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Join 411’s LIVE WWE Raw Coverage

June 25, 2018 | Posted by Tony Acero

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

It’s a weird day here in the Acero residence. I spent the entire day watching wrestling. Some random Guerrero matches, the Hardyz 24 special, finished up NXT Takeover, even watched Angle v Benoit. And after all of this, I feel an air of adoration for the product. What this means is that tonight’s RAW can either a) Royally kill the euphoric high I’m feeling, or b) Surprisingly add to an otherwise overdosage of wrestling.

Let’s find out!

Corbin and Angle are in the middle of the ring. JoJo introduces Angle. Corbin takes offense, and she then introduces him as “accompanying” Angle. Corbin doesn’t like that, so he corrects her some more and she gives him a more official intro.

Angle says that after last week, he made an announcement, but over the weekend, Heyman started some rumors regarding Brock’s status and his title defense. Angle is here to guarantee…

Oh, Roman matters, so he’s here. He still thinks he’s the uncrowned champion. No one else does. Roman says he is only here to hear the explanation face to face.

Angle is cut off by Bobby Lashley. Lashley says he deserves to hear this just as much as Reigns. Like he said last week, Reigns had his chance. Three years of chances. The only thing Reigns has proven is that he can’t beat Brock. It’s time for Reigns to move on.

Reigns says to move on like Lashley did ten years ago? Some of us may not know this, but Bob here was in the main event at Mania, then he moved on. He left. Quit. Why? Because he wanted to be a big superstar in the MMA. He made a real big “IMPACT.” Ah, I see. Reigns then asks what Lashley has done around here lately, and while he was doing nothing, Reigns was main eventing Mania four years and a row, and he’s still here every single week. He wants it to be five in a row, so before Lashley ever comes up in his ring, be sure to check out his resume.

Lashley says he has the legit tools to beat Brock. He has proven it and he’ll prove it at Extreme Rules against however many guys Kurt puts against him. Including Reigns.

Angle then says there will not be a multiman match at Extreme Rules. It’s no longer on the table. There was a stip in the contract and Brock pulled out. Lashley wants to know what Angle means. Reigns says Brock doesn’t care. If the money is right, he’ll show up. Brock doesn’t respect anyone here or in the back. Brock doesn’t give a shi—-

Angle cuts off the vulgarity. Lashley then says it’s maybe because he wants someone legit to challenge him. Maybe if he didn’t have to look at Reigns every single time. Maybe an actual challenge. Brock is tired of seeing Reigns’ face, just like all these people are. Brock would come back if he had a real challenge.

Reigns says that neither of them have a match at Extreme Rules, so how about we do it right here and now.

How does that make any sense?

Angle says he’ll take it into consideration to make that match at Extreme Rules. Angle says he has other things to tend to.

The Revival are here. They say it’s a new week with the same old story. Top guys getting opportunities hande to them. The Revival knows opportunities when they see one. Last week, they didn’t think two egos could co-exist. They were wrong then, they won’t be wrong now. They want a rematch.

Corbin speaks for Angle, and says to get the party started. Angle asks for a ref.


Match 1:

Bell rings and Reigns and Lashley hit stereo back body drops then clothesline Dash and Dawson over the top rope. Reigns leaves the ring and sends Dawson back into the ring. He sends Dawson into the corner then tags in Lashley. Double whip into a high elbow. Reigns is about to leave the ring, but Wilder is in and knocks Reigns to the outside. Lashley is distracted, and Dawson takes over. Chop in the corner. Another. Right hand to the face. Short clothesline. Tag to Wilder who gets an assisted leg drop then a cover for 1..2..NO! Uppercut from Lashley, but he gets taken over in the corner. Tag to Wilder who hit a double suplex onto Lashley. Cover from Wilder, but LAshley hits a hard kickout. Push to Lashley. Lashley catches Wilder, and slams him into the mat. Tag to Reigns. Tag to Dawson. Clothesline. Another. Whip is reversed. Reigns with a high clothesline. Reigns with clotheslines in the corner. Reigns hits the distracting Dash, then entertains the cheers from the crowd. Reigns calls for the Superman Punch. Dash pulls Dawson out of the ring. Reigns leaves and hits a drive-by!

