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Winfree’s AEW Revolution 2023 Report

March 6, 2023 | Posted by Robert Winfree
AEW Revolution MJF Image Credit: AEW
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Winfree’s AEW Revolution 2023 Report  

Hello, everyone and welcome to our live AEW Revolution coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas and tonight I will be covering the Zero Hour pre-show before Robert Winfree comes in to handle the main pay-per-view card. The show is taking place at the Chase Center in San Francisco, California. It’s a hell of a show tonight as Brian Danielson takes on MJF in an Iron Man match for the AEW World Championship, Jamie Hayter defends her AEW Women’s World Championship against Saraya and Ruby Rose, Jon Moxley takes on Hangman Page in a Texas Death match and Samoa Joe’s AEW TNT Championship is on the line against Wardlow. The Gunns (Colten and Austin Gunn) defend the AEW World Tag Team Championship in a four-way tag match and the Elite have to beat The House of Black if they want to hold on to the AEW World Trios Championship. Plus we have two big grudge matches as Jack Perry battles Christian Cage in The Final Burial Match and Ricky Starks faces Chris Jericho.

But first up is the pre-show, where we’ll be treated to a trios match. Mark Briscoe and the Lucha Brothers will face the Varsity Athletes and Ari Daivari in what’s sure to be a hectic bout. Plus we’ll probably preview the main card a fair amount. There’s gonna be a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* RJ City interviews Danhausen & Orange Cassidy, who say they’re wearing clothes. RJ asks what their tag team name is, Danhausen says their name is Orange Cassidy and Danhausen and says he wants to curse a bunch of celebrities, but doesn’t want to curse himself and Cassidy.

* Renee Paquette is here to break down the show, and stars with Hangman Page vs. Jon Moxley. We get a hype montage for the bout and Don Callis is there to help break down the match. He says he’s worried about Page because he sees a sociopath in Moxley — which he knows, because he’s one too. Moxley is a bloodthirsty raving lunatic. Paquette says Moxley is undervalued as a technician and puts over the work he is in that respect. Callis says Page has something to prove and that this is a perfect match for Moxley, and Page needs to prepare himself mentally. Renee says Mox would do this for free. Callis predicts that their paths will cross years from now but he hopes for a definitive winner.

Renee asks about the Trios Title match and Callis says they don’t know how to prepare because the House of Black always throws new things out, but he’s putting his faith in the Bucks and Omega even though he’s concerned about House of Black. At the end of the day, the House of Black is scary but also phenomenal wrestlers. In that aspect, he says they match up well with The Elite. Renee asks if she should bother asking his prediction and he predicts The Elite.

Mark Briscoe & Lucha Bros. vs. Air Daviari & Varsity Athletes

Penta is starting off against Tony Nese. They circle each other and nearly go into a test of strength, but Nese steps away and then strikes a pose. Penta signals and then shoves Nese, and all six men are in the ring head to head before a brawl breaks out. The brawl spills to the outside, and Nese gets superkicked in the ring before Feniz leaps off the top and kicks him and Briscoo takes him down. Fenix and Briscoe take out Ari and Woods on the outside while Penta hits a slam on Nese and covers for two.

Penta preps for a XXX and Sterling distracts him, he gets pulled into the ring and Penta sets him up but Nese takes out Penta. Woods tags in and they send Penta hard into the corner. Woods with a vertical suplex and cover for two. Ari tags in and lays in the firsts to Penta, Nese tagged in for a double delayed vertical suplex and cover for two.

Nese starts ti pick apart Penta and tags in Ari, who nails a held Penta in the side with a kick. Fists to Penta, but he turns it around for one of his own. Ari back with a neckbreaker, cover for two. Woods tagged back in and he puts Penta in the corner, Nese in for a kick and then Ari in so they can lay in paired punches in the corner until Penta is down. Whip into the ropes but he stops himself and kicks Ari, he nails Nese. Woods comes in and rolls Penta up but Penta rolls through for a double DDT. He comes off the ropes for a slingblade to Woods! Fenix tags in and he takes it to Nese, springboard arm drag off the ropes! Kick to Woods and he goes for a Tornado kick but Woods kicks him and then hits a corkscrew suplex into the turnbuckle! Cover for two but Penta breaks it up!

Nese is tagged back in and he takes it to Fenix before putting him in the top rope. Nese climbs up and grabs Fenix, but Fenix punches his way out and hits a leaping rana! Mark Briscoe is tagged in and he lays in the chops to Woods and Ari! Woods goes for a German suplex but gets hit with an enzuigiri. Ari whips Mark into the corner but he kicks Nese off the top and hits a neckbreaker to Ari! The Varisty Athletes pull Ari out but the Lucha Bros dive onto them! Mark has a chair, he sets it up and leaps onto it over the top onto all three of his opponents!

Ari back in the ring, Mark up top but gets grabbed and crotched by Nese. Ari tags out, Nese in and leaps up top with Briscoe but gets knocked down. Ari and Nese climb up but the Lucha Bros grab them for a massive double suplex! Ari then with a 450 and cover, but it gets broken up!

Things descend into chaos, Mark Briscoe goes for the J-Driller but Starling hits him with his clipboard! It’s a cover and the Lucha Bros. are blocked from the save — but Mark kicks out! Ari goes for a double underhook, but the Lucha Bros double superkick him. Nese goes to send Fenix out but he flips back in, Nese on Penta’s shoulders and they hit a double team maneuver! Mark with a top-rope elbow for the pinfall!

Winner: Mark Briscoes & Lucha Bros (13:33)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Chaotic in the right way and a very solid starter. It was sloppy in a couple spots, but not bad by any stretch.

Post-match, Abrahantes tosses Mark Sterling into the ring and he gets hit with the Fear Factor.

