wrestling / TV Reports

411’s ROH on HDNet Report 11.22.10

November 22, 2010 | Posted by Empire Of Ownage 411

Ring of Honor Wrestling on HDNet recapped by Michael Ornelas.
Episode 83: This Week Belongs to the Women of Honor

Not much to say this week other than my taking the reins for “Your News, My Views” starts Friday! Well. Let’s just dive in, shall we?

Tonight’s card:
* Main Event: Davey Richards vs. Shawn Daivari
* Winner receives a ROH World TV Title Match: Colt Cabana vs. Erick Stevens (w/Prince Nana)
* Women of Honor: Daizee Haze vs. Sara Del Rey
Plus Jim Cornette brings the Kings of Wrestling & Shane Hagadorn face to face with their Final Battle 2010 opponents

We open with…a recap of Steen’s excellent challenge to Generico from last week.

Match #1: Erick Stevens vs. Colt Cabana for a TV Championship match.

Before this match starts I’m just going to go out on a limb and predict Erick Stevens here. Cabana has had a handful of matches with Eddie since he’s been champ. And Eddie’s a face now, so a match against Stevens makes sense to me. Anyways, the match.

Erick snubs Colt from a handshake. Colt backs Stevens into the corner. Ref starts the 5 count but Colt starts counting for him at 4, then doesn’t break cleanly as he HIGH FIVES Stevens!! That had to hurt!!!!! Some holds and reversals before Colt gets a couple submissions. Cabana’s just playing with Stevens and goes for a goofy pin and gets 2. They’re up, Colt’s in the corner and gets a boot on the charging Stevens. Erick takes control now for awhile though. A few pin attempts and they’ve been on the ground for a minute or two now. Bear hug on Colt. Puts him in the corner and shoulders to the back of Cabana. Embassy gang sign flashed before an elbow drop on Colt. Back to the bear hug. Stevens in control but he Irish Whips Colt only for Cabana to moonsault on him from the second rope! Colt gets a couple chops on him before he nails the punching combo and elbow, also known as the FLIP FLOP on Stevens. Gets 2.

More trading of positions. Big clothesline from Stevens gets 2. Flying asshole by Colt! Stevens sets up for the runaway train after a big suplex on Colt. Colt avoids it and locks in the Billy Goat’s Curse!! Osiris is on the apron! Nana helps Stevens out. Stevens goes for the Doctor bomb but Colt rolls it through for a unique pin. 1….2….3!! I WAS WRONG IN MY PREDICTION!!! AND AM HAPPY ABOUT THAT! GO COLT!

Result: Colt Cabana via pinfall @ about 11:00.
Rating: **1/4
My thoughts: I love Colt Cabana but this match didn’t really excite me. The high five spot was excellent and Colt winning makes me happy. I feel like I’m being a bit generous for this rating, but Cabana always entertains me.

Cornette’s in the ring with Hagadorn and the Kings of Wrestling. He’s taking the Kings up on when they said they’ll face anyone in a non-title match. Cornette introduces their future opponents at Final Battle since they agreed: the Briscoes (w/Papa Briscoe).

Hagadorn’s gonna sue Papa because he’s not allowed to be there. He’s banned. Cornette defends him saying that Chris Hero, a pro wrestler, caused damage to Mike Briscoe and therefore is much more liable than Jay and Mark’s dad. More trash talking. Jay says they don’t need the belts since they’ve held them 6 times. Cornette gets them all to sign the contract for Final Battle 2010.

Match #2: Sara Del Rey vs. Daizee Haze

They start with a handshake and Sara immediately nails a forearm. Haze dodges a Capo kick by rolling out. Back in the ring and she tries to forearm Del Rey down. Off the ropes, she runs at Del Rey who turns it into a tilt-a-whirl something attempt, but Haze makes it a crossbody. They do it again. Both ended in 2 counts for Daizee. Daizee sends Sara outside. Up top and she goes for something but Del Rey dodges and gets a big clothesline.

We’re back in the ring and Sara’s playing dominant heel while Haze uses the speed. Haze catches Sara with a side headlock on the ground and just keeps getting the upper hand. Goes for a tornado DDT but Sara shoves her off and NAILS her with a big boot. 1….2….Haze bridges out. Another pin attempt with the same result. Sara’s pulling the hair of Daizee and throwing her around the ring by it. Now Sara’s got the upper hand completely. Pulls Daizee into the ropes while Sara’s on the apron. Whole lotta kicks to the chest. Ref warns her. She goes for another one but Daizee catches it and gives her a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Sara’s outside and Daizee’s up top. CROSSBODY!! Sara rolls in and Daizee’s up top again. BIG hurricanrana on Sara. BIG TWISTING FACEPLANT ON SARA!! 1….2….kickout! Chops by Daizee. Goes for an Irish whip but Sara has the top rope. Haze heart punch ducked yakuza elevated on shoulders sunset flip german suplex attempt elbowed out, modified back suplex drops Daizee. Daizee on the apron gets a shoulder to Del Rey. Daizee up top but Sara gets control. Puts Daizee in the Gory Special. She’s not giving up! EXTREME GORY SPECIAL STRETCH!!! SHE JUST BENT HER IN HALF! Haze still gets out! She flips over and goes for an Octopus Stretch! Pin attempt from Daizee. Out at 2. Haze in the corner. Sara gets a Capo kick and a powerbomb! 1….2….KICKOUT!! Sara goes for another powerbomb but Haze kicks her in the head on the way up and the bell rings!

