wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Raw Report 06.28.10

June 28, 2010 | Posted by Ronnie LaFianza

-Recap of Nexus beating up Vince McMahon kicks things off.

-Cole and Lawler get all dramatic with us, saying that the McMahon’s are keeping Vince’s condition quiet. Barrett’s apparently in trouble as the leader of Nexus. The groups actions will be met with appropriate consequences.

-And here comes the WWE Champion, Sheamus. He’s getting some good heat tonight. He says that he’s watched the footage of the beating of Vince. He’s disgusted. As the WWE Champion, he felt it was his responsibility to make a statement on behalf of the company, and it is, THE CHAMP IS HURRR!!!! Even though Nexus interfered in his match, he would have beaten Cena regardless. One important factor came out of all of this, and that is that Cena is no longer the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. And why? Because he used his rematch clause. It means that no longer will he have to look at those tacky orange t-shirts, or the give up slogan, or the people chant “Cena, Cena” like a bunch of parrots. And no longer will he have to listen to Cena make fun of his more his Irish skin, by calling him a human jar of mayonnaise. He hates Cena. But you no what fella, he’s through and he’s not going to get another shot at his gold ever… and here comes Cena.

Sheamus asks Cena what he’s doing here, he told him he’s not getting another shot. Cena says he knows. He didn’t come out here for that. He came to ask Sheamus for help. Everyone saw how he won the WWE Championship, and how he kept it last week. It’s because of Nexus. They made a target out of Cena because he was the champion. They almost ended his career. So who do you think they’re coming after next? Cena makes some jokes about Sheamus, and goes back to serious mode. They don’t like each other, but he knows Sheamus is tough and can fight. If he wants to keep his championship and his career, he needs to help Cena. For one night only, they’ll fight side by side. He wants to start things off with a brawl. Coleslaw grabs a mic. He believes he’s received an email. He’s got a podium. The email, from the anonomys GM, says that he’ll take action next week, and he’ll allow Wade Barrett to present his case to WWE officials. If any member of that group makes any contact with any WWE superstar, they will be terminated. However, if any WWE superstar initiates contact, they will be suspended. Cena says his plan is ruined. They’ve all learned something though. Sheamus is more than a bunch of pale skin and terrible haircut, he’s learned Sheamus is a good dude, and a pretty good guy. Cena wants to start of Raw with a WW E Championship match. Cole gets back on the podium. The GM has informed him that Sheamus will be in action tonight. However, his opponent will be Mark Henry. Oh joy. Cena with some more jokes, and says his life is being ruined. He tells Cole to listen up and to tell the GM to email him personally. His address is… his address is…candypants94@gmail or something like that. Cole says that MITB will feature MITB ladder matches. DUH. One from Raw and one from Smackdown. The eight participants who are competing in the Raw MITB ladder match will be revealed later tonight. The new GM would like to demonstrate. Sheamus says he’s out of here. Sheamus starts to walk away, and the steel cage lowers. Cole informs us that since last weeks title match ended inconclusively, Sheamus will defend his title against Cena at MITB, in a match designed to make sure there is no outside interference, the Steel Cage match. Cena poses to the crowd as we head to commercial.

Match 1 : Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty and Natalya vs The Uso’s

The Uso’s attack the Dynasty as they make their way to the ring. They laid them out. Tamina runs back and goes after Natalya. She puts her in the ring and goes to the top. Splash connects.

-Josh Matthews is in the back with R-Truth. He asks what actions should be taken against Nexus. Truth says they’re behaving like untamed animals. Don’t fire them, but leave them here at the WWE zoo, because he’s the zookeeper. And that’s the truth.

-We’re back, and we get a recap of the Santino/Kozlov dance off.

Match 1 : Vladimir Kozlov vs Santino Marella

If Santino wins, then Kozlov will agree to be his tag team partner.

