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Championship Roll Call:
Undisputed WWE World Champion: ABEYANCE!!!
US Champion: Sheamus
IC Champion: Bad News Barrett
Unified Diva’s Champion: Paige
WWE World Tag Team Champions: The Usos
Tony Acero is out of action this evening, likely recovering from the news regarding AJ Lee, her marriage and her rumoured pregnancy. That means you are stuck with me, Daniel Wilcox, doing my first live Raw coverage for a number of years.
Please be patient with me, I haven’t stayed up late enough to even watch Raw live for a long, long time, and I’m very tired. I do apologise for any errors, this is a very last-minute deal. If you’re not happy with my recapping style, I don’t care, this is a one off.
Enjoy the read.
And if you’re one of those who only reads the recap without watching the show, I’m going to make things up as I go along. Expect a Chris Jericho return and a Kevin Nash run-in.
We open with Stephanie McMahon making her way to ringside. We recap Roman Reigns winning the Battle Royal last week, and thankfully we skip the whole coffee-spiking and vomiting bit. Stephanie, who looks incredible by the way, invites Vickie Guerrero to the ring to address her incompetence. Vickie stumbles over her lines but apologises for what happened last week and points the finger at Roman Reigns. Stephanie calls her a failure for obvious reasons. Steph points out that Reigns won the Battle Royal and can now become champion, and that’s Vickie’s fault. She promises I won’t happen again and Stephanie points out that Vickie has ridden the coattails of Eddie Guerrero for nearly a decade. “Eddie” chants. Eddie deserves respect but Vickie doesn’t. Vickie begs for one last chance. Stephanie wants Vickie to get down on her knees and beg. Stephanie is really coming into her own in this role. She tells Vickie to get up because she’s pathetic. She’s a cockroach. She has two options – either Vickie is fired or she can remain General Manager of SmackDown… if Vickie wins her match tonight. Vickie says she isn’t a competitor so Steph asks if that’s Vickie’s resignation. Vickie asks who her opponent will be. That’s the best part, Vickie’s opponent will be… Stephanie McMahon! “Yes” chant. Stephanie does not think Vickie has the guts. Vickie says the only name in the industry people respect more than McMahon is Guerrero. She knows how to lie, cheat and steal, and she accepts, so EXCUSE ME! Big face pop for that, and we get a “Vickie” chant as she storms out. Stephanie soaks up the boos.
Despite not building to the pay-per-view at all, this was an opening segment that we knew was coming, but the face turn made it work and now people have a reason to care as we wait and see if Stephanie will get her comeuppance. We know she won’t, but using the Guerrero name helped get people behind Vickie and now we’re invested in the match.
Michael Cole reveals that Triple H will announce the participants for the Money in the Bank (Briefcase) Ladder Match later tonight.
Also tonight, Bad News Barrett defends the Intercontinental Championship match against Dolph Ziggler, and we have a 4-on-3 rematch from Friday night SmackDown as John Cena, Sheamus and Roman Reigns team up against Alberto del Rio, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt and Cesaro.
Jimmy Uso vs. Luke Harper
I believe this is the debut of some brand new music for the Wyatts. It’s a harmonica played to the tune of “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands,” which Cole fails to recognise. Jerry Lawler makes the save. Clubbing blows by Harper, who then throws a dropkick early. Rowan and Jey are at ringside. Harper hits an uppercut and Jimmy’s attempts at a comeback are to no avail. A thrust kick to the gut is followed up by an enziguiri by Uso, but he gets cut off. Uso with another super-kick and that gets a 2 count. Harper to the floor, Rowan cuts off the dive so Jey Uso floors Rowan. Harper takes advantage of the distraction to hit the discus clothesline for the win in roughly a minute.
Winner: Luke Harper
Jey asks where Rowan is going, he wants a one-on-one match right now. Jey over the top and takes out the Wyatts with a dive. We’re going to have another match, after the break.
I really hope we haven’t lost the old Wyatt music permanently, because it kicked ass.
Jey Uso vs. Erick Rowan
We join in progress as Rowan runs into a boot, but he catches Uso coming off the top and hits a fallaway slam. Uso should win this one to even the score. A cover gets 2. Both “Raw1100,” and “Vickie vs. Stephanie” are trending. Is this the first time we’ve had a Guerrero vs. a McMahon. Harper continues to pound away at Uso and hits a backbreaker. He misses a charge in the corner and posts himself. Uso hits a kick from the apron, Jimmy takes out Harper on the floor and Jey connects with a splash off the top and gets the cover on Rowan, again in less than a couple of minutes.
