Stewart Lange checks in with his 2021 Year End Awards in the latest Gaming 3Rs featuring Halo Infinite, Back 4...
Topic: Gaming 3Rs

gamesThe Gaming Rs: 2021 Year End Awards

gamesThe Gaming Rs: Sony Launches Game Pass Competition, Titanfall Pulled By EA
From Sony launching a competitor to Game Pass and EA pulling Titanfall from marketplaces and more, Stewart Lange breaks down...

gamesGaming 3Rs: Cyberpunk 2077’s Revival, The PS5 Heist, More
From Cyberpunk 2077 seeing new life to the attempted theft of $51, 000 in Playstation 5s and more, Stewart Lange...

gamesGaming 3Rs: GTA Definitive Edition Stumbles, Activision’s Latest Troubles, More
Stewart Lange debuts the return of Gamings 3Rs looking at Grand Theft Auto Definitive Edition's launch issues, Playstation and Xbox...