* RJ City is with the JAS backstage and asks what they’ll do during the Jericho vs. Sarks match since they’re banned. Mark Menard asks RJ to feel his nipples and they’re not hard because he’s not worried. RJ doesn’t understand and Matt says his breath smells. Angelo is frazzled and says he can’t make it right — meaning his hair, which is upset about this situation. RJ asks what Daniel Garcia is wearing and he says it’s soft, but not as soft as Ricky Starks. He says they’ll have the celebration of a lifetime after Jericho wins, and The Wizard shows up to get hyped and then leave.

* Renee hypes the PPV, then we go back to RJ with Toni Storm who asks about Saraya’s strategy tonight. Toni asks if he thinks she’s stupid and he says no, then asks where she got her jacket. She won’t answer that, so he asks if Toni will challenge Saraya if she wins. Toni says they’re such good friends that Saraya would probably just give it to her. He asks if they still do the spray paint thing and she pulls out some paint and he asks her not to do it — and so of course she sprays an L on him.

* Renee is with Britt Baker and asks her about the Women’s World Title match, and she says at the end of the day it doesn’t matter where you came from. Right now, they’re in AEW and they won’t disrespect her. Renee asks what Jamie represents as a champion, and Britt says she’s exactly who she says she is, she’s the hardest-hitting girl and she doesn’t want to ever be on her bad side. Asked about Toni and Saraya’s new attitude, Britt says they’re frustrated because no one gives a damn what they’ve done.

Renee asks what match Britt is most looking forward to and mentions the main event, hoping the 30 minute MJF promos are done but that MJF is underrated as a wrestler and an evil genius. Renee asks about AEW All Access and Britt says she let it all fly and it will answer all questions.

* RJ City asks Powerhouse Hobbs how it feels to be home and he says it feels great, but that’s besides the point. RJ asks about his Face of the Revolution ladder match and Hobbs asks if RJ is afraid, and he says yes. He says to open up the Book of Hobbs and see if he has a preference. RJ asks to see the golden ring, and asks if he can touch it.

* Renee interviews Sonjay Dutt about tonight’s Tag Team Title match and he teases he has a special suit for the show. She asks who the biggest threat to Lethal and Jarrett, and he says it’s the delusional AEW fanbase. Renee asks what to expect from the match, and he says to expect Lethal and Jarrett to leave with the titles.

* We get a hype video for Jack Perry vs. Christian Cage. Renee has Tony Schiavone break down the rules. It’s a Buried Alive match where you put your opponent in the casket, shut the casked, lock it and bury them. Tony adds that Sonjay’s suit sucks.

* We then get a hype video for AEW All Access, which if you haven’t seen it, it’s below:

* RJ City is backstage with Adam Cole and says it’s nice to see him in the Bay…but Cole doesn’t want to finish his catchphrase there. He asks what the experience was like and he says it was nerve-wracking and exciting, as it documents his struggles. RJ says Cole smells fantastic, and Cole says do not smell him. RJ asks about if he’s ready for his return to the ring on March 29th and says he’s never been more ready. RJ asks who Cole’s opponent will be and he says RJ doesn’t deserve to know, but someone on the roster will get the best pro wrestler on the planet who will run AEW as never seen before. And his name: Adam Cole, Bay Bay!

* Hype video for the main event.

* RJ and Renee are united to close this out. RJ is terrified the Final Burial — and here comes Jim Ross, so we’re finishing up! That’s it for me, Robert Winfree is taking over from here. Enjoy the PPV!

Well everyone, JT has tagged out and I’m Robert Winfree and I’ll be handling things for the duration. Thanks as always for being here, let’s get to the action.

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks

We get right to brawling with Starks starting to bounce Jericho around the corners. Jericho with some chops but Starks cuts him off with a shoulder block and poses, leading to Jericho taking a powder. Starks wants to dive, and hits a suicide dive then sort of tosses Jericho into the barricade. Back in the ring Jericho lands a few kicks to try and take over then there’s a weak looking corner whip that Starks sells like death. Is Jericho dealing with some injury or something? He looks a little off. Starks lays in strikes but runs into a cross chop, but he avoids a Lionsault. Jericho hangs Starks on the ropes ribs first then shoves him from the apron to the barricade.

Back in the ring Jericho lays in a few punches, Starks tries to come back but Jericho cuts him off with a knee to the body then a double underhook backbreaker. Again Starks tries to fire up with strikes, he backs Jericho up but Jericho sends him to the apron and hits the triangle dropkick. Next Jericho kicks Starks to the floor and goes back to messing with the fans. Jericho sends Starks back into the ring and grabs an abdominal stretch. Starks fights out of the hold and lands a forearm then a tornado DDT off the ropes for a 2 count. Now Starks tries to climb the ropes, only for Jericho to crotch him and lay in a chop. Jericho goes up top with Starks, he wants a superplex but Starks counters with a gordbuster but he tries a flying nothing only to run into a knee from Jericho. Death Valley Driver from Jericho gets a 2 count. Starks blocks a Codebreaker and counters with a powerbomb for 2. Starks tries a Roshambo but his ribs give out, he and Jericho hit the ropes and Jericho lands a Codebreaker for a near fall. They start trading strikes on their knees, Starks fires up with strikes then sends Jericho to the apron, Jericho heads up top but misses his own flying nothing then Starks hits a Spear for a near fall. They go head to head now and start trading punches, Jericho goes to the body with kicks but winds up sort of running into a thrust kick, not a great looking spot. Starks misses a moonsault and Jericho grabs the Walls of Jericho. Jericho cranks on the hold, but Starks is able to roll through and counters into a single Boston Crab. Sammy Guevara walks down to the ring, but he’s jumped by Action Andretti. All of this distracts the ref allowing Jericho to grab the bat and crack Starks in the ribs with it. Jericho then tries the Judas Effect but Starks blocks it, fires up with strikes then hits a Roshambo to win.

Winner: Ricky Starks
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Solid match with the right outcome, but Jericho has slowed a lot lately and that showed here. A few less than ideal looking spots also knock this down from 3.5 territory.

