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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

October 3, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact 10-3-24 Image Credit: TNA

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of TNA iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. This week, in lieu of Hurricane Helene, we’re getting a “Best of Bound For Glory” show consisting of Bound For Glory matches from the past. So let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: October 3rd, 2024

Match 1: Mike Bailey vs. Frankie Kazarian for the IMPACT X-Division Championship

Tieup into the corner leads nowhere as the fans chant for the Speedball. Bailey with a backslide, Kaz with a rollup, then he goes for the chicken wing & Bailey finds the ropes. Bailey with a dropkick, Kaz with one of his own. Bailey fights off another chicken wing attempt. Kazarian misses a legdrop on the apron, then Bailey hits a moonsault to the floor. Bailey with a chop back in the ring, into the corner, Kazarian places Bailey up top, then pushes him to the floor. Kazarian follows Bailey out and hits some chops on the floor before rolling him back into the ring. Slingshot legdrop gets barely two. Bailey with some quick kicks before Kaz takes him down and locks in a combo arm/leg hold. Bailey kicks his way out of it. Bailey hits a victory roll for two and dropkicks Kaz down. Running corkscrew splash gets two. Kaz blocks the kick, Bailey springboards into Kazarian’s Back to the Future move for the two count. Bailey with some kicks, Kaz answers with the clothesline. Series of nearfalls leads to a bodyslam by Kaz, but he misses the springboard legdrop. Standing kneesault by Bailey. Twisting clothesline in the corner, the Ultimo Weapon gets a two count on Kazarian. Kaz avoids the Flamingo driver and locks in a chicken wing. Bailey takes Kazarian to the floor to break the hold. Bailey hits a springboard moonsault on the floor, but Kazarian slingshots Bailey back into the ring into a cutter for two. Kazarian places Bailey up top, hits the Flux Capacitor for two. Bailey avoids the chicken wing, rolls Kaz up for two. Kazarian hits a suplex for one, then Bailey reverses a Kaz move with a reverse rana. Bailey shooting stars into a Kazarian cutter that gets two. Kaz locks in the chicken wing in the middle of the ring. Bailey taps and we have a new 5-time X-Division Champion.

Result: Frankie Kazarian def. Mike Bailey via submission
Rating: ***¾

Match 2: Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match

Chris Sabin is the first entry, a spot he “earned” recently on television. Rocky Romero is the second participant. They try to dropkick each other and that doesn’t work. Romero & Sabin exchange shots. Romero gains the advantage with the poke to the eye. Clotheslines in the corner by Romero, big clothesline as the clock ticks down & Madman Fulton emerges. The two veterans team up on the big man, though their offense has a limited amount of effectiveness. Rohit Raju is number four. Sabin & Romero team up on him while Fulton takes a breather. Raju gains the upper hand but thinks better of going after Fulton. They join forces though they can’t agree on a fist bump or handshake. Tasha Steelz is number five. Raju wants her on his side, and she agrees to join him & Fulton. Rocky thrown outside by Raju like yesterday’s garbage. Rachael Ellering is number six, and she goes right after Steelz. TKO sends Steelz down, but Fulton goes after Ellering. Rohit tries to hang on while on the apron, and has to hold on to Fulton’s hair. This results in Fulton’s elimination. Savannah Evans is number seven, which is good news for her friend Tasha Steelz. They double team Ellering. Ellering ducks a shot from Steelz, then lifts Evans up and places her on the apron before knocking her out. Johnny Swinger is number eight and comes out while Ellering is eliminated by Evans. Steelz goes right after him. Melina is number nine. Melina goes right after Steelz. Swinger poses for her. Turns out she can still do a splits. Swinger chokes Raju in the corner. The Kiss Demon is number ten. Swinger holds the top rope for the Demon, then goes into his tights for various gimmicks. He wants an autograph. Demon signs it, shows Swinger the name, and tosses him out. Brian Myers is number eleven. He & the Demon talk some junk and exchange some punches. Then it’s Matt Cardona. Sabin & Steelz exchanging some shots. Laredo Kid is unlucky number thirteen. He goes right after Raju. Steelz flies out of the ring after missing a shot on Melina, then Myers dumps Melina out of there. Sam Beale is next at fourteen, much to the surprise of his former mentor Myers. Beale still takes instructions from Myers anyway, attacking Cardona. Rich Swann is number fifteen, and he goes right after Beale & Myers. Beale takes advantage of a distracted Myers and tosses him out. Ace Austin is number sixteen. Demon goes after him, gets rocked & tossed out. Moose comes in at seventeen, and he runs over Swann. Beale attacks from behind, bad idea. Moose powerbombs him over the top onto some ham & eggers. Then he goes after Laredo Kid. Eddie Edwards is number eighteen. Laredo Kid was in the way of Moose, so Eddie tosses him. Moose powerbombs Edwards into the ring apron. Alisha is number nineteen and has Kenny & Kendra with her, which the Edwards family use on Moose while everybdody else makes sure to stay out of the way. W. Morrissey is number twenty and the next to meet some kendo sticks, but they don’t have much effect. Morrissey tosses her out of the ring on top of some fools. Edwards avoids the kendo stick shot but doesn’t avoid the big boot to the floor. Moose gives Morrissey some orders, and Rohit tries to join their alliance. Instead he joins the eliminated. Austin gets pushed out by Sabin, then Fulton runs back down to make Sabin pay for that indiscretion. Sabin is helped out of the ring by Moose & Morrissey. They’re joined in the final four by Swann & Cardona. Swann is about to be dumped by Morrissey, when Moose dumps both of them. Your final two are Moose & Matt Cardona, and they’ll settle this via pinfall or submission. Moose misses in the corner, Cardona lands some big shots but then gets booted. Big clothesline by Cardona, he goes to the middle rope, misses the Radio Silence and gets speared by Moose for the three count.

Result: Moose wins the Call Your Shot Gauntlet
Rating: ***½

Match 3: Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich for the IMPACT Knockouts World Championship

No time wasted as these two go right at it. Grace knocks Slamovich to the floor, then baseball slides to the outside to clothesline her opponent down. Nearfall early for Jordynne. On the apron, Grace goes for a piledriver, but Masha blocks and drops the champion on her head with a Dead Eye. That gets two. Masha attempts to make Jordynne humble with the camel clutch. Grace fights back and goes for her driver, but Masha blocks, fireman carries Grace over and double stomps for two. Masha works Jordynne over in the corner & kicks her in the spine. Grace blocks a Snow Plow attempt, but gets elbowed in the corner. Spin kick by Slamovich, but Grace answers with a spinebuster. Chops are exchanged. For quite awhile. Both hit a spinning back fist and both fall down. Grace with a slam & another, but Slamovich keeps getting up. Masha slips out of one but gets kicked and Michinoku Drivered for two. Grace clotheslines Slamovich down but misses a Vader Bomb. Masha fights back and hits a Destroyer for two. Masha sent onto the apron, she goes up top but Jordynne meets her there. Stalling superplex, roll through and a Jackhammer gets two. Jordynne goes for the Musclebuster, but Masha works out of it and locks in a sleeper. Masha flips Jordynne over into a bulldog choke. Grace gets to her feet & finds the ropes, but Slamovich hits a bridging straitjacket suplex for two. Jordynne with the spinning backfist, then the Vertebreaker. Only two. Jordynne wants Masha to get up, she slaps & kicks at the challenger. Slamovich with a pump kick, Grace fights off the Snow Plow, hits the Grace Driver and that only gets two. Masha fights out of the rack, but gets punched. Masha lifts Jordynne up, hits the Air Raid Crash in the corner. There’s the Snow Plow, but Jordynne’s foot is under the ropes. She places Jordynne up top, but it’s Jordynne that gets the advantage and the avalance Grace Driver. The champion retains.