We are back with Dash gripping the neck of Reigns from behind. Reigns arm drags out of it. Tag to Dawson. He grabs Reigns, tosses him to the apron, kicks im in the chest, then hits a right. Again. Same. He runs to Lashley and taunts him then turns back to Reigns. Dash gets a cheap shot. Dawson with a stomp. Tag to Dash. Dash with a splash in the corner. Stomps to Reigns over and over. A Dash Splash would be cool. Dash from behind, slams Reigns down then tags in Dawson. He drops a knee to Reigns. Kick to the head. Another stomp to the head. Whip to Reigns. Reigns reverses. Dawson flips onto the ringpost, hitting his neck in the process. Clothesline from Reigns. Both men down. Reigns turns and tags in Lashley. Tag to Dash. Clothesline. Another. One to Dawson. Belly to belly to Dash. Another to Dawson! Clothesline into the corner for each dude. Lashley with a spinebuster to Dawson. Kick to Dash. He locks the head. Stalled suplex! Lashley in the corner on his knees. He waits. Wilder slow to stand. Reigns in and gets the blind tag. Reigns with a Superman Punch to boos. He turns to Lashley. He looks to Spear. Lashley tries for a tag. Reigns questions this.

Dawson knocks Lashley off the apron. Reigns with a spear! Dash is there for the rollup though! Pin for 1..2….3!!!

Winners: The Revival
They couldn’t do this last week?
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: **

Lashley claps for Reigns sarcastically. He is mad that they got beat. He says when he tags, he finishes it. Lashley then walks out of the ring.

Matt Hardy is somewhere with a white sheet. He tells B Team that if imitation is flattery, then their parody last week was WONDERFUL! The last time he witnessed a striking performance like that, his vessel was at the Globe Theatre with his dear friend Bill Shakespeare.

In comes Bray Wyatt. He says that they are just a façade, but their eyes tell the true story: Glory breeds consequence. They have been fixated on their pride without realizing they are leading themselves right into the lion’s den. Matt says that B Team has no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into.

San Diego…..


Out come Matt and Bray, ready for singles action.

On the screen, Curtis Hardy is laughing his ass off. He tells Matt and Bray that there is eternal cornflakes bound by time and space. In comes Bo Wyatt. He says that they are about to be entering a B-hive. Bzzzzzzzzzz. Bo coughs on the smoke, then says they will not rest—interrupted by the smoke—Bo tells San Diego that they are here. Not as funny as last week, but still had some chuckles.

Match 2: Curtis Axel vs Matt Hardy

Matt is quick to send Axel into the corner with some DELETE headbutts. Elbows to the face, and a right hand. Matt kicks. Axel catches and hits a right. Kick to the gut. Whip and Matt reverses. Boot to Matt. Right hand from Matt. He traps Axel up then hits rights to the face. Matt goes to the top rope and hooks the head.
Axel locks up his feet and ends up an odd-looking crossbody into a pin for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Curtis Axel
Fluke wins does not a believable contender make…
Match Quality: NR
Personal Enjoyment: NR
Total Rating:

The B Team celebrate around the ring, then re-enter and are face to face ith Bray and Matt. Matt tells them to wait. Matt and Bray call this victory…..WONDERFUL!

After we get a recap of the Sasha/Bayley crap, we see her arguing with Angle backstage. Sasha, honey, that wig…

Further backstage, The AOP are actin all Riott Squad and push some stagehand. In come Titus Worldwide who stand up for the staff backstage and tells them to have some respect. AOP says thanks but no thanks.

Backstage, Bayley is welcoming Alicia Fox back. Oh joy…I did NOT miss her.

Angle comes in and tells Bayley that tonight, she and Sasha are gonna team up one more time alongside Ember Moon to take on “three members of the Riott Squad” um…. are there more? This is, according to Michael Cole, the last chance for them to work as a team.

What the…who the…man…..who writes this?

Oh shit! That’s the homie Ruben on the jobber team!!! What upppppp!!!

Match 3: Authors of Pain vs My BOY RUBEN IGLESIAS and some other Dude

WE get Rich tossed into the ring the hard way. Tag to Akam and he sends Rich right back out then sends the first dude back in the ring. He gets a firemans then drives the dude into the corner. Razar comes in and hits a hard clothesline. Cover for 1..2…3!!!


Match Quality: NR
Personal Enjoyment: NR
Total Rating: NR

Baron Corbin is backstage yelling at Angle for creating imploding tag teams. Finn comes in and wonders why the match was cancelled. Corbin calls Finn short. Finn wonders if the manager at TGIFridays allowed Corbin to wear his vest.