Final Burial: Christian Cage vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

This is just a casket match with a different name, if you’re curious about the rules. Cage is in a sleeveless turtleneck top, that’s a rare wrestling look. They start brawling right away and Cage runs away but trips up Perry and tries the old “ringpostitis” but Perry isn’t weak enough for that and he pulls Cage face first into the post. Some ringside brawling now, Perry lands a kick and wants a suicide dive but Cage bails and runs through the crowd. Perry chases Cage through the crowd, up the stairs and starts brawling with him there. Perry pours part of a beer onto Cage, I’m sure the fan is thrilled with that use of his twenty dollar beverage. Eventually they brawl back to the ringside area and Cage continues trying to beg off as he heads up the entrance ramp, but that just takes him closer to the casket. Perry starts striking with Cage on the ramp but Cage gets free and runs back to the ring. More strikes from Perry now that they’re in the ring, he goes for a 10 punch in the corner, only gets 7 before Cage slips free and slams him down by the hair.

Some mounted punches from Cage, then he switches to stepping on the hair and yanking on the arms in a modified Palo Special. Some trash talk from Cage but he misses a slap and Perry lands a kick then hits a suicide dive. Perry slams Cage into the barricade, then the steel steps. Headbutt from Perry then he slams Cage’s head into the ring steps. Cage is bleeding, small cut around the right eye, and Perry sets to stomp his arm on the ring steps but Cage avoids it then sweeps the legs of Perry to drop him back fist onto the steps. Now Cage takes the belt from Perry and whips him with it a few times as he drives Perry up towards the casket that’s on the entrance stage. Some choking from Cage now with the aid of the belt then Cage moves to open the casket. Inside the casket are a couple of chairs, but Perry fights him off with strikes. Perry and Cage fight over putting each other in the casket, eventually Cage hits a back drop to avoid a piledriver. Cage sets up one of the chairs, he wants a Killswitch on it but Perry shoves him off the stage then hits a dive onto Cage. Back up by the casket now and Cage tries to beg off but Perry has a chair and goes to clock him with it, only for Cage to take him to dick kick city. Cage closes the casket and bounces Perry off of it a few times, one of those was a gnarly little bump from Perry as he didn’t use his hands. Cage goes to close the casket on Perry, but Perry keeps fighting him off then unloads with punches. Perry climbs after Cage but Cage throws some dirt into the eyes of Perry. Pocket sand remains undefeated. Killswitch from Cage on the dirt, but he knows that’s not enough. Cage sets for the one man con-chair-to but Perry avoids it and grabs a shovel, then uses it to knock the chair out of Cage’s hands. They start fighting with the shovel, both men choking each other then Cage gouges the eyes. Cage has the shovel now but misses a swing, Perry trips him up and grabs the Snare Trap with the assist of the shovel for more leverage and Cage passes out. Perry aligns the chairs, he wants to hit the con-chair-to and this time he goes through with it, crushing Cage’s head. Perry drags Cage into the casket, kisses Cage on the head in a moment of emotion, then closes the lid to send the casket down under the stage.

Winner: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: They absolutely sold the hate and emotion here, this was a solid hate filled brawl between both men with Cage still being one of the top tier chickenshit heels in wrestling and Perry sold the emotions and conflict even in victory.

AEW Trios Titles Match: (c) The Elite (Kenny Omega, Young Bucks – Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson) w/ Don Callis, Michael Nakazawa, and Brandon Cutler vs. House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) w/ Julia Hart

Callis has joined commentary to make everything worse. Omega and Buddy start things out, they trade go behinds then Buddy with some arm wringer offense before Omega escapes then grabs one of his own. Buddy counters a top wrist lock and they run into each other then start shoving. Next they trade headlocks into head scissors and we get a standoff. Black tags in, Matt wants in but Omega holds off on that. Leg kick from Black, Omega didn’t like that and checks the next one Black tries. Omega grabs an arm wringer, Black counters into a throw but runs into a kick out of the corner and hits an arm drag but Black then hits one of his own and locks up a modified biceps crusher. Omega avoids a kick, Black then avoids a One Winged Angel only for Omega to then avoid a Black Mass and we get another standoff. Now Omega does tag out, and in comes Matt who wants King apparently. Black obliges and in comes King. Matt begins to think better of things but Nick wont take a tag. Blind tag from Nick but King just shoulder blocks both of the Bucks down, then one for Omega now as well.

We get a full brawl as things break down, Buddy takes a some offense from Nick then Matt clotheslines him out of the ring. Matt up top and dives onto Black and Buddy. In the ring King lays into Omega with strikes but Omega hits a hurricanrana then Omega dives onto the full House of Black. Back in the ring Nick heads up top and hits a 450 splash but only a 1 count on the cover. Nick avoids a few strikes from King but King slams him down then chops the crap out of Matt and boots Omega off the apron. King slams Omega into the barricade as everything breaks down again. Black with some kicks to Matt as King crushes Omega against the barricade with a crossbody. Into the ring again King lays into Nick with chops and tags in Buddy. Pumphandle from Buddy but Nick counters into a roll up for 2. King tags back in, Nick has no one to tag and King just runs him over a few times. Nick again tries to avoid King and lands a tornado kick then he tags in Omega. Omega up top and hits a crossbody then takes out both Buddy and Black. King no sells a Polish hammer from Omega but Omega drop kicks the knee and follows with a leaping leg drop for a 2 count. Omega hoists King up on his shoulders, hits a Finlay roll then tries a moonsault but King gets the knees up. Buddy follows with a shotgun dropkick, the House goes for their triple kick but Nick and Matt cut off Buddy and Black while Omega then clocks King with a V Trigger to the back of the head. Omega wants the One Winged Angel on King, but King is too big right now. King blocks a snap Dragon suplex and then wipes out Omega with a lariat and both men are down. Buddy tags back in, then Black takes the tag. Nick breaks up a triple team but Black takes him out with a kick, then his a knee on Omega and locks up a leg lock onto Omega but Matt jumps in to break it up. King takes out Omega with a rolling elbow, but Matt gets to run wild for a bit before running into a knee from Black.