Santino goes for a german, but gets nothing. Santino taps the head and goes for a take down, but Kozlov rolls through and goes for a Juji Gatame, but Santino gets back to his feet. Kozlov grabs Santino’s arms and heabutts his chest, and follows up with a belly to belly suplex. Bearhug by Kozlov. Santino counters with an arm drag. He goes for a kick but gets caught and hit with a chokeslam. Pin and that’s all.

Winner : Vladimir Kozlov (Although it was nice to see these two use some real moves, this still wasn’t good)

Vladimir picks up Santino, but he falls back down. Kozlov walks off laughing. Regal meets him on the ramp and shakes his hand. Regal gets in the ring now. He starts stomping Santino. Kozlov runs back out now and boots Regal. Regal rolls to the outside and walks off. Kozlov grabs Santino’s hand and picks him up. He carries him to the back laughing.

-Josh Matthews is in the back with Khali. He asks about Nexus. Him and Singh say some stuff in Indian. Singh says the Khali is a big stupid giant, and his manager is tired of protecting him, and if Nexus came up right now, Khali would run. Singh walks off and Khali stands there looking like an idiot.

-We’re back, and the first pro’s poll for NXT, season 2, will take place tomorrow.

-Justin Roberts introduces our guest host, Rob Zombie. Zombie welcomes us to Raw. He’s here because he loves the twisted things that take place in this ring, such as the MITB ladder match. He’s here tonight to announce the eight participants. Randy Orton, The Miz, R-Truth, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, Ted Dibiase, John Morrison and Edge. That’s actually a sick lineup. Edge is on the titantron. He says he hasn’t talked to Rob since he told him he was dumping his song as his entrance music. Rob says he wants to set the record straight. He’s sorry to say he took his song back because he couldn’t stand to see him destroy his song any longer. Edge says all that matters is that he won the first ever MITB ladder match, and he then went on to cash it in on John Cena. We now get a video package, highlighting the WM 21 MITB ladder match, and then of him cashing in on Cena at New Years Revolution in 2006. Edge says he did that, and he had so much fun doing it, he did it again against the Undertaker. After he speared Randy Orton and told him the fun begins because he owns the MITB ladder match. He’s going to show everyone just how twisted he can be. The Viper will get his head crushed with a ladder. And he’s going to do that to every other participant, and they will all be starring up at him. Cole has received another email. Tonight’s main event will feature all 8 participants of the MITB ladder match. Edge, Miz, Dibiase and Jericho will face Bourne, Morrison, R-Truth and Randy Orton in an eight man tag team mega (yes, he said mega) match tonight.

-Mark Henry is in the back as he prepares to face Sheamus after this commercial break.

Match 2 : WWE Champion Sheamus vs Mark Henry

Sheamus starts clubbing Henry to start, but Henry just shoves him off. Kick by Sheamus, and he hit’s a DDT. Pin but only two. He starts clubbing Henry in the chest. Pin but again Henry kicks out. Sleeper by Sheamus follows. Henry fights out, but Sheamus boots him in the corner. Chop block follows, then a knee lift, but Sheamus runs into a brick wall. Sheamus counters a backdrop but runs into a clothesline. Splash by Henry. Pin but Sheamus gets his foot on the rope. Sheamus rolls to the outside. Henry lifts him over his head and throws him into the ring. Henry gets back in but gets nailed with the Brode Kick (Is that what it‘s called? I‘m not sure). Pin and it’s over.

Winner : Sheamus (Sheamus dominated to start, Henry got his little bit of offense in, and then Sheamus won. This was mainly to put Sheamus over)

-Matthews is in the back with Nexus. Tarver reminds us that if anyone touches them, they’ll be suspended. They can still make an impact. Sheffield gets in some guys face and hits him with a huge right. Tarver says that’s what they mean. Matthews looks down as Nexus laughs.

-Cole hypes up the 8 Man Tag Team MEGA match.

-“Money” by I Fight Dragons is the MITB theme song.