Braun comes in and says he feels kind of bad tossing Owens into shit. He wants to tag with Owens. Angle says this show is off the rails. Braun says he would like to face Finn and Corbin. Angle like this idea.

We come back to the show, and Mickie matters once again. She is with Alexa, who is all smiles.

After a recap of last week, Mickie James has something to say. She wants us to give it up for the one and only Goddess of WWE and three-time RAW Women’s Champion, Alexa Bliss.

Alexa appreciates the intro. Mickie ays she deserves it, considering her celebration last week was completely ruined. We all saw what that angry maniac did to Alexa. Alexa says this is why she is suspended for 30 days. Mickie can’t believe Alexa is standing. ALexa says she is ok, she’s a champion, she is very glad that Angle has seen Ronda’s true colors. Ronda is an entitled, spoiled, brat. Even after everything, Ronda clearly doesn’t understand the rules. What she did at MitB was legal. Mickie says it may go down as one of the greatest cash-ins ever.

Alexa knows. She was there. She saw the tweets. But how is she rewarded? By having to defend her title against Nia Jax.

Alexa is still standing. Nia is in therapy, Ronda is suspended, and Alexa is here, champion. What’s funny is that for as long as she has known Nia, she has had this ability to paint herself as the victim every time. She walks around like all of us thinking that she is the hero in her own story. Nia thinks Mania is the end to her story. Backlash was the sequel. Alexa says the “different” girl overcame the pretty one. This is real life, and in real life, she is the hero.

So Natalya comes out to pretend to be a cat.

Alexa laughs her off. She is impressed that Nattie and Ronda can count backwards from 30. What’s more surprising is that Nattie left her five star vacation to interrupt Alexa. How would she know this? Oh cuz Nattie posts her entire life on social media. Alexa thanks Nattie for nothing, she is dismissed. Nattie said she had a talk with Angle, and he said that they have a match right here….right now…


Oh, and Nattie didn’t come back from Tahoe alone…

The music from Jurassic Park hits, and a T-Rex comes down to attack!

I’m kidding.

It’s not even funny.

Ugh….RAW, you suck the inspiration out of me…

Match 3: Natalya vs Alexa Bliss

We come to the match in progress. Alexa has a leg scissors on Natalya from behind. Nattie turns into the hold so Alexa locks the head to go along with the head scissors. Nattie is able to stand out of the hold, Alexa rolls over and up, but Nattie rolls through and goes for the sharpshooter. Alexa gets to the ropes, though, and pulls the RAW banner away. The ref fixes it and Alexa kicks to the side of the knee then the face. Cover for 1..2…NO!! Alexa locks the leg scissors in again. Nattie escapes. Michinoku Driver by Nattie. Alexa is able to drop her, knees to the gut, and a back flip into a cover for 1..2…NO! Alexa stomps the back of Nattie and smashes her face into the mat. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Another cover for 1..2..NO!! Alexa screams at Nattie to give up. Nattie stands, she clips the foot and shoves Alexa down. Alexa drops the fists, but Nattie hits a clothesline .Another. Snap siplex from Nattie. Side Russian Leg Sweep. She hits the ropes, steps over Alexa’s back, Mickie grabs the feet, and Nattie is distracted. Rollup from Alexa for 1..2…NO!!!

Alexa with a hard right to the face!!! Alexa hits the ropes. NIA PULLS THE FEET OF ALEXA! Nattie turns. Sharpshooter to Alexa Bliss! Alexa taps!

Winner: Natalya
I just don’t know who the bully is anymore…
Match Quality: *1/2
Personal Enjoyment: *1/2
Total Rating: *½

SO let me get this straight, Nattie is friends with Ronda. Ronda had been punked by Nia for weeks prior to their match. Nia showed no change in opinion from week to week, but now she is hugging Nattie in the ring?

Backstage, a photographer is taking photos of Jinder and Senor Singh. In come the Riott Squad who want to help. They pretend to take a photo then drop the camera hard, brekaing it. Jinder, instead of getting upset, raises a single hand in peace and solidarity…

Guys….I’m losing it.

