw one of the Bucks watching the match as Taylor powerbombed Taylor. A hell’s gate submission hold is applied as Taylor passes out. Trent Beretta wins via knockout.

Winner: Trent Beretta (12 minutes)
Nice opener full of cool spots and blood, lots of blood. Mick Foley would be proud.

Post-match Orange Cassidy appears to try to calm things down. Trent takes a foreign object to Taylor’s ankle before exiting. Officials help Taylor as we transition to a backstage room where Don Callis looks on from a flat screen. Elsewhere, Kyle O’Reilly talks about AEW coming to his hometown, Vancouver Beach, Canada in May, where he’s looking to wrestle. You know, cause it’s AEW…where everyone can get paid—I mean, where the best wrestle.

MATCH 2: Deonna Purrazzo vs Thunder Rosa

Push and shove exchanges as the women tumble into the corner. Kick to the midsection of Thunder as Thunder comes back with a right hand. Rosa is now in a headlock as Deonna powers out to hit a twisting arm stretch on the left arm. Deonna folds Thunder into the ropes before hitting a baseball slide kick into Rosa. A Boston crab follows as Deonna lets go to showboat to the crowd. Rosa takes the opportunity to hit a dropkick as the action spills outside. Rosa hits a few chops before getting dropkicked on her behind as we head into our next set of commercials. And we are back to the action as Rosa hits a drop gun dropkick and an enziguri, followed by a dropkick. Rosa hits a step-up kick to the face before a cover and kickout. Deonna with a backkick and a kick before a cover attempt and kick out. Rosa had a double stomp and cover attempt, but it was a two-count. Rosa takes to the top as Deonna catches her in a Fujiwara armbar. Rosa reverses with a chokehold as Deonna slams her to the canvas to power out. Nice back and forth as we see a series of roll-up exchanges before Deonna is reversed for the win. It was great timing as she reversed the armbar submission to pull it off.

Winner: Thunder Rosa (11 minutes)
Give me these two girls feuding for a few months, and I’ll be in Heaven. I’m loving this feud. Great match.

Post-match, Deonna isn’t a happy camper as she attacks Rosa from behind. They are fighting near the LED guardrail in front of fans. Deonna flips Rosa off with the middle fingers. I love this! Elsewhere, Roderick Strong is interviewed about facing Will Ospreay at Double or Nothing. Strong doesn’t care about the hype Ospreay is getting. Strong promises to humble him with a backbreaker.

MATCH 3: Big Bill vs Deadmeat victim no. 101

Annnnnnnnnnd it’s over.

Winner: Big Bill (1 minute 10 seconds)
Rating: NR
All about the story angle. Teach him, Chris Jericho, as we don’t need to see more squash matches. Teach him, oh great Learning Tree. Wonder if Jericho trademarked that already…

MATCH 4: Shibata & Daniel Garcia vs Deonna Purrazzo vs Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty

Shibata and Garcia jump Taylor off the break as the action spills outside the ring. Shibata hits a back suplex on Lee. Shibata and Garcia return to the ring to showboat. Taylor and Lee make them pay for it. Taylor and Shibata are going at it inside the ring. Taylor hits a big chop like a bear swatting away a fly. A big headbutt follows as Lee is tagged. Lee stomps on Shibata repeatedly while in the corner. Lee follows up with a knee strike that sends him into the corner, where he can tag Garcia. Garcia with a kick to the midsection followed by a twisted DDT. Taylor grabs on the foot of Garcia while the referee is distracted to hit a high-angle DDT. Why do they have Anthony Ogogo talking at commentary? Man, is it bad! That voice doesn’t match the face and body. Anyway, Taylor, with another chop to the chest on Garcia, followed by a punch and body splash. We are back from commercials as Taylor misses a splash from the top rope. Lee is tagged as he interrupts Garcia from tagging Shibata. Garcia has some fight left as he fights off both men and hits a backdrop driver on Lee to make the hot tag to Shibata! Shibata with a high boot and running pump kick to Taylor. Shibata drops Lee to the canvas as all four men are fighting inside the ring. Shibata hits Taylor with a running boot, followed by chops and punches. Meanwhile, Garcia is dancing as he hits Taylor with a running knee. A kickout follows after a double-team suplex. Breaking news: Rampage is live this Wednesday after Dynamite, so set your DVRs. Lee tries chopping at Shibata but he is no-selling on purpose. Taylor gets in to stun him as Lee pulls off an attack for a kickout. Shibata and Garcia end up putting sleeper holds on both men. Taylor breaks free as Garcia hits a suplex while Shibata kicks Lee upside the head like a football to knock him out for the victory.

Winner: Shibata & Daniel Garcia (16 minutes)
Fun tag match and great energy all around for this one.

End of Show

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend you all!

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Lee Sanders