Black and Omega are left all alone, they start trading elbows then Black lands a flurry but Omega lands a knee strike. Knee from Black, Omega with another one of his own though and both men are down. Nick gets on the apron but Julia Hart trips him up leading to King grabbing Nick in a choke and putting him out before Matt lands a super kick, then another to set up a V Trigger from Omega on King. Black lands kicks to Omega but Omega hits a snap Dragon suplex, then another one. Julia distracts Omega briefly but still avoids a Black Mass. Omega tries a V Trigger to Black but he moves and Omega takes out Julia. Black Mass from Black to Omega and Nick has to break up the pin. Buddy and King eject Nick, Dante’s Inferno to Omega but here’s Matt to break it up. Matt gets tossed and then King hits a suicide dive onto both of them. King tosses Matt into the crowd as they again look to isolate Omega. Omega is downed, but Nick and Matt pull out Buddy and King. That leads to a series of super kicks to everyone and Omega tags in Matt. They set up the BTE Trigger on Black, hit it but Buddy flies in to break up the pin. Buddy eats a kick from Nick, he and Matt want a Meltzer Driver on Black but Buddy catches Nick with a knee strike. Dante’s Inferno to Matt and we’re done.

Winner: House of Black
Rating: 4 stars
Thoughts: Fun enough match, I appreciated the story of the Elite not quite being up to the brutality and size of House of Black especially with the Bucks being kind of the weak link as Omega still seemed to hold his own. Probably the right outcome too, The Elite chasing might not be the worst thing.

That’ll do it for Jim Ross as Tony Schiavone seems to have recovered his voice and joins commentary.

AEW Women’s Title Triple Threat Match: (c) Jamie Hayter w/ Britt Baker vs. Saraya w/ Toni Storm vs. Ruby Soho

Hayter and Saraya go right after each other, Hayter sends Saraya out of the ring then runs over Soho a few times before Saraya trips her up. Saraya sends Hayter into the ring steps, then into the barricade, then into the crowd. Soho flies in off the apron with a dropkick to Saraya, that didn’t look like a nice landing for Soho. All of them fight in the crowd now with Saraya unloading on Hayter. Eventually they head back into the ring where Saraya resumes laying into Hayter with strikes and stomps. Saraya moves to the apron and lands knees to Hayter then looks for an apron suplex but Hayter blocks the attempt and shoves Saraya into the corner then hits a uranage onto the apron. Back in the ring Soho lands a crossbody onto Hayter and Soho runs wild for a bit including an STO for a 2 count. Chinlock for Soho to slow things down. Saraya returns to the ring allowing Hayter to run wild including a double suplex then a double sliding clothesline for Hayter but she can’t find a pin yet. Everyone takes turns landing strikes, Saraya hits a Page Turner onto Hayter, then Soho takes her out with a knee only for Hayter to hit a chokebreaker onto Soho and everyone’s down. They all start trading elbows eventually leading to Saraya getting ping ponged, only for Saraya to fight them off briefly before getting kicked out of the ring. Soho blocks a Hayterade and hits a spike rana for a 2 count. Soho goes up top but Hayter crotches her and starts laying in strikes. Hayter and Soho fight on the ropes over a suplex, but here’s Saraya to complete the Tower of Doom spot but now it’s Saraya who can’t find a pin. Saraya grabs the pendulum submission on Soho but Hayter clears that up with a clothesline. Toni argues with Hayter, Saraya hits the spike DDT but now Baker distracts the ref allowing Soho to hit the Destination Unknown on Saraya, only for Hayter to break up the pin. Hayter and Soho start trading strikes, Hayter avoids a No Future but Hayter winds up wiping out Saraya with a Hayterade. Soho and Hayter start trading roll ups until Hayter grabs a crucifix onto Soho and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Jamie Hayter
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Decent triple threat, it lacked a little cohesion but the action was hard hitting.

Post match Saraya and Toni lay into Hayter. Baker tries to help but the numbers aren’t in her favor. Soho eventually stands out of the corner and tosses out Saraya then Toni as well. Seems like Soho will be standing with Hayter and Baker, only to clock Hayter with a No Future kick then Destination Unknown for Baker. Toni and Saraya throw fits, then offer Soho the spray can and Soho accepts, painting the “L”‘s on Hayter and Baker.

Texas Death Match: Jon Moxley vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Page comes out to “Ghost Rider in the Sky”, and our rules are that you can only win via knockout or submission. Page jumps Moxley as he’s getting through the barricade and we’ve got crowd brawling right away. Back to the ringside area and Page tosses Moxley into the barricade. They finally head into the ring and start trading chops. Moxley removes his shirt and vest to continue the chop fest. More strikes from both men, then Moxley lays out a charging Page with an elbow. The ref starts counting and Moxley heads out of the ring to get a strand of barbed wire. Moxley and Page fight over the wire, Page shoves it into Moxley’s forehead then boots Moxley down. Page unloads with stomps as we get some awkward camera angles so we don’t see Moxley blade. Moxley is in fact bleeding as Page wraps the barbed wire around his leg and goes to stomp on Moxley but Moxley fights him off and lands strikes then bites at Page. Another wrap of barbed wire for Moxley and he punches Page with it to start another count from the ref. Moxley pulls a fork out of his boot, Page double legs him though and as he fights for the fork Moxley grabs a triangle choke then starts stabbing Page with the fork. There’s blood spurting out of Page as Moxley chokes him then lets go purely for artistic reasons. Moxley grabs a couple of chairs, then stabs Page a few more times with the fork.

