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Views from the Hawke’s Nest: Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Sells Out – Volume 1 – Disc 1

July 17, 2015 | Posted by TJ Hawke
PWG Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Logo Image Credit: PWG
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Views from the Hawke’s Nest: Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Sells Out – Volume 1 – Disc 1  

So, here’s the deal with this review. I reviewed Disc 1 & 2 a long time ago, but the 411 system somehow lost my review of Disc 1. Disc 2’s review was not lost though and remains in its original form with the standard recap/analysis review structure. Disc 1 and Disc 3 will be reviewed in my modified style that has no recap. I apologize for the inconsistency.



The Musical
April 17, 2004

Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson

They did a thirty minute draw, and it was a classic case of two guys working for thirty minutes because they were supposed to go thirty minutes instead of having a story that needed to go thirty minutes. A lot of the work was compelling and fun to watch. However, a potentially great match ended up being merely a solid one because of the restrictions. Joe and Ricky Reyes attacked Dragon after the match. (***)


The Reason for the Season
July 10, 2004

CM Punk vs. Super Dragon

These two almost went as long as the first match on this set, but they had even less reason to do so. Punk’s lengthy matches were really hit and miss back in the day. Going long was so en vogue in that 2003-2006 period that I almost feel bad for hating on so many of those matches now. The fact is though, these two did not tell a compelling story. When that happens AND you go a long time, that is a recipe for boredom. Dragon ended up winning clean with the Supernatural Driver. (*3/4)


The Reason for the Season
July 10, 2004

Adam Pearce(c) vs. Kazarian [Loser Leaves Town/Steel Cage Match/PWG Championship]

Adam Pearce is a wrestler that I’ve rarely cared for. He has produced some genuinely great work over the years, but he clearly works a certain style and that style is very hit-or-miss to me. The thing about his character that I like is that his character is a goof that *thinks* he is as good as Ric Flair as opposed to the actual person thinking he is as good as Ric Flair. That aspect can lead to greatness, but sometimes it’s just trash. This was a mix of both. Unlike the Punk/Dragon match, this match was close to be successful at what it was trying to be. It was a bloody payoff to a long feud. Did they execute it in an exciting/dramatic manner? Not so much. The story was solid enough though. (**1/4)


Free Admission (Just Kidding!)
November 13, 2004

Christopher Daniels vs. Jack Evans

This ended up being fairly interesting for the uniqueness of Daniels getting to dominate a smaller opponent. While Daniels is far from one of the smaller performers on the indies, I cannot think of too many instances where he just dominates a match because of the size differential. Daniels did solid work in that role but nothing that made me think he should working that way more often. The bigger issue for me was that Evans’ comeback was just so extended. There was no momentum or excitement in his comeback. The fact that Daniels ended up winning clean with the BME came off as oddly anti-climatic after such a long comeback too. Much like some other matches on this set, the faults here are reflective of the time in which they happened. Doesn’t excuse them though. (**)


All Nude Review
February 12, 2005

Super Dragon(c) vs. Samoa Joe [PWG World Championship]

The big advantage this match had on the last few of this set is that the matchup feels and is worked like it is a big fucking deal. You feel like you’re watching two huge stars do battle. That is a rare quality on the indies. It’s hard to have a presence like that when you’re working on such a small stage. These guys managed to create it for themselves though. Unfortunately, this battle of the titans ended on a countout after Dragon gave Joe the Psycho Driver. Dragon was attacked by Kevin Steen in a Super Dragon outfit after the match. (***1/4)


All Star Weekend
April 1, 2005

Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles [PWG World Championship Number One Contender Match]

These two are responsible for some of the very best matches in TNA history (okay, not the biggest compliment), but I’ve yet to see them have a great match anywhere else. While we didn’t get that level of match, we did get the best match on this set so far. These two know how the work the big man/little man dynamic very well. AJ won this rock-solid match clean with the Styles Clash. (***1/2)


June 11, 2005

AJ Styles(c) vs. James Gibson [PWG & NWA World Heavyweight Championships]

This reminded me of the AJ/Bryan Danielson matches that happened over the years because AJ conformed to his opponent’s style instead of playing to his strengths. I really like AJ as a performer, but I think he is so much better in compact/high energy matches. When he tries to work super serial, it just does not produce the excitement of his style. That can be made up with strong storytelling and great drama; his methodical/physical matches that I see rarely do that. (This is why I do not like his matches as IWGP Heavyweight Champion). Luckily, Gibson is pretty compelling when working top, and that made this match a solid viewing experience overall. The match also had the benefit of ending on a high note, as AJ busted out a cool transition into the Styles Clash for the clean win. (***)


Watch some of those guys in free matches!

Super Dragon & Excalibur vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico

Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles

CM Punk vs. AJ Styles

Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles

Super Dragon vs. Low Ki

Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles

Samoa Joe vs. Necro Butcher

Adam Pearce vs. Colt Cabana

Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
One disc down, two to go...