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Pantoja’s WWE NXT Review 8.24.21

August 25, 2021 | Posted by Kevin Pantoja
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Pantoja’s WWE NXT Review 8.24.21  


August 24th, 2021 | Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida

I haven’t been into NXT lately and don’t like the sound of the new regime but TakeOver was good so let’s see.

A white limo with a dollar sign on it pulled up and out stepped Ted DiBiase and Cameron Grimes. They hit the ring for a promo where DiBiase put over Grimes as worthy of taking over as Million Dollar Champion. Cameron thanked him and when they asked where they go next, they both said TO THE MOON and money shot out at the crowd. Pointless but kind of harmless.

Ridge Holland vs. Timothy Thatcher

Okay, this could be good. Pete Dunne was out with Holland, while Ciampa accompanied Thatcher. Holland still has a lot of work to do but this was a good battle of power against technical acumen. That size became a problem for Thatcher, who was on the defensive throughout a commercial break. Thatcher came back by winning a slugfest and trying for a submission only for Holland to shut him up and beat him with a jumping enziguri and Northern Grit after 10:36. This was largely fine but the finish was a bit out of nowhere. [**¾]

A fight broke out after the bell involving Thatcher, Ciampa, Holland, and Dunne but then out came Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch to make it 4-on-2. Thatcher took a shot from Holland’s club in both the arm and throat.

We had a quick sit down interview with Carmelo Hayes, who says he’s used to facing bigger opponents and odds.

In a backstage interview, Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis announced their wedding date is on September 14th. Again, this angle feels rushed.

Gigi Dolan and Jacy Jayne vs. Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter

Kacy and Kayden have incorporated some of their fun TikTok dances to their entrance. Gigi Dolan looks incredible and I’m here for this new team. They showed off a fair amount of aggression and personality for a team that was likely to just job. Kayden and Kacy are super likable and it showed here. Kayden got a hot tag but still took a bit of a 2-on-1 beating at points. Kacy made the save and they won with a neckbreaker/450 splash combo in 4:18. An enjoyable tag. If only there were champions around to do anything with. [**]

Raquel Gonzalez was interviewed and expects that things aren’t done with Dakota Kai. Meanwhile, she has been waiting for Kay Lee Ray to make her way over. She can bring it. Franky Monet and the Robert Stone Brand interrupted to say she doesn’t wait in line and is coming for the title.

A Kay Lee Ray vignette aired.

Odyssey Jones was interviewed and basically said he’d win the tournament. Nothing special here.

Kay Lee Ray vs. Valentina Feroz

KLR is a great addition to the division. She worked the arm and dominated this one as expected before winning with the Gory Bomb in 2:53. Just what it needed to be. [NR]

Backstage, Gigi Dolan and Jacy Jayne had Mandy Rose come up to them, offering advice on how to never feel like this again. Interesting even if their personalities don’t seem to mesh.

Our new NXT Champion Samoa Joe came to the ring. He talked about beating Karrion Kross and how he’s now the king of the “land of savages.” He knows that everyone wants a piece and he called out whoever was first to challenge him. The best possible person responded in Pete Dunne. He said Joe wasn’t the baddest around and told him to have Regal make the match. They were unfortunately cut off by LA Knight. He said he’d beat Joe for the title but Dunne stopped him, suggesting that he’ll break his fingers if he came closer. Next up was a battered Kyle O’Reilly. He threw some disses out to Peter Doone, Samoa Joseph, and La Knight before Ridge Holland jumped him. Ciampa also came out for a fight, with Joe taking out Knight and Holland headbutting Ciampa.

Outside, DiBiase left and switched the Million Dollar Title for a replica. Grimes smiled as DiBiase drove away and said, “That damn Ted DiBiase.” Okay, that’s a cool ending for this angle.

Backstage, Duke Hudson attacked Kyle O’Reilly and they had to be separated by officials.

NXT Breakout Tournament Finals: Carmelo Hayes vs. Odyssey Jones

To give this a big fight feel, William Regal was watching at ringside. I wouldn’t say that it helped. Right from the start, Hayes’s size disadvantage was clear and Jones tossed him around. Heading into a commercial break, Hayes was knocked out of the air on his springboard attempt. Returning, Hayes started focusing on the knee in order to cut his opponent down to size. He hit a successful springboard move and the crowd was split on these guys. Hayes went to the well once too often, missing his second attempt at a flying ax kick. He got splashes, only to turn it into a crucifix pin to win in 10:32. A fine match and both guys impressed throughout the tournament. [**¾]

Regal handed Hayes his contract for a future title shot but he won’t tell us which championship he’s going after.

Pete Dunne and his buddies said they’re ready to hurt Thatcher and Ciampa.

Boa vs. Xyon Quinn

What’s a Xyon Quinn? Anyway, this was here to get Boa a win or so I thought. He got distracted looking at Mei Ying and fell to a forearm for the upset in 1:13. [NR]

Johnny Gargano complained to William Regal and demanded he call off the Index wedding. They argued a bunch and LA Knight also showed up to yell, so Regal threw them both out.

Malcolm Bivens was overseeing a training session and they announced that Roderick Strong will issue another open challenge next week. They hope KUSHIDA is listening.

Hit Row Records vs. Legado Del Fantasma

Our main event surrounds the North American Title picture and two top stables. This feels like Swerve’s first match in a while. Anyway, the teams traded entertaining stuff to start before Legado del Fantasma took control and worked things over through a commercial break. When they returned, BIG BOI Top Dolla started going. He picked up ALL THREE members of Legado at the same time in a really impressive show of strength. Swerve got two on Escobar with a 450 splash before B Fab came face to face with Electra Lopez. Her appearance fell kind of flat though it did lead to Lopez throwing a pipe for Swerve so Escobar could roll him up and steal this in 13:57. A really solid match that didn’t blow me away but was entertaining. [***¼]

The final score: review Good
The 411
This was kind of what I’ve come to expect from NXT lately. There was a lot of fine and good things on this but nothing was awful and nothing was fantastic either. That makes it a good show and nothing more.

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Kevin Pantoja