Moxley stalks around the ring and gets a chair wrapped in barbed wire. Back in the ring Moxley sets that chair up in the corner, Page tries to fight back but Moxley avoids a charge and Page runs face first into the barbed wire chair. Now Moxley grabs a single leg Crab as he pushes Page into the barbed wire chair but Page wont give up. Stomps from Moxley, then he cracks Page in the back with the chair. Moxley heads out of the ring and tosses more chairs into the ring. The crowd wants tables. Moxley sets up the chairs back to back and drapes them in barbed wire, then goes for something but Page fights back. Moxley goes for a 10 punch, but he’s set up for Page to hit a powerbomb onto those chairs and Page won’t let a perfectly contrived spot go to waste. Page doesn’t send Moxley onto the spines of the chairs, just onto the seat of one which is much safe. Moxley rolls to the floor so he can get to his feet but Page is following him. Page climbs the ropes and wraps himself in barbed wire to hit a moonsault onto Moxley, sick little spot there.

Now Page is the one arranging hardware, he sets one of the barbed wire boards up on a chair but takes too long and eats a Cutter from Moxley back in the ring. Moxley has bladed again and his face is now the old crimson mask while Page’s face blood is mostly gone. Now Moxley goes under the ring looking for something, he finds a length of chain and a couple of bricks. Moxley sets Page’s hand between the bricks and kneels on it, then stomps on the bricks to crush the right hand of Page. Somewhere in there Moxley lost his chain, so he goes out to get it back and coils it up in the ring to hit a piledriver on the chain. Page wont stay down, so Moxley ties him up with a chain assisted Regal Stretch, but Page fights out by biting the hand of Moxley and then lands a right. That hurt Page more than it hurt Moxley and Moxley goes out to get more chairs which he sets up on the floor the sets a barbed wire board across them. Back in the ring Moxley stomps the hand of Page again, then goes for a piledriver but he and Page trade counters ending with Page hitting a back drop driver then a lariat. Now Page wraps his right arm in barbed wire and lands a rolling elbow, then another one but Moxley counters a third with kicks only for Page to catch a third kick and hit a fall away slam onto the barbed wire chair. Page with a Deadeye onto the barbed wire chair now and both men are down. Page is able to regain his feet at 6, while Moxley takes until 9. Moxley heads out of the ring, Page dives onto him and sends Moxley onto the barbed wire board that Page had set up. Moxley starts laughing in the barbed wire, he’s a sick sick man, but he’s up at the count of 8. Page climbs the ropes, but Moxley hits the ropes to off balance him on the top rope. Moxley sets up a chair, then climbs up with Page looking for a Death Rider, they trade back rakes then Moxley grabs some barbed wire and rakes the back of Page with it. Page wont go away though and rakes the wire into Moxley’s face, Moxley drops to sit in the chair and Page tries a move but Moxley shoves him off the top rope and through the barbed wire board on the floor.

Moxley watches Page, and Page manages to get up at the count of 9 and rolls back into the ring. Lariat from Moxley and the ref starts counting again. Page is able to fight to his feet, he’s fired up and they start trading strikes, then trade lariats and Moxley winds up worse for wear. Buckshot Lariat attempt but Moxley counters into the Death Rider then he Stomps Page into one of the bricks. That should be it, but it wont be. The crowd briefly sing the song of Seth Rollins. Page pulls himself up and Moxley locks in a rear naked choke, Page fights to his feet but can’t get free and Moxley puts him to sleep. The ref starts counting Page, Moxley menaces him with the chain but Page gets up anyway and drills Moxley with a lariat. Now it’s Page who sets up the bricks on the long end, and wants a Deadeye onto them but Moxley counters, Page counters back into a rear naked choke of his own and uses the chain for extra leverage but Moxley breaks it with a trip to dick kick city. Moxley wraps the chain around his own neck, and Page clocks him with a brick. Page wants the Buckshot Lariat, and he hits it then another one to send Moxley over the ropes with the chain around his neck. Now Page is hanging Moxley over the ropes and Moxley taps out.

Winner: Adam Page
Rating: 4 stars
Thoughts: I’m far from a squeamish guy so the violence didn’t bother me, but the lack of narrative did. This was just violent spot after violent spot with almost none of it really carrying over and mattering to the eventual outcome. Still, if you don’t mind this kind of wrestling, and I don’t, this was good.

TNT Title Match: (c) Samoan Joe vs. Wardlow

Wardlow attacks at the bell, and Joe heads out of the ring then they start brawling around the ringside area. Back into the ring Joe snaps Wardlow over the top rope then hits a suicide dive. Joe rams Wardlow into the ring post then lays in strikes and sends Wardlow back into the ring. Punches from Joe but Wardlow hits a Whisper in the Wind to take over. Corner strikes from Wardlow then Joe takes the Bret Hart corner bump. Mounted punches from Wardlow then a suplex. Now Wardlow goes to landing elbows, then a chop. Warldow looks a little gassed already. More corner offense from Wardlow but Joe fights back with a leg kick then a leg sweep to drop Wardlow. Joe starts attacking the leg of Wardlow then lays in punches. Wardlow runs into an ST-Joe leading to Joe posing. More leg kicks from Joe the he and Wardlow trade punches only for Joe to cut Wardlow off with another leg kick. Achilles lock from Joe but Wardlow grabs the ropes to get Joe to break the hold. More leg kicks and punches from Joe but Wardlow catches a running Joe with a spinebuster. Clothesline from Warldow then an F10. Wardlow up top, Swanton Bomb but only a 2 count. Joe avoids a punch and grabs the Coquina Clutch, Wardlow tries to fight but just sags to the mat as Joe locks up the hooks for back mount. Wardlow crawls to the ropes and is barely able to get there before passing out. Joe hits a Death Valley Driver, that’ll get a 2 count. Now Joe sets up Wardlow for the Muscle Buster but Wardlow fights him off and hits a powerbomb out of the corner. Wardlow tries to hit another one but Joe cuts him off with a lariat. Joe wants to hit the Powerbomb Symphony now but Wardlow slips free and lands a headbutt then grabs his own rear naked choke. Joe can’t get free and Wardlow puts him to sleep.

