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Bobby Flaco Characterizes AR Fox’s Success As “Inspirational”

Speaking recently with The Spotlight, Bobby Flaco took some time to talk about his experiences working with AR Fox (via Fightful). The wrestler shared his reaction to seeing Fox’s work with AEW and how he’s progressed over the years. You can find some highlights from Flaco and watch the full interview below.
On how he began training with Fox earlier in his career: “I’m so lucky with Fox. I didn’t do my research or anything like that. I had a friend, King Garuda, he starts training at WWA4 and I eventually just go up there and start checking into it and checking it out. I eventually joined and started training. I loved Fox’s vibe, I love the atmosphere, it was in like the back of a strip club back in the day. Like I said, I didn’t do my research, I’m lucky that Fox turned out to be one of the best in the world. I’m super honored to have the relationship that I have with Fox. It’s helped me a lot.”
On seeing Fox’s success manifest in the way it has: “It feels good. I’ve always loved Fox so much. It feels good to be able to know that he’s good. The school has always been there and to know that he’s made it. Nobody puts more into this shit than Fox. Nobody. He puts everything into the school and into his matches. To have been able to do the EVOLVE tours with him and to see him now, it’s amazing. He’s enjoying the fuck out of it, and that’s the best part. It’s some Cinderella shit. You couldn’t be happier for Fox. I’m super happy.”
On why he feels Fox has succeeded so far: “It’s inspirational too. Seeing Fox now, it goes back to the way it used to be. You have to put a lot of work in, you have to be one of the best to be treated like Fox has been treated right now. It took like [snaps fingers] from people talking about Fox and once they figured out who he is and what he’s capable of. He’s friends with everybody. Everybody has a huge amount of respect for him. Once they figured that out, he was given that spot he deserved. It’s good to see that when you do put the work in and you become that person, that reward happens for somebody like Fox. It’s sick to see.”