-Jerry Lawler’s in the ring. He says tomorrow, a DVD will be released highlighting one of the greatest wrestlers ever. He brings our attention to the titantron. A video package of Ricky Steamboat follows. Lawler introduces Steamboat himself. And here comes The Dragon. Cole says he’s seen the DVD and that it’s a must see. Steamboat makes his way down the ramp, high fiving all of the fans. Lawler says the DVD has done a tremendous job at highlighting some of his greatest matches. There’s a few guys in the back who wanted to come out here and honor his career. Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Mike Rotunda and Michael Hayes. Dean says that it’s an honor to share this moment with Ricky. He’s even more excited to watch some of the greatest matches in the history of his career. He’s embarrassed to says that for most of the matches he wasn’t even born yet. Mike says he’s never had the privilege of facing him, but when all of the money starts coming in off the DVD, make sure to pay the taxes on it. Hayes says they all respect him, and that he and Ricky haven’t talked much, but he hasn’t had some camera time in a while and came out to do this… you know. Anderson says there’s a billion dollars worth of talent in the ring, and you guys. He says he must have wrestled Steamboat a hundred times, and never beat him. He says Steamboat is special. When you hear of the top five of all time, he doesn’t know who was better and he hasn’t seen anyone that’s better. It’s going to take more than 3 DVD’s to cover his career. Steamboat thanks all of them, and the WWE universe. And here comes Nexus (without Barrett).

They come out and surround the ring. They threaten to get in as the legends try to hold them back. Slater gets in but Steamboat and Lawler kick him back out. Tarver gets in but gets kicked back out. Anderson gets pulled to the outside and beat up, eventually getting thrown into the ring post. That looked rough. Malenko gets pulled out and thrown into the barricade. Tarver sneaks in and attacks Rotunda. They pull him to the outside and beat up on him. Steamboat, Hayes and Lawler stand alone in the ring. Nexus all get up on the apron. They enter the ring and a massive brawl begins. They’re on the outside now as Steamboat is laid out in the ring. Nexus gets in the ring and surrounds him. Steamboat stands in the middle. He goes after Sheffield, but the numbers game is too much. Otunga hit’s him with The Verdict. Sheffield hit’s a clothesline. Loud “You Suck” chant. Gabriel goes to the top. 450 connects. Nexus stands tall as Ricky is laid out.

-We get a recap of the events that just occurred. We see Steamboat getting carried off on a stretcher. Oh joy, Cole is on commentary by himself. He reminds us that the WWE roster didn’t come out because they would have been suspended.

-Oh thank god, Josh Matthews is out to join Cole on commentary. Could be worse.

Match 3 : Maryse and Diva’s Champion Alicia Fox vs Gail Kim and Eve

Alicia and Eve start things off. Alicia with some kicks and stuff, and Eve starts to fight back. Sunset flip countered by Alicia with a knee to the face. Knee in the corner by Alicia. Snapmare and pin, but only two. Maryse gets the tag. She starts toying around with Eve. Pin but only two. She throws Eve into the corner and tags in Alicia. Eve avoids Alicia in the corner. Gail gets the hot tag. She starts taking it to Alicia with clotheslines, and then a hurricanrana. Tilt a whirl countered into a crossbody by Gail, but only gets two. Dropkick by Gail sends Alicia flying into the corner. Alicia bails to the outside. Eve goes after her, but gets rammed into the apron. Gail fights off Maryse, but Alicia hits her with an elbow. Brutal scissors kick by Alicia follows. Pin and it’s over.

Winners : Alicia Fox and Maryse (There was nothing really to this match, and it seems to only have taken place to give the ladies a match)

-8 Man Tag Team MEGA match is hyped up. It’s coming up next.

-We get a recap of Nexus beating up Vince. We now get another recap of Nexus beating up the legends.