Winner: Jey Uso
Harper attempts to break up the celebration but gets wiped out with a dive. Rowan tosses Jimmy Uso and beats down on Jimmy. Harper slaps Rowan before launching him into Je, who then eats a big boot. To the floor now and Rowan tosses Jimmy into the steps and Harper wipes him out with a clothesline. The Wyatts celebrate, titles in hand. I have a hunch that the Wyatts are walking out with the gold Sunday, and despite the shortness of the matches, this was good build to the title showdown.
Bray Wyatt is on the tron, and he is proud of his boys. They trample on their fallen enemies. Soon they will all fall, and his own victory will bring forth a new era where the Eater of Worlds is champion of the needy souls he had to trample on. Harper and Rowan are worthy disciples, and they will roam the Earth like giants.
Bog-standard promo from Wyatt, but we’ve highlighted the tag title match and given one of the participants in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match screen time as well.
We are half-hour in, and I’m sick of how many commercial breaks we have already. This is why I watch this show on a Tuesday morning.
Daniel Bryan will be a part of the Money in the Bank Kick-Off Show this Sunday.
We’re in Washington, DC. So of course, we get a clip of Lana and Rusev sight-seeing. Lana runs down America. We then get pictures comparing the White House and some of Russia’s governmental landmarks and of course Putin. I’m not sure running down the US government is going to draw heel heat in DC, but then I’m a Brit so what do I know? No one can stop the Revolution of Rusev. He talks in Russian, and he’s here to crush.
Paige is here. She’s the AJ Lee to my Tony Acero, although I do love me some AJ, too. Paige will be doing commentary, and I’m more intrigued by how she does with some mic time than I am this match. I’ve met Paige a bunch of times, she’s a great girl and deserves every success. A real down-to-earth girl.
Alicia Fox vs. Naomi
Paige puts over Naomi as a threat and calls Fox cracks. Cameron joins on commentary too, and it’s all going to go downhill from here.
There’s some athleticism going on in the ring, but the camera focuses on the announce table. Fox avoids Naomi ass (why?) and takes a hip toss. Forearms from Fox, Naomi cartwheels out of it, and we go back to a shot of Cameron and Paige being bitchy. A rana sends Fox to the floors as Paige accuses Cameron of riding Naomi’s coattails, which is apparently a new word WWE script-writers have come across this weekend. Cameron points out that Naomi watched her get beat last week, and she admits there’s an issue there. Fox beats down Naomi on the floor then hits a backbreaker on the floor. Cole discredits Cameron’s argument for no obvious reason. Apologies if my coverage seems to be focusing on the commentary, but so is the cameraman. Fox hits a beautiful Northern Lights suplex in the ring for 2. Cameron apologises to Paige for not slapping her hard enough last week. Paige does not see Cameron as a threat. Logically, this leads to a Triple Threat between Paige and the Funkadactyls at the pay-per-view. Fox dumps Naomi to the floor and takes time draw heat. Cameron is tired of being seen as just a cheerleader.
Both girls have valid arguments on commentary, but Cole interrupting and the camera work is infuriating. Back in the ring, Naomi counters out of a slam, and hits a new finisher, something of a reverse cutter/final cut type move for the win. A much better finishing move there.
Winner: Naomi
Paige on the apron and holds her title aloft. She offers a handshake to Naomi, who accepts. Paige asks if Naomi wants the title as Cameron yawns at ringside.
Sheamus is backstage. He asks Roman Reigns if he’s ready for a fight. Reigns is always ready. Sheamus appreciates the confidence, but he remembers the beat downs the Shield put on him. Sunday is every man for himself. Reigns quashes Sheamus’ concerns by pointing out that if he wanted to take out Sheamus, he’d do it right now. Reigns doesn’t believe in magic, he believes in Roman Reigns, and so should Sheamus.
Bo Dallas vs. Titus O’Neill
Apparently people aren’t sure if Bo is a heel of face, so putting him up against Titus should help. Bo does his usual shtick pre-match. I’m still very much on the fence about this gimmick, but the DC crowd seems into. Dallas has a black eye, and we get “let’s go Bo!” chants. Titus dominates early with a couple of backbreakers and a toss. A beale brings Bo back in and Titus chops the hell out of Bo. Dallas failing to win the Battle Royal last week apparently does not count as the end of his streak. Out of nowhere Bo hits the Bo-dog for the win.