So Kurt Angle is preventing a match between Sasha and Bayley because they’re too valuable. So….Kurt Angle, the GM of RAW, is preventing an altercation between two people are paid solely for their ability to have altercations that are worthy of people paying for, yet the GM of RAW would rather keep them apart because…they’re….too valuable…

Match 4: Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Ember Moon vs The Riott Squad

Bayley and Logan to start. Tag to Ember. Ember tags in Sasha. Double suplex and Sasha hits some running knees. Cover for 1…NO! Logan kicks out. Sasha backs Logan into the corner and Ember blind tags then comes in to rollup a pin for 1..2..NO! Logan rushes Ember into the corner. Morgan in after a tag, she bends backwards ala Matrix to escape a punch. Ember hits the ropes, slides on her knees, then grabs Liv and sends her face first into the mat. Riott Squad in the ring and all three faces hold them back. Ember Moon with a suicide dive into Ruby and Liv. She lands on her feet.

We are back from a break and Cole reminds us this is the last chance Sasha and Bayley have. Stupid. So Ruby shoves Sasha which gets her in the ring, and the ref gets in her face while the heels beat up on Ember. Ember eventually gets a tag and Sasha hits a clothesline a few times then a drop kick followed by a clothesline to both Logan and Liv. Kick to Ruby, knees in the corner. Logan on the apron, Sasha is distracted, goes for the knees, and Ruby moves then hits a superkick! Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Bayley stops the pin! Logan sends Bayley to the outside. Ember pulls Logan outside. She hits a spinning elbow! Liv off the apron with a hurricanrana. In the ring, Sasha gets a jackknife cover. 1..2..NO!

Liv on the apron. Sasha shoves her off the apron. Ruby with the rollup! 1…2…..3!!!

Winners: The Riott Squad
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *

IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE MATCH, bayley goes ape shit!!!! She mounts Sasha and beats her down over and over! She sends Sasha into the corner. Stomp after stomp. The crowd goes wild! Bayley grabs Sasha by the hair and Sasha tries to fight back. Bayley hits a knee. She grabs Sasha by the hair and sends her face first into the second turnbuckle! Bayley grabs Sasha off the apron corner and drops Sasha hard onto the mat outside!!!! Bayley grabs Sasha again, and sends her flying into the ring steps. She isn’t one. She sends Sasha into the steps again, face first!

Bayley hops on Sasha, grabs her face, and yells at her that she is not better than Bayley.

Peeps come down to help Sasha out.

Backstage, Angle tells a ref to let him know when he finds Bayley, as if we didn’t JUST see her leave the ring and go backstage….

Owens comes in to tell Angle that Braun doesn’t want to be his friend. He thinks Braun wants to eat him. Angle isn’t doing this to torture Owens. Who knows, this could all be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Mojo Rawley gets some mic time before the rematch. He says he’s embarrassed to be out here. He wants to know who the conga line is, and why are they here. You have to earn the right to walk down a WWE ramp. They havent earned that right and neither has No Way Jose. Mojo mad dogs the line, gets in the face of one of them, calls him a clown. He’s a cheeseburger named Todd. Mojo wants to know if he’s aware that he’s dressed like a cheeseburger on global television. Is this going to make his mother proud? Is this how he will get a contract? This will be the closest Todd will ever get to being a WWE Superstar. He will never get a contract. Mojo turns to Jose, and tells him that he’s not getting a rematch.

Mojo tosses the mic. No Way hops out of the ring and gets in the face of Mojo. Mojo with a hard right hand to the surprise of Jose!

We want Todd chant.

Angle is backstage. Bayley can explain. Angle says next week, she will undergo counseling. Bayley asks what about Sasha. She says she doesn’t need counseling. Angle says she is going or she is fired…

What a way to ruin what we JUST saw. Bayley looking immediately regretful and concerned. Ugh.

Match 5: Finn Balor and Constable Corbin vs Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman

Corbin and Owens to start. Owens with a shoulder tackle that does not knock Corbin down. Rope work and Corbin hits a shoulder tackle that sends Owens to the mat. Kevin with a boot out of the corner. Kick t othe gut and a right hand. Another. Owens to the top rope, but Corbin with a right hand, and Owens drops down off the corner. Tag to Balor and he goes to the 2nd rope to drop an axe handle. Balor works the arm and Corbin tags himself back in. Kick from Owens. A chop. Another. Right hand. Whip to Corbin who stops it and goozles! Chokeslam attempt, but Owens rolls out of it. Tag to Braun. Lockup from both the big men. Braun screams after the break up. Another lockup and a go behind. Baron shoves Braun from behind. Braun turns with a huge grin. Test of Strength fake out and Corbin hits the ropes. Braun puts his hand on the chest and shoves Baron down. Hard right and Corbin is down again. Tag from Braun to Owens who yells to “GET IN THERE!” Tag from Corbin. Test of strength and Owens kicks, then scrapes the back. Owens with a chop. Kicks in the corner send Finn down. Owens with more stomps. Owens pulls then stomps. Knee to the back. Cravat from behind. Owens with a cheap shot to Baron. Owens goes for a cannonball maybe but Corbin gets in the ring. Owens with aboot. Braun in and they double team Baron. Cannonball to Baron and a splash to Finn at the same time!