Match 4 : Edge, Chris Jericho, United States Champion The Miz and Million Dollar Champion Ted Dibiase vs R-Truth, John Morrison, Evan Bourne and Randy Orton – Eight Man Tag Team MEGA match

There’s a bright red plastic briefcase hanging above the ring, with a ladder under it. It’s time for our main event. This one looks like it’s going to get a ton of time. Morrison goes to the outside of the ring and grabs a ladder. He sets it up on the outside while the heels stand on the inside, I guess as some sort of symbolism.

Dibiase and Morrison start. Dibiase starts things off with a kick and throws Morrison into the corner. He stomps Morrison down. Morrison hits Dibiase with a backdrop. Tag to Truth. Right hands by Truth, and he wrenches the arm. Dibiase gets back dropped over the top. Bourne hits him with a diving kick to the chest. Back on the inside as Bourne starts hitting Dibiase with the kicks. Pin but Dibiase kicks out. Knee to the gut, and here comes Miz. He runs right into an arm drag though. Pin but Miz kicks out. Bourne hit’s a drop toe hold and dropkicks Miz in the face. Running attack in the corner by Bourne. Miz hit’s a back elbow in the corner. Dibiase hits Bourne with a right. Here comes Jericho. He slingshots Bourne throat first into the bottom rope, and then basement dropkicks him to the outside. Jericho now goes to the outside and throws Bourne back in. He’s now taunting Bourne. He grabs his leg, and here comes Miz. Miz stomping Bourne now. Knee to the back follows. Modified camel clutch follows. Bourne counters out of a suplex, ducks a right and here comes Morrison. Flying kick to Miz. Flying Chuck connects. Starship Pain coming up, but Dibiase brings Miz to the outside. Corkscrew plancha by Morrison takes them both out. Edge attacks Morrison from behind. We’re heading to commercial.

We’re back and Jericho is working down Morrison. We see that during the commercial, Jericho hit Morrison in the gut with the ladder while the ref was distracted. Suplex countered by Morrison into a rollup, but Jericho kicks out and takes Morrison back down. Pin but only two. Tag to Edge. Edge works down Morrison in the corner. Morrison’s fighting back now, but runs into a drop toe hold. Edge drags Morrison back to the corner and here comes Dibiase. Dibiase whips Morrison into the corner. Morrison fights back but runs into a powerslam. Pin but only two. Sleeper locked in by Ted. Edge gets the tag and starts kicking Morrison. Morrison gets a boot in the corner, but runs into a boot by Edge. Edge wants the Spear. Morrison ducks under it, but he’s in the wrong corner. Morrison starts crawling, but Edge grabs his leg. Spinning enzuigiri by Morrison connects. Neither guy is moving. Jericho gets the tag, but so does Bourne. Running hurricanrana by Bourne, and he hit’s a dropkick. Spinkick connects. And another. Pin but only two. Bourne goes to the top, but Jericho meets him up there. Superplex countered by Bourne, and he hit’s Jericho with a huge forearm. Air Bourne misses. Codebreaker connects! Dibiase gets the tag, but so does Orton. RKO CONNECTS!!! It’s over.

Winners : Randy Orton, Evan Bourne, John Morrison and R-Truth (Good main event to close out the show. I had some problems with it though. I feel that Morrison was beaten down for too long, Jericho and Edge should have shown some dissension, Orton should have been involved more and the ending shouldn’t have been so abrupt. Putting all of that aside though, this was a fun match that helped put over the MITB concept and was a good way to close the show)

Edge attacks Orton from behind. He grabs a ladder and brings it into the ring. He takes out Truth with it. Bourne and Morrison both kick the ladder into Edge. Jumping knee to Jericho by Bourne. Bourne hit’s a springboard crossbody, taking out Jericho on the outside. Skull Crushing Finale to Morrison by Miz. Miz now sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring. He climbs to the top. Orton pushes it over though, and Miz crashes down on the top rope. Orton now climbs the ladder. He unhooks the briefcase and raises it above his head. We get a recap of Orton hitting Ted with the RKO to win the match. Orton poses with the briefcase as we head out.


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Ronnie LaFianza

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