wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Smackdown Report 5.24.13

May 25, 2013 | Posted by Michael Benjamin

It’s Michael Benjamin here and it’s Smackdown. Lets get to it, folks.


My apologies for this being late. My mother had a bit of a medical issue that I had to help her take care of and I was unable to get the review in on time.

Championship Roll Call:
WWE Champion: John Cena
World Champion: Dolph Ziggler
US Champion: Dean Ambrose
IC Champion: Wade Barett
Diva’s Champion: Kaitlyn
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns

WWE Smackdown Report 5.24.13


–Commercial Break–

Miz TV: Featuring Fandango
Fandango’s new attire is amazing for the record. JBL calls Fandango’s victory over Chris Jericho the biggest upset in Wrestlemania history. Fandango isn’t happy about how Miz pronounces his name. Miz says really a bunch of times.They replay the dance off on Monday and Fandango defends himself. Here comes Barrett. Barrett said he hasn’t encountered a more pathetic waste-of-skin in his entire life. He was talking about Fandango. He said Fandango would rather tiptoe through the tulips than fight. He said if they crossed paths again, he’d knock out every tooth in his head. Miz reminded Barrett that he’ll be defending the I.C. title against him tonight. The two men brawled until referee Mike Chioda came to the ring to try to break it up.

Intercontinental Championship: The Miz vs. Wade Barrett
We’re going to join this thing in progress. Fandango is doing a great job on commentary. Barret lays a knee into the gut of Miz for a two-count. As Miz set up for his corner clothesline, Fandango’s music began to play, and he and Summer Rae danced. This character is back on track. Barrett hits a distracted Miz with the Winds of Change. TWOOOOO. Barrett goes for a pump handle slam but Miz escapes and goes for a roll up. Miz kicked Fandango through the ropes. He then rolled Barrett up for another two. Miz goes for a Figure Four but Fandango kicks him in the face for the DQ finish.. This was more angle than anything. Fandango is doing such a great job with his character that it didn’t even bother me.

OFFICIAL RESULT: The Miz @ 2:48 via DQ

– Backstage, Daniel Bryan argues with Kane about not being the weak link.

Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger
Swagger gets the commercial entrance. Suicide dive by Bryan on Swagger to the outside. He follows up with some kicks to the chest of Swagger against the barricade. Top-rope missile dropkick by Bryan gets two. Bryan hit the ropes and Swagger decked him with a clothesline. Bryan was hung in the tree of woe and Swagger delivers a sick looking splash.

Commercial Break

Jack Swagger is in control as we return from break. DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE. Both men are down but Bryan gets to his feet first and hits a nice running dropkick in the corner to Swagger for TWOOOOOOO. YES KICKS. Swagger hits a spinebuster out of nowhere for two. Swagger lifts Bryan up but Bryan counters with a no lock. Swagger counters that with a Patriot Lock. Bryan escapes and stomps Swagger like a bitch. Bryan locks in the no lock and it’s over! Swagger and Bryan could have put on an amazing match if they had the time as they seemed to really gel in the ring. Also, this is a pretty surprising result. The WHC picture just keeps eating pins

OFFICIAL RESULT: Daniel Bryan @ 4:35 aired via submission
RATING: *1/4

–Commercial Break–

– Damien Sandow has a segment with Matt Striker on interview duty. Sandow tries to get Striker to undo a rope knot but Striker can’t. Sandow uses bolt cutters and gets the job done quickly. Sheamus comes out and attempts to Brogue Kick Sandow out of nowhere…. like a heel. Not a Stone Cold face/heel that’s cool and badass, just a poorly booked face that is getting harder and harder to get behind for me.

