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Taika Waititi Says Thor: Love & Thunder Doubles Down on Ragnarok’s Craziness

October 27, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Natalie Portman Thor Image Credit: Marvel

Taika Waititi is setting a high bar for nuttiness in Thor: Love & Thunder, saying that he’s doubling down on what Ragnarok did. Waititi, who is directing the fourth Thor film, sat down with WIRED for an interview and touched on his plans for the film, albeit briefly. Highlights are below:

On his plans for Thor: Love and Thunder: “It’s going to be bigger and louder and more bombastic. It’s only interesting to me if we’re doubling down on how nuts Ragnarok was.”

On returning as Korg: “I really love playing that character.”

On being in The Suicide Squad: “We’re mates and James [Gunn] said, ‘Come and do this thing.’ James is brilliant, and it’s just such a crazy big list of people. But I have no idea what any of them are doing.”