Winner: Bo Dallas
Dallas celebrates like Portugal jus equalised in the last minute against USA. Bo points out that he’s 9 and B0, so Titus slaps the mic out of his hand. “Silly me, butterfingers!” Brilliant! Bo thanks the audience. Don’t stop Bo-lieving. That was actually an amazing line.
Triple H is up next. I’d like to see Triple H announce Seth’s opponents as a bunch of jobbers, but that would make too much sense.
Triple H comes out to ringside and reminds us that there will be two ladder matches this Sunday. The briefcase hangs above the ring, and it’s a nice new gold one. Triple H reminds of the stipulations surrounding the contract. Triple H has chosen the participants that are best for business.
Money in the Bank Briefcase Match Participants: Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Bad News Barrett
Triple H’s Bad News Barrett impression is fantastic. He professes Seth Rollins to be the favourite after teasing Rob Van Dam. There’s only 6 participants announced, so obviously Dean Ambrose gets in later. Rollins makes his way to ringside. We see highlights from Rollins turning on the Shield.
Seth is greeted with “you sold out” chants and he can’t believe people haven’t moved on. He’s over it. If the fans love Ambrose and Reigns they should thank him because he is responsible for all of their success. He took them as far as they could go and then dropped the dead weight. Rollins does a good impression of Ambrose, but their angst won’t change a thing – he created the Shield and he had the right to destroy them. It’s no secret that the group took him this far, but this Sunday he will climb the ladder, grab the contract and after this Sunday he will be Mr. Money in…
Rob Van Dam comes to the top of the stage to interrupt Rollins’ great promo. Van Dam does not feel like he’s being taken seriously. Rollins does take him seriously. “In fact, I’d take you more seriously if this was 2005.” Van Dam points out that that was back when Rollins asked mom and dad to stay up late to watch Van Dam, the reason he wanted to be a wrestler. Van Dam points out that he’s a former Money in the Bank holder and world champion. And Van Dam knows Triple H remembers getting injured in the first Elimination Chamber. Good times! And good continuity. Van Dam wants to live in the present though, and challenges Rollins to a match. Triple H and Rollins agree and that match is next!
Great promos from both guys, in all fairness.
Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam
Rollins with rights and boots to start. Van Dam hits the heel kick in the corner and follows it up with his monkey flip. Another wheel kick, and RVD clotheslines Rollins to the floor. PLANCHA! Moonsault off the apron connects as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and RVD is getting choked out. Rollins goes for the triple verticals, and we get our second “Eddie” chant of the night. The verticals score Rollins a near fall. They exchange counters before Rollins hits the wraparound for another near fall. Van Dam looks glazed over. Boots to Rollins in the corner and he hits a forearm splash and a short arm clothesline. Another near fall. Rear naked choke with scissors applied by Rollins. Van Dam inevitably fights out as the fans rally behind him. Double leg roll-up scores a near fall for RVD and he follows up with a couple of clotheslines and a thrust kick. RVD calls for Rolling Thunder, Rollins scouts it but eats a boot to the jaw. Rolling Thunder connects! RVD is feeling froggy, Rollins is up too quick, Van Dam to the apron and slingshot in and kills Rollins with a DDT! Five Star Frog Splash… finds the canvas! Rollins on the attack with forearms to the face of Van Dam now. Rollins hits the running powerbomb into the turnbuckles and hits the curb stomp! Dean Ambrose in for the DQ!
Winner: Rob Van Dam [by DQ]
Ambrose takes Rollins to the floor and we have ourselves a brawl! The power of the zebras get some separation. Ambrose looks to back off, comes back, runs the announce table and tackles Rollins. Ambrose rules the ring as Rollins scurries up the ramp. Dean Ambrose is awesome. He wants a damn microphone, and the crowd love him. Dude’s crazy. Ambrose wants in that Ladder match. He’s going to show up anyway, bash Rollins’ face in, take the briefcase and screw up the whole damn pay-per-view. He’s coming to the pay-per-view, and he’s not coming to play nice.
Ambrose is incredible.
Rob Van Dam sold the hell out of that curb stomp, although he was late to get down for it so it all looked a bit telegraphed, as opposed to Rollins capitalising on the situation.