–Commercial Break–

Chris Jericho vs. Big Show
Here we go! Jeri-Show collides! Big Show dominates with some headbutts and chops to start. Jericho fights back with a boot to the face. Jericho charges at Show but gets hit with a huge knee to the face. Show goes for a chokeslam but Jericho escapes. Jericho jumps off the top rope for an axe handle but Show catches him with an overhand chop. Show goes for an elbow drop from upstairs and misses! Jericho hits the Lionsault and delivers a nice tornado DDT for TWOOOOO! Jericho attempts the walls but Big Show powers out. Show hits a chokeslam and Jericho rolls to the outside so he can’t get pinned. Jericho hits the Code Breaker on the outside and Big Show can’t meet the ten count! Another short match. I’d like to see these guys go twelve minutes.

OFFICIAL RESULT:Chris Jericho @ 4:41 via count out
RATING: *1/4

–Commercial Break–

RAW REBOUND We get a recap of Axel Curtis debuting and looking like a total chump after Trips buries him with a slap and bows out of the match due to head problems. Who did this get over?

–Commercial Break–

– Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel ,make their way to the ring. Heyman said he’s a “humble visionary” and said he’s known for being the advocate for Brock Lesnar, as well as C.M. Punk’s historic title reign. He said when he points his finger at someone and calls them the next big thing, the people can invest stock in it. His new project is Curtis Axel. Axel said in one day, he accomplished more than his father and grandfather did in their entire careers combined. He said the record books will show that he beat Triple H on Monday. Will they?.

Curtis Axel vs. Sin Cara
SIN CARA LIGHTING~! Axel takes Cara down with a waist-lock. Cara fights back with kicks and a head-scissors take-down. Axel is quick to respond with stomps and sends him head-first into the turnbuckle. Orton’s doing an interview on the WWE App. Curtis is so important. Handspring back-elbow from Cara, then a springboard cross-body for two. Cara misses a splash from the top. Axel takes him down with a sloppy modified neckbreaker and covers Sin Cara for three. This wasn’t very good at all. At least Axel won easily enough in his re-debut match.

OFFICIAL RESULT:Curtis Axel @ 3:04 via pinfall

–Commercial Break–

United States Championship: Dean Ambrose(c) vs. Kofi Kingston
Shoulder tackle by Ambrose, but Kofi comes back with a dropkick. Kofi went for a quick roll-up for two. They go back and forth with some brawling. Kofi kicked Seth Rollins away while he was on the top rope, then jumped onto Reigns on the outside. Kofi gets back in the ring and gets mauled by The Shield for another DQ. This was going along just fine until the quick DQ finish

OFFICIAL RESULT:Kofi Kingston @ 2:24 via DQ

–Commercial Break–

Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton, and Sheamus vs. The Shield.
We’re joining in progress. Sheamus slams reigns and gets a ONEEEEE. Orton tagged in as Sheamus held the hair of Reigns. Rollins tagged in and Orton beats him up quickly. Kofi tagged in and put some work in on Rollins. Rollins manages to tag Ambrose, who runs right into an Orton clothesline. Neck-breaker by Sheamus. Rollins was caught coming off the second rope by Sheamus and The Shield pulls Rollins out of the ring as we head to break.

Commercial Break

The Shield was in control until Rollins missed a shoulder charge in the corner. Orton gets a hot tag. Reigns tosses Orton out of the ring and things break down on the outside. Back in the ring now, Rollins takes control and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose hits an elbow drop on Orton. Rollins sends Orton head-first into the middle turnbuckle. Orton and Rollins battle in the corner and Orton wins that battle with a superplex. Sheamus made the tag and he cleaned house. Rollins falls victim to THE CLUBBERING~! Reigns comes in and spears Sheamus but gets hit with an RKO outside the ring. Kingston tags in and hits Ambrose with a cross-body for a near fall. Rollins grabs Kingston’s leg, leading to Ambrose hitting the Bulldog Driver for the win! This was a solid six man tag that could have used a bit more time to progress. Hopefully we get to see Kingston vs. Ambrose happen soon

OFFICIAL RESULT:The Shield @ 13:50 via pinfall
RATING: **1/2

OVERALL: Not good, not good at all. Every match besides the main event was really short and there wasn’t much substance to anything. The Shield looks great as always and that’s about it.3/10

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Michael Benjamin

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