Back, and Cole seems more confused at a Braun and Owens pairing than a Corbin and Finn pairing, because he’s an idiot. Owens and Finn are in the middle of th ering. Owens reaches for a tag, but Finn turns him around, locks the head, and drops an elbow. Pin for 1..2..NO! Tag to Corbin who whips Owens into the corner, then owens gives him an elbow. Strowman is in! Tackle. Again. Strowman drops a fist to the chest of Corbin. Splash in the corner. Another attempt, but Corbin hits a boot. Tag to Finn. Braun grabs him and brings Finn in the hard way. Corbin is in the ring and Braun clotheslines him to the outside. Braun runs around the ring, trucks Finn down, then tackles Corbin on the other side, and right back into the ring! He screams for Kevin! He then tells Kevin to do the go-round the ring as well! Tag to Owens. He runs, trucks Finn, and runs right into a clothesline from Baron. Haha. Braun rushes around the ring and grabs Corbin off the apron and tosses him into the barricade! Braun then goes to squash Corbin in the corner, but Corbin falls and Braun hits the post. In the ring, Balor hits a slingblade, and waits for Owens to stand. Corbin with a blind tag, and Finn shows frustration. He high kicks Corbin. Kevin with an attack from behind. He sends Finn into the ropes, but Finn sends Owens out. Finn hits the ropes for a possible suicide dive, but Baron is there to grab the foot of Finn! He pulls
Finn to the outside and they fight up the ramp. The ref is at 7 with Owens and Braun counting in the ring. Owens and Braun win via countout.

Winners: Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman
Fun match that made no sense.
Match Quality: **1/2
Personal Enjoyment: **1/2
Total Rating: **½

Owens is excited about the win. He extends his hand to Braun. Braun stares intently. He refuses to shake. Owens decides to just leave the ring and run up the ramp. He yells that they did great. Braun asks for his briefcase, then leaves the ring. Owens runs to the back, and Braun chases after him.

Backstage, Owens is rushing through the halls. Braun is quick to follow, wondering where Owens is. He asks a concessions dude where Owens is. This guy doesn’t know who Kevin is. Braun says he is the guy who looks like he has a bowling ball under his shirt…

So we see Kevin leaving the arena, going up a ramp, and asking an awkwardly placed valet dude where Owens keys are. He says he does not have them, but that guy does. Braun is nearby with the keys. He asks if Owens has insurance, because “there’s your car.”

We turn, and Kevin’s car is upside down and smoking.

Why? What does this….and why are….fuck man, my head….

Seth comes out first.

Dolph comes out to no music after the record scratch….he stands at the top of the ramp. Twenty long ass seconds later, his music plays.

Then Drew’s does….


We return after a break, and Seth Rollins’s music plays all over again.

Match 6: Intercontinental Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins

ROllins chases Ziggler then stomps him out until Ziggler rolls out of the ring in frustration. Ziggler rolls back in then Seth locks up from behind and pushes ziggler in the corner. Ref counts as Seth holds on. Test of Strength after the break. Ziggler kicks. Right hand to Seth’s face. Ziggler witha. Right, but it’s blocked. She with a crucifix pin for 1, then an arm drag into an arm bar. Ziggler escapes, he hits some rights in the corner then snapmares Seth down. Ziggler drops an elbow. He works the arm and goes behind Seth. Side headlock from Dolph. Takedown to Seth. Seth stands. Dolph does as well, then takes Seth back down. Again, up, then down. Seth with a dropkick to the face out of nowhere! Ziggler rolls outside and talks to Drew a bit. Seth follows and stares Drew down. Ziggler runs from behindDrew and attacks Seth, but Seth just tosses him into the barricade! Seth faces off with Drew as we go to commercial.