Result: 10-Minute Time Limit Draw @…..10:00.
Rating: ***1/4
My thoughts: Excellent excellent excellent wrestling match here. These two are some of the best women’s wrestlers going today and this was a great story told in the ring: Haze using speed, Sara using power, and Haze NOT GIVING UP! Very good match and I recommend if you want to see good wrestling between women, check it out.

Durden’s with Steve Corino in back. His thoughts on the Final Battle stipulation between Steen and Generico. Corino knows what he’s gotten himself into. This was all supposed to be a stepping stone to Kevin Steen being the future of Ring of Honor. Cabana got involved and now it’s all coming down to Final Battle. Corino can’t talk sense into Steen. He needs to talk sense into Generico. Next week on HDNet Generico, I’m gonna save your life because Kevin Steen….is crazy. It pans over to Steen sitting in the background wearing Generico’s mask. A short but AWESOME segment.

Prodigy Mike Bennett commercial again.

Match #3: Davey Richards vs. Shawn Daivari

Before the match, Daivari spits on Davey. Bell rings and they lock up. Daivari’s locking up the arm of Davey and working it over. Davey rolls out and gets a dropkick. Side headlock takeover by Davey and gets a couple 2 counts. They face off and do the shoulder tackle challenge. Davey tries two and gets a few kicks to the chest. Irish Whip sequence and Daivari gets the shoulder tackle on Davey to the floor. Davey back in and Daivari’s in charge. Irish Whip to Davey but he grabs the top rope and dodges a charging Daivari who falls to the apron. Big running kick. Over the top but Daivari moves. BIG BOOT OVER THE BARRICADE! Daivari crawls back over the barricade and Davey throws him into the ring. Davey with the advantage. Tornado DDT attempt, but Daivari throws him over the top to the outside. Boots by Osiris and Nana. Davey back in and Daivari whips him into the turnbuckle. Pin for a 2 count. They trade shots and Davey’s getting the advantage. Somewhat botched tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Davey. Kickout at 2. Waistlock on Davey. Davey gets out and runs the ropes but gets tripped up by Osiris. Daivari has Davey with chops in the corner. Charges but Davey jumps over onto the apron and hits a running kick on Osiris! Back in and Davey out-maneuvers Daivari and gets an ankle lock. Daivari struggles a bit and then kicks it off. Davey charges and Daivari sends him over the top but Davey gets a kick. Goes up top and kicks off an interfering Nana and nails Daivari with a dropkick! Some more offense, including a sick suplex, by Davey and he gets a diving headbutt on Daivari! 1…2…kickout! Back on their feet and they exchange waistlocks. Into the ropes, and Davey goes for a handspring enziguiri but it’s reversed into a German suplex by Daivari! Another! A third German suplex! FOURTH ONE is a release German suplex! 1….2….kickout by Davey! USA chants by the crowd. Sounds just like women and children. DAIVARI’S FROM AMERICA! SHEESH! Daivari up top and goes for a frog splash but gets knees from Davey! Back to their feet and it’s a slugfest before a boot to the midsection by Daivari. Enziguiri by Davey! LUNGBLOWER by Daivari! 1….2….Kickout!!! Davey climbs up Daivari’s back and gets a victory roll but instead grabs an ankle lock! Daivari struggles out but Davey locks in the Texas Cloverleaf!!!! Daivari taps out!!

Result: Davey Richards via submission @ 12:00.
Rating: ***1/4
My thoughts: Really fun match here. I was a lot more impressed with Daivari than I have been in the past. The right man went over here and Davey has a ton of momentum as he heads towards Final Battle this year.

Closing thoughts: You know, we usually get about 52 minutes of footage from Ring of Honor in their hour timeslot on Mondays, and we ended up with 33 minutes of in-ring action. That is NOTHING to complain about! Ring of Honor puts on another fun show this week and I appreciate it since I have to review it! The women’s match was stellar and the main event was a lot of fun as well! The opener surprised me (and that’s right commenter from Wrestler of the Week that said writers here never admit they’re wrong—we just don’t dwell on it since it’s stupid to mention something like that in our next column or report). I’m glad that Colt went over since he’s a very good performer. Overall a very fun episode with no real low point. It just got better and better as the show went on!
Show rating: ***3/4

Don’t forget to check out Your News, My Views this week!!! See you back here next week for my Ring of Honor Wrestling on HDNet Report!


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