Result: Jordynne Grace def. Masha Slamovich via pinfall
Rating: ***¾

Match 4: Moose vs. PCO vs. Steve Maclin vs. Rhino in a Monster’s Ball match

It’s a brawl before the bell and Moose beats people up with the briefcase. As the spear is loaded up, here is PCO to brawl with Moose instead. Moose backdrops PCO over the top and through a ladder but the other two get back in to keep up the brawling. Maclin Death Valley Drivers Moose into a trashcan in the corner and hits PCO in the back with a chair. Back in and PCO chokeslams Maclin and hits a suicide dive on Rhino. A middle rope legdrop hits Maclin and the Deanimator makes it even worse. Moose is back in with some release Rock Bottoms to PCO, who keeps popping right back up. With that not working, Moose plants CO onto some cinder blocks covers with thumbtacks. Rhino is back up and wants tables. It’s a barbed wire table but Maclin posts Rhino to cut him off. Cue Bully Ray to shove Maclin off the top and through the barbed wire table for the huge crash. Back in and PCO DDTs Moose, who catches him on top with some chair shots. Rhino Gores the chair that Moose is holding but it’s enough to put Moose down so that the PCOsault can finish him off.

Result: PCO wins the Monster’s Ball match
Rating: ***

Match 5: Josh Alexander vs. Eddie Edwards for the IMPACT World Championship

They take their time at the start, neither man getting a clear advantage. Eddie with a chop, then Josh double legs him down & goes to the mat. Shoulderblock goes nowhere. Alexander grabs a headlock, but Edwards tosses him to the floor. Back in the ring and it’s Alexander with a hammerlock. Edwards with a headlock takeover, Alexander with the headscissors & arm drag/bar. Josh with a kick, Eddie with a back elbow and a kick knocking Josh to the floor. Eddie with a slingshot crossbody to the floor and he’s taken the advantage. Chops by Eddie on the floor. Josh snaps Eddie’s neck on the top rope and crossbodies him to the floor. Back in the ring, Eddie with the atomic drop and an overhead belly to belly. Chops in the corner knock Josh for a loop. Alexander fights back, then gets tossed outside for a tope suicida by Edwards. Eddie pulls the padding up on one side of the floor. The hardwood is exposed, but Alexander blocks the suplex attempt. Eddie tosses Josh back in the ring, but Josh immediately follows up with a crossbody back to the floor. Eddie get tossed back in the ring and rolls towards the apron above the unpadded portion of the floor. Josh tries to German suplex Eddie onto that area, but Eddie blocks. Josh boots Eddie down, but it’s Eddie that gets Josh up for the Diehard Driver onto the hardwood floor. It gets a two count in the ring eventually. Eddie hits some chops in the corner and places Josh up top for the Backpack Stunner. Eddie hits it for two, then transitions into a half crab. Josh finds the ropes but is still on the defensive. Eddie hits a powerbomb, but Josh blocks the Tiger Driver and Alabama slams Eddie into the turnbuckle. Back & forth now, Josh with some rolling German suplexes. Eddie grabs the ropes, but Josh hangs on and ends up German suplexing him on the apron whilst maintaining the grip so he can do it on the floor. Still got that grip on, and he Germans Eddie on the ramp. Forearm in the corner by Josh, then a powerbomb backbreaker gets the two count. Alexander wants that C4 Spike, but Eddie’s got more to do. Blue Thunder gets the two count for Edwards. Boston Knee Party gets blocked, and Alexander hits a Styles Clash before going to the Ankle Lock. Edwards powers Alexander outside the ring. Alexander goes up top, but Edwards meets him with an enziguri. Eddie with the fisherman buster off the top, holds on, but Alexander counters with the C4. The referee can’t finish the count as the OGK pull him out of the ring and deck him. Alexander kicks Taven & Bennett down, but Kenny King comes in with a low blow. Security emerges to get the three Honor No More members to the back, and we have a second official to make the two count on the Boston Knee Party. Edwards with a chop, Alexander slips out of the Diehard Driver and hits a half & half suplex. Alexander misses in the corner, Eddie goes for the kick but gets his ankle locked for a second. Alexander dives into a knee, then Edwards hits the Tiger Driver for two. Edwards with some chops, and Alexander wants more. Strikes are exchanged. Straps come down. Edwards with more chops, Alexander still doesn’t seem to care too much but he’s wearing down. Alexander fights back, goes for the C4, Edward rolls through for the two count. Edwards blocks a kick and hits a clotheslines. Alexander blocks the Knee Party, hits the C4 Spike and retains the Impact World Championship.

Result: Josh Alexander def. Eddie Edwards via pinfall
Rating: ****

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TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi