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Scott Steiner Recalls Almost Dying After Throat Injury In Puerto Rico

March 2, 2025 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Scott Steiner Image Credit: Impact Wrestling

Scott Steiner recently recalled how he nearly died after suffering a throat injury during a match in Puerto Rico. Steiner was a guest on Talk is Jericho and recalled the injury and how he didn’t think it was serious until it very suddenly was. You can see the highlights below, per Wrestling Inc:

On going to the hospital over the injury: “It was really strange because I started feeling cold, and I went to eat and my throat–it was very hard to swallow. Finally I jumped in the shower, take a hot shower and nothing would work and I started shaking, and finally I called the ambulance…I actually went to the same hospital that Bruiser Brody died [in]… I talked to the [doctor] and he says, ‘You’ve got five hours to live.'”

On going int a coma following surgery: “I remember waking up to them pulling the chord, the breathing tube out of my throat…but I come to find out I was in a coma for two days. It didn’t feel like any other surgery that I had.”

article topics :

Scott Steiner, Jeremy Thomas