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Leighty’s WWE 205 Live Review 12.18.20

December 19, 2020 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
Jake Atlas 205 Live Image Credit: WWE/Twitter
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Leighty’s WWE 205 Live Review 12.18.20  

-Busy night as you can check out my recap of the special Friday Night edition of Talking Smack here. Definitely check out the Owens promo to end the show as it was amazing! Now it’s time for Cruiserweight Action with 205 Live. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuiness
-Taped: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, FL

Tornado Tag Match: Ever-Rise vs. The Bollywood Boyz

-These two teams faced off a month ago and with this stipulation this must be the blow off. Nigel tells us the first Tornado Tag Match was held in 1937 in Houston and featured a countryman of The Bollywood Boyz. The Boyz are all business tonight which is good to see. Everyone attacks everyone to start as Ever-Rise get the early advantage. The Boyz bail to the floor, but that doesn’t help as Ever-Rise is right after them. Martel gets tossed into the plexi-glass a couple times while Sunil works on Parker in the ring. Parker eats a boot to the face and then a middle rope bulldog gets a one count. The padding gets ripped off a buckle, but Martel saves his partner. A spinning heel kick gets a two count for The Boyz. Martel is back and he crotches Samir on the top rope and then sends him to the floor. Martel and Sunil have a go in the ring for a bit. Parker is in and Ever-Rise double team Sunil. He fights back with a well timed boot to the face and then everyone is back on the floor. Samir springs off the middle rope with a dive to take everyone out. Martel back in the ring as Parker and Samir battle on the top rope. Samir gets a superplex and Sunil follows with a Randy Savage elbow which gets broken up by Martel. He looks for a belly to back and gets blasted with the video camera for a near fall as Parker makes the save. Parker and Samir throw blows and Samir gets the best of that exchange. Samir gets in a bad spot as he heads up top and gets cut off by Martel. Ever-Rise drop him face first on the exposed buckle as it comes into play after I forgot about it. That ends this one at 6:58.

Winners: Ever-Rise via pin at 6:58
-Solid match that was a little disjointed at times and didn’t have enough hate to really use the stipulation. Overall it was fine and Ever-Rise continue to rack up wins. The ending was pretty good! **1/2

‘The Premier Athlete’ Tony Nese vs. Jake Atlas

-Nese snaps off a quick kick and then tosses Atlas into the corner while letting us know this is his show. A bodyslam follows and then he tosses Atlas to the floor. Nese is in a grumpy mood coming off a loss to Atlas a few weeks ago. He bounces Atlas’ head off the announce table, but makes the mistake of being the second man back in the ring and Atlas is all over him with chops. Nigel talks about Jordan Devlin as we apparently are back to fully recognizing him as the CW Champion along with Escobar. At some point down the line a unification match has to be happening, but that could be a while. Nese regains the advantage and tries a dropkick from the middle ropes but gets caught and catapulted into the corner. Atlas can’t get going though as Nese hits a flying forearm for a two count. A running clothesline in the corner is next and I always loved when Hogan would do that move. Nese hits another forearm as he is apparently really pissed about the recent loss to Atlas. Another running corner clothesline and it’s time for Nese to count his abs. He calls Atlas a punk and delivers a belly to back suplex for a two count. A third corner clothesline is blocked by a well placed boot to the face and both men are down. Atlas tries to rally but gets caught with a shot to the throat. Nese goes old school Randy Savage by hanging Atlas throat first across the top rope and then springs outside and in with the moonsault for two. Nese tries a belly to back again, but Atlas floats over for a near fall. Atlas starts firing up and hits a snap German suplex. He fires off a rolling elbow to the jaw, but Nese is out at two. They fight on top and Atlas gets caught, but is able to transition into a Code Red for two. Atlas back up top but gets knocked off balls first onto the top rope. A Cactus clothesline sends both men to the floor and Atlas is the last one back in the ring just before the 10 count. Nese rolls back to the floor and grabs a chair to get the ref’s attention. Daivari is down and he gets in some shots before sending Atlas back in he ring. Nese hits the 450, but Atlas gets just a small part of the bottom rope with his boot. The Running Nese is missed and Atlas catches him with a Flatliner. The Cartwheel DDT finishes for Atlas at 11:49.

Winner: Jake Atlas via pin at 11:49
-Good main event and again, these kids working with the 205 Live vets will only help them. Atlas could be the next in line for a Title shot once we get to Stallion/Escobar. ***

-After the match Daivari tries to involve a chair, but Atlas steals it from him to send Nese and Daivari packing.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Good
The 411
Solid tag match and a good Main Event makes this one a good show. Atlas should be getting the push on this show and it will be interesting to see what they do as Stallion is next in line. As always this show is an easy watch that delivers 20 minutes of in good in ring action.

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205 Live, Robert Leighty Jr.