We are back, and Ziggler has the upperhand by stomping the knee of Seth. He drops another elbow to the chest. Cover for 1..2..NO! Rear chinlock from Ziggler. Seth fights out. Ziggler oushes Seth in the corner then gets whipped by Rollins hard into the corner. Both men are down. After a time, Rollins rushes the corner but Dolph lifts him up and over to the outside! The ref starts the count as Seth slowly gets up and rolls in. Ziggler covers for 1..2….NO! Ziggler with some stomps. Ziggler chews his gum vigorously. Ziggler whips, Seth kicks the shoulder, Seth locks the head. Goes for a suplex, but Ziggler floats over and locks in the Sleeper! Rollins escapes, goes for a back suplex but Ziggler lands on his feet and locks on the sleeper hold again! Rollins rolls out. Seth hits the ropes. Dolph too. They crash in the middle of the ring! Both men up. Chop to Ziggler. Another. Whip to the corner. Boot from Seth. He foes to the 2nd rope, flies off, lands on his feet, hits the ropes, slingblade!!! Clothesline to Ziggler, sending him over the top rope! Seth hits the ropes. Suici—-NO! Drew was there to stop the run! He clubs the bac of Seth, and Seth tumbles. Ziggler in and attacks the back of the neck. The ref decides to send Drew McIntyre to the back! Drew argues! Seth with a rollup behind the ref. He gets a three, but the ref is busy with Drew! Seth sends Dolph to the outside. Suicide Dive to Drew and Ziggler! He rolls Ziggler back in. Seth to the top rope. Ziggler up to clip the ropes! Pin for 1..2…NO!!

Back from another break, and Seth hits the ripcord knee! Pin for 1…2…NO! Ziggler has the boot on the rope! Commentary continues to be dumb, particularly Cole by saying “the story here” is Drew being sent to the back. That is clearly NOT the story…

Seth has Ziggler on the apron. He flips up for a powerbomb, but Ziggler escapes with rights and sends Seth to the mat. Seth hops back up on the apron. Ziggler runs to him. Ziggler with a DDT ON THE APRON!!! The ref starts to count. He is at 5 when Dolph runs into the ring. Seth stands at 8. He rushes in the ring at 9! Ziggler up first. He calls for a superkick. Seth catches him! Buckle Bomb! Superkick to the face of Ziggler! Pin for 1..2…NO!!!! Seth to the top rope. Ziggler rushes up as well and hugs Seth. Headbutt. Right hand from Ziggler. He runs back up. Seth sits down and hits another headbutt. Ziggler falls to the ring. Seth stands tall. Frog Splash! Pin for 1..2…..NO!!!! Seth is up first this time. He stares at the crowd, holds onto the ropes, then stomps. He wants the curb stomp. He turns. Huge kick to the gut. Stomp attempt, but Ziggler moves. He goes for the Zig Zag, but Rollins shoots him off. Rollins with a rollup for 1..2…NO!!! Switch and Ziggler rolls up for 1..2..NO!!! Another reversal for 1..2…NO!!! Ziggler sends Seth into the corner, and he hits the post hard! ZIG ZAG!!!! Pin for 1..2……NO!!!!!Crowd is super hyped!

Ziggler grabs the hair of Seth and they both get to their knees. They stand. Ziggler gets him in the corner. Ziggler tries to sit Seth on the corner. Ziggler hops up. He locks the head and lifts the arm. He wants a superpplex, but Seth blocks. He holds onto the ropes. Dolph tries to stand on the top, Seth locks up. He looks behind him. He tris to superplex DOlph to the outsdie but Dolph holds on and cinches the head now! Seth is now on the top rope, back facing the ring.

SUPERPLEX INTO THE FALCON ARROW! Pin for 1…2…NO!!! DREW MCINTYRE IS HERE TO pull the ref out. Drew enters the ring. He attcks Seth! Bell rings.

Slow to start, but damn did they kick it into high gear.
Match Quality: ****
Personal Enjoyment: ****
Total Rating: ****

Drew continues his onslaught then grabs Dolph and stands him up. They grab Seth and look to inflict more punishment until…

ROMAN REIGNS music hits! Dolph exits the ring. SPEAR TO DOLPH! Roman enters the ring. He and Drew go right at it! Headbutt from Drew! Reigns bounces off the ropes with a SUperman Punch! Drew stands aside Dolph on the outside staring down Reigns and Seth.

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero