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Captain Marvel (Blu-ray Edition) Review

June 11, 2019 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Captain Marvel 3 Brie Larson
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Captain Marvel (Blu-ray Edition) Review  

The Marvel Cinematic Universe kicked off this year with Captain Marvel, which served to set the stage for the Marvel Studios superhero extravaganza that was Avengers: Endgame. The Marvel Studios feature, led by Brie Larson as Carol Danvers, started things off on a high note for 2019. The film is now hitting home video, and here’s what’s in store for fans of the MCU.

The Movie: In my original review for the film from earlier this year, I thought Captain Marvel was not my favorite Marvel Studios film. It’s not what I would call a great film, but it is a decent overall movie. It’s a good introduction for the character and Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

More than anything, I was a little underwhelmed with a few choices made for the film’s depictions, specifically in the form of the Skrulls, the Supreme Intelligence and Mar-Vell. All are present here and formally introduced to the MCU. Now, the Skrulls getting changed is understandable. Considering this is a period piece, it would be highly problematic for the villainous Skrulls to show up at this point on Earth.

What I do like about Captain Marvel is setting the film in 1990s. It gives the film a nice, little style that makes it more unique from other Marvel films, and enables Carol Danvers to have a fun partnership with a younger Nick Fury, still played by Samuel L. Jackson. The youth visual FX making a 70-year-old Samuel L. Jackson look 25 years younger are quite impressive here. Clark Gregg is also back on the big screen as Phil Coulson. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a lot to do here.

The film’s major plot twist and the actuality of the villains makes sense and works for the story. However, another major misstep is the under-utilization of Ronan the Accuser, featuring Lee Pace reprising the role from Guardians of the Galaxy. Ronan the Accuser would’ve been a much more natural fit as the major villain for the film. It also would’ve been a chance to flesh out the character a bit more.

Blu-Ray Info: The Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy multi-screen edition release for Captain Marvel is a single-disc release including the film and all the extras. It’s packaged in a standard Blu-ray clamshell case with translucent blue plastic. There’s a slip cover for the Blu-ray case. Besides the Blu-ray disc, there’s also an insert with a download code for the digital HD version of the film.

Video Info: The standard Blu-ray version for Captain Marvel is presented in 1080p High Definition Widescreen with a 2.39:1 aspect ratio. Overall, I think the Blu-ray transfer looks exceptional. Everything looks, clear, crisp and pristine. I like the movie’s color palette. Nothing looks too overly tinted or murky. Everything looks sharps and visible in the movie, which is appreciated.

Audio Info: The original English language track is presented in 7.1 DTS-HDMA. There are also optional Spanish and French 5.1 Dolby Digital language tracks with optional subtitles in English, Spanish, and French. There’s also a 2.0 descriptive audio track for the visually impaired. The film’s soundtrack and Blu-ray transfer sounds crisp and clear. Since the film is set in the 1990s, it has a very nostalgic, 1990s soundtrack with famous pop songs from that era. The sound effects and music all come across nicely on Blu-ray.

Special Features: As a single-disc release, Captain Marvel doesn’t have a ton of special features or Blu-ray extras. However, there’s a decent amount here to keep Marvel fans to enjoy, including the deleted scenes, audio commentary and a little more. Here’s the main extras:

Audio Commentary: There’s a feature-length audio commentary with co-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. Overall, it’s a good commentary track that provides some nice insight on the production of the film. I especially appreciated the anecdotes on Stan Lee who passed away before the film’s release and is given an amazing tribute in the film’s opening Marvel Studios logo. There’s also a nice look at the film’s youth visual effects for Jackson and Gregg. They really did a great job with those visuals. Sometimes those types of visuals can be hit and miss, but the company who did the work here did a great job.

Deleted Scenes: There’s about eight minutes and 47 seconds worth of deleted scenes on the disc. There’s nothing that’s very earth-shattering in terms of removal. Some of what’s been taken out are just some additional lines or scene extensions. There is one good, interesting scene where Yon-Rogg (Jude Law) converses with the Supreme Intelligence, who looks like himself. Unfortunately, we never get a look at the Supreme Intelligence’s true form, which is a bit of a copout. That should’ve been a credits reveal. There’s a bit more of Talos that clarifies he knocked out and tied up Fury’s boss at SHIELD, Keller, also played by Ben Mendelsohn. Regardless, the movie didn’t really lose a whole lot by deleting all this footage.

Featurettes: There’s also a number of short featurettes that can be viewed individually or together as one full 23-minute feature. Now, for some constructive criticism. Most of the featurettes are rather short and could’ve gone a little bit more in-depth into the production of the film.

Becoming a Hero: There’s a six-minute-plus look at Brie Larson joining the MCU as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel.

Big Hero Moment: This is a three-and-a-half minute featurette looking at the history of the Carol Danvers character.

The Origin of Nick Fury: This is another three-and-a-half minute short featurette on the backstory of Nick Fury, which is showcased in the film.

The Dream Team: This is a look at co-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, but it runs less than three minutes. Again, a lot of the featurettes are very short, and I think they could’ve offered a little bit more meat.

The Skrulls and the Kree: This is a three-and-a-half minute look at the alien races of the Skrulls and the Kree that feature a large amount of focus for this film. Captain Marvel did offer a much greater look at Kree society than the MCU has ever really shown before.

Hiss-sterical Cat-titude: This is a look at the Goose character for the film and runs a little over three minutes. I can generally take or leave Goose in the film. I think it was fine to include Goose, but I wasn’t super crazy about his plot twist involving a major part of Nick Fury’s backstory.

Gag Reel: Finally, we have a two-minute gag reel feature showing some humorous outtakes for the film.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Overall, I would say Captain Marvel received a good, not great, Blu-ray release. It's a decent film that does a good job of establishing the Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel character and also fleshes out some other elements such as the Skrulls, the Kree, Nick Fury, and more. I think the Blu-ray release could've used a bit more in the way of special features to really put this release over the top. The commentary is good, and the deleted scenes are nice. However, it could've used quite a few more extras to really put this rating over the top. This is a good addition your home video collection if you are fan of superhero films and the MCU.