Seth Rollins wants Ambrose in the match because he wants to see the threat coming. If he’s in the match, he can control Ambrose. Triple H understands. Rollins wants to see the look on Ambrose’s face when Rollins pulls the contract down. If this blows up in Rollins face, it’s on him. Seth says he’s got this. Triple H loves the confidence, and Ambrose is in.
Intercontinental Championship Match: Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
Guess what! Barrett’s got some bad news! I love this gimmick. Ziggler scored a fluke victory. After tonight and Sunday, Dolph will be so embarrassed he will be forced to change his name, just like Washington’s racist, constantly-losing NFL team! Burn! We get some super special ring announcing. Little bits like that, and the fact that there’s a logical reason for this match, help make the title seem that much more important. Keep doings that sort of thing, please. This also gives some much-needed build to the MITB match. Barrett with boots and clubbering blows early. Does nobody use a collar-and-elbow tie-up any more? Ziggler scores a 2 count off a schoolboy and 2 more from a dropkick. Barrett gets telegraphed but clotheslines Ziggler to the floor. BNB introduces Ziggler’s face to the ring apron, and the Artist Formerly Known as Wade rolls Ziggler in for 2. Barrett shuts down a comeback but runs into a back elbow. Crossbody by Ziggler and he connects with a flurry of rights. Ziggler’s showing fire! Mounted corner punches by Ziggler, and a traditional neckbreaker give Ziggler momentum. Fameasser misses, Winds of Change connect! JBL gets in a dig at England’s World Cup woes. Fair enough, I took a jab at the USA eam earlier. Ziggler slips out of Wasteland and hits the Zig Zag! Dolph goes for the cover but Barrett rolls to the floor. Peculiar match structure so far, but it’s nice to have a break from the norm. This seemed like a 15-minute match without the opening 10-minutes, but we’re heading to a commercial with the champion in trouble. We come back to Ziggler in the middle of his consecutive elbow drops. They get another near fall. DC massively behind Ziggler here. Barrett goes to the apron and back drops Ziggler to the floor. Cactus elbow on the floor! Back in, and Barrett gets a near fall. Chinlock applied now by Barrett as the fans rally behind the underdog challenger. Ziggler fights out but catches a stiff boot to the face from Barrett! That earns another 2 count. Barrett heads up top now, but Ziggler has some bad news… TOP ROPE FACEPLANT! One… two… thr-NO! Kick out by Barrett. Overzealous “this is awesome” chant from DC. Ziggler gets planted once more, fights out of a powerbomb but gets sent to WASTELAND! One… two… thr-NO! Ziggler’s still alive. Bullhammer misses, FAMEASSER CONNECTS! Cover, one… two… threee-NO! The fans really bought that false finish. This is approaching the level of awesomeness the fans are calling. Ziggler blocks another Winds of Changes and scores another near fall off of a roll-up. Ziggler looks for a stinger splash… BULLHAMMER! That’s more than enough for the win.
Winner: Bad News Barrett
Great match.
Renee Young asks Vickie Guerrero about her match. She knows she isn’t popular, and she has no regrets, but tonight she takes her dignity back. Randy Orton thinks she will regret the decision she made to put Roman Reigns in the Battle Royal, and tonight she will get what she deserves, just like Orton will this Sunday.
On Main Event tomorrow, Rob Van Dam, Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler take on Seth Rollins, Jack Swagger and Bad News Barrett.
Vickie Guerrero vs. Stephanie McMahon
Vickie comes out to Eddie’s old theme music, and it gives me goosebumps. The lack of crowd reaction is disheartening though. Jerry Lawler busts out the old “Latino Heeeat, and that’s a great moment. Stephanie is not dressed to compete. Their match isn’t going to take place in the ring, it’s going to take place in a strategically placed pool of what we can only presume is mud. Fans chant “yes.” The first one to end up in he pool loses, and if Vickie loses, she is fired. Stephanie invites out Layla, Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes to get Vickie. They surround her in the ring, and Vickie wisely gets out of dodge. Stephanie blocks her path, and the three of them drag her to the pool. Vickie fights out and Rosa gets pushed into the pool. Layla misses a crossbody and hits the mud! Alicia gets tossed in next as Vickie starts a “yes” chant. Obviously Stephanie attacks from behind and pushes Vickie into the mud. Vickie is then fired. Stephanie feels like singing a song and gives Vickie the “na, na, na na” treatment. She actually doesn’t have a terrible voice, but Steph is becoming a tremendous heel. Of course, Vickie has nothing to lose and Stephanie’s facial expressions as she realises this are priceless. Vickie grabs Stephanie and tosses her in! We get a very small “thank you, Vickie” chant as Eddie’s music plays and Vickie gives us a little shimmy. The segment was awful, but I enjoyed he hell out of it. Vickie’s been a great servant to the company and has done far more with what she’s been given then anyone though she could, so kudos to her.