Winner: Wardlow
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: There’s deliberate pacing, then there’s slow and this was more on the slow side of things. Having to follow the insanity of Moxley and Page didn’t help but this just kind of existed.

The Acclaimed are out last for this next match so I’ll approximate Caster’s rap. Caster claims they’re going Oakland, giving golden showers and likens the Gunns to single mothers, then claim Jeff Jarrett requires Cialis. OK then.

Tag Team Title Fatal 4-Way: (c) The Gunns (Austin and Colten) vs. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett w/ Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh vs. Orange Cassidy and Danhausen vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster and Anthony Bowens) w/ Billy Gunn

Jarrett and Cassidy start, Jarrett doesn’t want Cassidy to put his hands in his pockets. Jarrett avoids a tie up and struts, Cassidy is unimpressed. This time Cassidy avoids the tie up and slow struts before putting his hands in his pockets. The usual hands free offense from Cassidy, he’s landing back drops to everyone then scares off Jarrett with a fist. Danhausen tags in, he lands several clotheslines as Cassidy slow motion comes over to send Jay Lethal towards Danhausen. Jarrett breaks this up and Danhausen has to try and fight off both Jarrett and Lethal. Lethal tags in Colten who lays into Danhausen. Dropkick from Colten then he tags in Austin. Danahusen avoids a suplex then tags in Cassidy. Cassidy with offense to Colten and Austin, then an around the world DDT to Austin and a suicide dive onto Colten. Back in the ring Cassidy wants the Orange Punch but Austin tags in Lethal. Lethal and Cassidy trade punches for a bit, then Lethal hits a Lethal Combination. Cassidy hits a Stunner and tags in Caster. Caster with a slam then tags in Bowens. Jarrett tries to save Lethal, this winds up with Dutt taking Scissor Me Timbers. Caster and Bowens scissor but they’re then jumped by Austin and Colten. Lethal, who is still one of the legal men, starts stomping on Bowens. Jarrett tags in and hits a Russian leg sweep onto Bowens. Lethal tags back in and hits a knee lift onto Bowens. Colten tags in off of Lethal and they work to keep Bowens isolated with some tandem offense.

Austin hits a vertical suplex then all the heels strut the scissor to mock Bowens. Jarrett tags back in, but Bowens flips out of a back suplex and shoves Lethal into Jarrett then tags in Caster. Caster gets to run wild for a bit, hits an Angle Slam but Jarrett breaks up the pin. Jarrett clocks Bowens then goes for the Stroke but Caster shoves him off only to eat a super kick from Lethal. Colten and Austin attack Lethal and Jarrett, that brings in Satnam Singh to easily shove them out of the ring. Danhausen is up here with Singh now, and he goes to curse Singh but Dutt breaks this. Danhause breaks the pencil of Dutt, then kicks him. Singh with a goozle to Danhausen but Cassidy hits an Orange Punch, Danhausen with a dick punch, and Billy hits a Fame-Asser. Colten and Austin with a double low blow to Billy. Caster and Bowens attack Colten now with a prolonged double team sequence. The Arrival to Austin, Caster hits the Mic Drop but Colten breaks up the pin. Colten and Bowens wind up fighting on the floor. Jarrett gets his guitar, he’s lining up Caster for the guitar shot but Caster avoids it then goes to brain Jarrett but the ref gets involved. Lethal hits Caster with the Golden Globe, Jarrett follows with the Stroke, but only a near fall. Jarret yells at the ref, but we haven’t had a ref bump yet so we can’t have the Jarrett match end. Jarrett and the ref shove for a bit, Austin tags in blind, as does Danhausen. Danhausen rolls up Austin for 2, then a German suplex. Danhausen goes to curse Austin, but misses the pump kick and the 3:10 to Yuma hits and the Gunns retain.

Winner: The Gunns
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: More entertaining than it had any right to be.

Post match Renee interviews Austin and Colten, Austin asks who’s an ass boy now. Colten demands respect, they’ve beaten every good team in AEW. That causes the music of FTR to hit, and after a few tense seconds here come Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler. FTR brawl with the Gunns, Colten eats a spike piledriver, then a Big Rig to Austin. Somehow Dax got busted open hardway around the outside of his right eyebrow but he doesn’t care one bit. FTR pose with the tag team belts to make their intentions clear.

AEW World Title 60 Minute Iron Man Match: (c) Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Bryan Danielson

As a minor note, no break between falls for this iteration of Iron Man rules. MJF comes out played to the ring by violins and in his slightly silly devil mask. Bell rings and we get them just staring at each other. The crowd tries to get the “You’re gonna get your fucking head kicked in” chant but it doesn’t really take off. Bryan looks to engage, but MJF rolls out of the ring to reset. They do tie up and MJF hits an arm drag then poses. Another tie up, Bryan and MJF trade hammerlocks then Bryan hits an ankle pick and goes for a leg tie up. Modified Indian Death lock from Bryan then a bow and arrow hold, and Bryan is just tying MJF in knots. MJF falls into the guard of Bryan then barely avoids a LeBell Lock and MJF scampers away to reset. Some jumping jacks from Bryan to mock MJF. MFJ lands a kick then tries to go after the arm of Bryan but winds up hitting a shoulder block only to run into a hip toss. Now Bryan hits a shoulder block then eats a hip toss, they trade scoop slams and missed elbow drops, then headlocks into head scissors escapes, arm drags go back and forth and we get a double kip up into a stare off.

