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James Gunn Confirms Green Lantern Series Moving Forward, Damon Lindelof Involved

May 26, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

James Gunn has confirmed that their planned Green Lantern TV series is moving forward with Damon Lindelof involved behind the scenes. As previously reported, Gunn had announced that Lanterns would be part of the new DC Universe’s “chapter one,” and he posted to Instagram to note that the writers room is being assembled based on a pilot and series bible from Chris Mundy, Tom King, and Lindelof.

Gunn wrote:

“Yes, it’s true. The Lanterns DCU series is putting together a crack team of writers, based on a wonderful pilot script and bible by Chris Mundy, Tom King, and Damon Lindelof. A hearty welcome to Chris and @damonlindelof as they join the DC Studios family (no welcome necessary for old @tomking_tk, who has been here nearly since inception).”

Lindelof is best known on TV for his work on Watchmen, Lost, and The Leftovers, while King is a key writer for DC Comics through titles like Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, The Penguin, Wonder Woman, Batman and more. Mundy was the showrunner for Netflix’s Ozark.

Lanterns will focus on Hal Jordan and John Stewart and was previously described by DC Studios co-head Peter Safran as “very much in the vein of True Detective” as a “terrestrial-based investigation story” with ties into the greater plot of the DC Universe’s first chapter.