Winner: Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie is still gorgeous. Of course, the referee ends up in the mud.
We get a recap of the debut of Stardust last week.
Can we not get a Cody and Dolph tag team, if for no other reason than to you the team name Ziggy Stardust?
Backstage, Goldust doesn’t acknowledge the transformation. Cody sings. Things get weird. “Now I’m the normal one” – Goldust.
Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston
I enjoyed this match on ECW in 2008. Not so much on Raw 2014. Swagger looks to avoid Kofi’s kicks as Kingston looks to avoid being grappled to the mat early. A shoulder tackle does the job for Swagger, but he runs into a flying elbow. Swagger goes to the knee to gain control before tossing Kingston from corner to corner. A big clothesline earns a near fall. “Thank You Vickie” is the top-trending topic worldwide. Swagger Bomb connects. After the last segment and this pedestrian follow up, this formerly hot DC crowd has died a death. Kingston jaw-breaks his way out of a resthold and catches Swagger with two feet to the face. They botch a springboard crossbody and Kofi dumps Swagger to the floor. Swagger comes back in and eats a dropkick to send him back. Senton to the floor by Kofi, who looked to land awkwardly (poor catch by Swagger), but seems OK. Back in, Swagger blocks the crossbody, but gets caught in a victory roll for a near fall. Kofi comes off the ropes and immediately gets caught in the Swagger Lock, or the Swagger Jagger as I’ve coined it. After trying and failing to reach the ropes, Kofi taps.
Winner: Jack Swagger
Swagger may well have a broken nose there. I’m not sure what bump that cut came from, possible the botched in-ring crossbody, or the dive to the floor.
Paige defending the Diva’s Championship against Naomi is confirmed for the Money in the Bank pay-per-view.
Alberto del Rio is in the back. He’s one of only two guys in the match on Sunday to have successfully cashed in Money in the Bank. Paul Heyman interrupts to bring up the fact that his client Brock Lesnar conquered the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania. Cesaro is winning the title this Sunday, with all due respect. Del Rio wants to know if Cesaro talks. The problem is, he only speaks five languages, and none of them are “loser.”
Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt is set for SmackDown.
Tonight Matthew, Damien Sandow is Abe Lincoln. Big E soon interupts, and this is a match.
Big E vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow wrestles in the coat and top hat, and this goes exactly how you’d expect. Big E has a new singlet, so that’s of note. After an early flurry, a series of clotheslines and the Big Ending ends it.
Winner: Big E
Big E grabs the microphone and cuts a promo n Lana and Rusev. Enough is enough. It’s a confident promo, but the fans struggle to get into it despite the patriotism. Then Big E has some weird grunting going on after every line. Lana provides the distraction and Rusev attacks from behind. Fallaway slam connects. Big judo kick from Rusev floors Big E. Accolade applied and Rusev stands tall.
Not to be a buzz kill because I appreciate creative given mid-card guys something to, but we saw Ruseve beat Big E in 3 minutes last month, so where’s the intrigue?
John Cena points out that those whom he fights alongside tonight will be his enemies come Sunday. People will get hurt and careers will be shortened Sunday. The only guarantee is that a new champion will be crowned. It’s time to pick your favourite. Cena’s money says the champ is here. Bank on that.
Alberto del Rio, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton and Cesaro vs. John Cena, Sheamus and Bray Wyatt
This is the worst kind of lazy booking. I don’t mind repeat matches all the time, but repeating the main event of the last show – a match that had a definitive finish – as the main event here is just sad.
Prediction time: Sheamus suffers the first heat segment before Cena gets the hot tag, only to fall prey to the second heat segment. Reigns gets the tag and cleans house, Sheamus ends up eating the fall before Reigns and Cena clear out the heels post-match to close the show with a stare down.
Good news – Bray Wyatt keeps his own music.
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