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Bryan Singer Hits Out Against Upcoming Esquire Piece On Alleged Sexual Assault
Variety reports that Bryan Singer is taking a shot at an article in Esquire magazine that is on the way, which he said will be about the sexual abuse and misconduct accusations that have been made about him in the past.
He wrote on Instagram: “I have known for some time that Esquire magazine may publish a negative article about me. They have contacted my friends, colleagues and people I don’t even know. In today’s climate where people’s careers are being harmed by mere accusations, what Esquire is attempting to do is a reckless disregard for the truth, making assumptions that are fictional and irresponsible. This article will attempt to rehash false accusations and bogus lawsuits. This article will misuse quotes from ‘sources’ that will claim to have ‘intimate’ knowledge of my personal life. It will also attempt to establish guilt by association simply because of people I’ve either known or met in the past. They will be attempting to tarnish a career I’ve spent 25 years to build. Incidentally, this article has been conveniently timed with the release of my film, Bohemian Rhapsody. I am immensely proud of this film and everyone involved. I will comment further on this if necessary.”
Singer was accused of rape last year by Cesar Sanchez=Guzman, who said that Singer did so in 2003 at a yacht party when Sanchez-Guzman was only seventeen. Singer and other executives in Hollywood were accused of sexual assault in 2014 by Michael Egan. Egan, however, later apologized and said he wasn’t being honest. Singer was sued by an anonymous person in the UK that same year, but it was dropped.
Singer is not expected to have any comments in Maximillian Potter’s Esquire article.