MJF offers a handshake after that sequence, Bryan debates then just kicks the hand of MJF and MJF rolls out of the ring. Now MJF heads into the crowd as the ref starts counting him out, and MJF tosses a drink onto a small child. Eventually MJF gets back in the ring to break the count, then rolls back out and asks of the camera if this will cost him a star Dave? Bryan goes after MJF but MJF avoids him and struts in the ring. Back in the ring now Bryan resumes out wrestling MJF and grabs a roll up for 2. Jumping full nelson from Bryan, MJF escapes and tries his own roll up but Bryan counters into the Romero Special then just stomps the knees after reminding the referee that he has until five to break a hold. MJF now hides behind the ref, Bryan ignores that and lays in chops and kicks in the corner. MJF is able to pull Bryan into the corner and try to take over. Back body drop from MJF and he plays with the crowd. Another back drop from MJF. Bryan grabs a Small Package for 2 then hits his own back drop. Another back drop from Bryan and he poses. Bryan with some uppercuts now but his arm might be troubling him as MJF escapes his grip then snaps his arm across the ropes. MJF then rams the shoulder of Bryan into the corner. Some water from MJF, he enjoys his little break then heads back into the ring. Running arm wringer from MJF but only a 2 count. MJF looks to work the arm of Bryan now, Bryan fights back with strikes but is pulled down by the hair. Bryan gets tossed out of the ring then MJF hammerlocks him before ramming his shoulder into the barricade. MJF fakes out the crowd but plays with them for too long and Bryan hits a drop kick then hits a suicide dive but Bryan’s arm hit the barricade. Back in the ring now MJF hits a hammerlock DDT for a 2 count. Top wrist lock from MJF, Bryan fights back to his feet but MJF keeps wrenching at the arm of Bryan. Bryan with some elbows but he eats an arm throw and MJF retains control. Hammerlock back suplex from MJF gets another 2 count. MJF goes for a 10 punch in the corner as we pass 15 minutes down according to the official countdown clock.

They fight on the ropes for a bit, Bryan lays in headbutts then hits a Sunset Flip powerbomb and both men are down. Bryan drops MJF into the corner then lays in chops and kicks. Running corner dropkicks from Bryan, he hits three of them then climbs up for his own 10 punch and hits it then sets MJF on the top for a second rope hurricanrana that leads to a 2 count. MJF lands a back elbow, then hits a double stomp to the bad arm of Bryan. They hit the ropes, and MJF counters a hurricanrana with a powerbomb backbreaker for another near fall. Bryan grabs the LeBell Lock, but can’t get it locked in and MJF catapults him over the ropes only for Bryan to try skinning the cat but MJF intercepts with a super kick then does the Shawn Michaels pose. MJF looks for a count out fall as we come to 40 minutes remaining, MJF tries an asai moonsault but Bryan avoids it and MJF lands on his feet but starts selling the left leg. Bryan hits a suicide dive and starts laying in strikes. Back in the ring Bryan heads up top, but his flying nothing is countered into a Salt of the Earth attempt, Bryan is able to counter though only to eat a pump handle driver for a 2 count. Bryan flips out of a back suplex and hits a running clothesline leading to both men being down. Small Package from Bryan gets a 2 count, they trade various roll ups for near falls for a bit before getting caught up in just rolling around in the Small Package position. More pinning positions traded, they’re just showing off in the best way possible here. 36 minutes left. Bryan eats a clothesline, but bounces up and hits one of his own and both men are down. Bryan kips up at the count of 9, MJF is staggering up too and Bryan hits a Busaiku Knee to get the first fall.

Bryan: 1
MJF: 0

Bryan sets for another Busaiku Knee, but MJF just collapses to avoid it. MJF hits a low blow, that’ll cost him a fall, then he grabs a couple of quick pins to even things up again.

Bryan 2
MJF: 2

MJF rolls out of the ring to drink some water and revive himself. Now MJF goes for a Heatseeker but Bryan tosses him off and MJF sells the leg again. Top rope dropkick from Bryan sends MJF out of the ring. Bryan rolls out after MJF and starts laying into him again then charges at MJF but runs into a clothesline from MJF. MJF sets Bryan on a chair in the corner of the barricade, he takes time to adjust his leg then charges but runs into a blow from Bryan. Bryan goes back to landing kicks, then charges and hits a running dropkick as we cross the halfway mark. 30 minutes remain.

Bryan starts wrapping the leg of MJF around the ring post several times, MJF tries to beg off but Bryan has no mercy in his soul for MJF. Now Bryan starts working the leg of MJF, he grabs a Figure Four leg lock to run a little clock. MJF yells that he hates Bryan and slaps him, Bryan just smiles and leans back for leverage, then cracks him a few punches for good measure. MJF tires to turn the hold but when he does Bryan immediately rolls with him and forces MJF to grab the ropes. Again Bryan reminds the ref he has until 5 to break the hold. Bryan trash talks MJF, he goes for a piledriver on the apron but the shoulder gives out, MJF tries a Tombstone but Bryan breaks it. Now Bryan with leg kicks as MJF hits the shoulder, eventually Bryan gets the better of this and kicks MJF down. Bryan sets MJF on the top rope then climbs up with him, he’s after the super back suplex but lands elbows to set it up, wait Bryan’s aiming at the apron not the ring, that’s nuts there’s no way. MJF is able to punch Bryan down and knocks him off to the apron. The camera on the ring post there got broken in that exchange. They’re on the floor still and MJF drives Bryan into the ring post. MJF sets for a table spot, he puts Bryan on the table then climbs the ropes looking to dive onto Bryan and he hits a sickening elbow drop through the table to the floor. MJF demands the ref count Bryan out, and Bryan is barely able to get back in before the 10 count. Now MJF goes out again and looks for something, eventually he just drags Bryan out with him and hits a running Tombstone through what’s left of the table but the knee of MJF can’t take it after the impact and both men are down. Bryan is bleeding now as we’ve got 20 minutes left.

They head back into the ring, MJF wants a Heat Seeker, and hits it that’ll get a fall for MJF.

Bryan: 2
MJF: 3

MJF is selling the leg again, and again he goes out for water. Commentary reminds us that this isn’t a good idea physiologically, but I doubt it plays into anything. Mounted punches from MJF then he poses. Some trash talk from MJF, he tells Bryan that he “fucking sucks” and calls himself the best in the world. MJF appeals to to the crowd, he wants some adulation, then he grabs Bryan and says he warned everyone this would happen while talking to Bryan’s family through the camera. Bryan starts to fire up though, but his elbow strike is weak and MJF just laughs at him, then blows his nose in Bryan’s direction. MJF offers Bryan a free shot, Bryan slaps him but MJF headbutts him down. They roll out of the ring but Bryan reverses a post attempt and slams MJF off of the ring post. 15 minutes remain.

Bryan hits a diving knee from the apron. MJF is down on the floor, Bryan climbs the ropes and hits a diving crossbody to the floor. Bryan hauls MJF back into the ring then climbs the ropes again but MJF meets him up there. They fight for position but Bryan slips free and crotches MJF. Bryan heads back up with MJF and lands punches then hits a spider superplex with his legs in the ropes. Bryan sits up to the top rope, he hits the diving headbutt but can’t follow up. MJF is busted open now, that’s a bad one, and when Bryan finally covers it’s only a 2 count. MJF is definitely a bleeder when he goes for it, that’s a striking visual. Bryan hits a Busaiku Knee, but doesn’t pin instead grabbing a Regal Stretch and MJF weakly taps out. 10 minutes remain.

Bryan: 3
MJF: 3

Bryan grabs for another Regal Stretch but MJF counters this time into the Salt of the Earth. MJF cranks on Bryan Danielson’s arm, Bryan is able to roll through though and grab the LeBell Lock. It’s modified and MJF is able to crawl to the ropes, Bryan pulls him back into the middle of the ring though and locks in the hold. MJF thinks about tapping, but he’s able to counter into a pinning position then uses the kick out to grab the Salt of the Earth again. Now it’s Bryan who scoots to the ropes, but MJF pulls him away from the ropes and switches to more of a traditional armbar but Bryan will not tap. Bryan reaches for the ropes again, but MJF grabs the reaching arm, then the reaching leg but Bryan will not tap and still scoots towards the ropes and finally gets there and MJF has to break the hold. They slowly pull themselves up face to face, MJF lands a punch then Bryan lands one of his own. They’re trading punches on their knees, now headbutts go back and forth as they stand, they’re both wobbly but Bryan lands the harder elbows. Double elbows and both men drop to their knees. Bryan is smiling, MJF is crying as we hit the 5 minute mark.

Both men come alive and Bryan is getting the better of the striking. MJF goes to an eye poke, but Bryan lands a head kick, MJF with a rolling elbow but Bryan clobbers him with a running elbow. Bryan gets sent out of the ring, then MJF drops the arm of Bryan over the ropes and hits another Heat Seeker but only a near fall. MJF goes out of the ring for more water, this time he brings it into the ring to drink. MJF puts Bryan on the top rope as we get an “H2O” chant, I’m sure Paul Wight appreciates that. On the top rope Bryan starts laying in the hammer and anvil elbows, but MJF counters and pulls him over for an avalanche Tombstone but MJF can’t capitalize as his knee is in tremendous pain. 2 minutes left.

MJF finally crawls to a cover but Bryan kicks and grabs a single leg Boston Crab as we go under a minute left. Bryan is cranking the hold, he drags MJF away from the ropes and sits more. Actually that’s a heel hook from Bryan based on his grip, MJF is thinking of tapping but he wont do it. MJF crawls to the ropes again, 15 seconds. Bryan wont relent and catches the arm of MJF, MJF can’t crawl and has to tap just after the time expires.

Loud “Bullshit” chants from the crowd but Tony Schiavone is getting information from the back. Bryan is up and wants more as MJF gets oxygen but here comes Schiavone. Schiavone talks with Justin Roberts and Bryce Remsburg, he’s got info from Tony Khan, this will not end in a time limit draw. We’re now under sudden death rules.

Bryan kicks out the medical staff and takes aim at the pitiful looking MJF. MJF shoves the ref and complains, Bryan with a roll up for 2. Now we get the misdirected low blow, MJF with a roll up but only a 2 count. MJF picks up his belt, the ref tells him a DQ will cost him the title then invites him to hit Bryan with it. MJF surrenders the belt but pulls the ring out, Bryan avoids it and hits a poisoned rana. Bryan goes for the Busiaku Knee, he hits it but only 2! Not gonna lie, I bit on that one. Sadly that does pretty much guarantee that MJF wins. Bryan starts laying in leg kicks, then the single leg Crab again. Heel hook from Bryan, and the ref takes the ring from MJF. MJF is pulling himself towards the ropes, he’s thinking about tapping but he’s able to get to the ropes, but taps to make Bryan think he won. On the outside MJF grabs the oxygen tank the medics left, then he clocks Bryan with it behind the refs back. That’ll do it as MJF grabs the LeBell Lock to the mostly unconscious Bryan. The hand drops once, twice, but Bryan lives! Bryan fights free, the crowd rallies with “Yes” chants but MJF forces him back down in the hold and Bryan has to tap. MJF is still your World Champion.

Winner: MJF wins, 4 to 3
Rating: 5 stars
Thoughts: Imagine thinking Bryan Danielson isn’t the best wrestler in the world, and in fairness MJF more than held up his own end of things. As with most Iron Man matches the first half can be a bit of a struggle given the pacing requirements and knowledge that we’re going to be here the full 60 no matter what, but the final 7 minutes or so was pure magic.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Very Good show, but it didn't quite hit Amazing for me. The opening match didn't click and Jericho in particular looked a little off, the tag team match was fun enough but if they'd removed it from the PPV I don't think you'd lose anything of value beyond FTR returning, and Joe vs. Wardlow frankly underdelivered. But, Moxley vs. Page brought the right kind of sick violence, Jungle Boy vs. Christian sold the emotional heat very well, the trios match was a decent enough break from the standard Elite formula and hopefully that division going in a new direction, and the main event was maybe the best pure wrestler of this generation breaking his back to legitimize MJF as the top dog in the company, with MJF more than holding his own along the way. This was a nice little cap to most of the AEW issues right now, and I'm very curious to see what might happen going forward.

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AEW Revolution, Robert Winfree