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From The Shelf: TNA One Night Only: X-Travaganza

May 27, 2013 | Posted by Dylan Diot
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From The Shelf: TNA One Night Only: X-Travaganza  

TNA One Night Only: X-Travaganza
Orlando, FL

No key points here, as this is just a PPV to showcase X-Division talent.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Taz.

Top Ten X-Division Moment: AJ Styles becomes the first X-Division champion.

Top Ten X-Division Moment: The first Ultimate X Match.

Xscape Match- Matt Bentley vs. Alex Silva vs. Lince Dorado vs. Sam Shaw vs. Puma vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Christian York
Dorado and Silva start. Dragon screw leg sweep by Silva but Dorado comes back with a hurricanrana. Wrist clutch hurricanrana by Dorado and York tags in. Sick kick by York and Puma tags in. They trade shots and Puma takes York down with a headscissors. York presses Puma onto the top rope but Bentley takes him down. Rave nails York from behind and he and Bentley stomp away on York. Rave covers for 2 and he and Bentley hit a double back elbow. Everyone comes in and brawls which leads to Dorado hitting a tornado DDT on York for 2. York fires away with knees and he hits a neckbreaker. Shaw and Silva come in and Silva hits a back elbow. Jawbreaker by Shaw and he follows up with a dropkick for 2. Suplex by Shaw and Bentley comes in. Fisherman’s suplex by Bentley and he goes up. Elbow drop off the top by Bentley gets 2. Shaw charges in the corner but eats boot and York comes in. He goes for a suplex but Dorado counters into a roll-up for 2. Missile dropkick by Dorado but York comes back with a big boot. Mood Swing by York gets 3. Lince Dorado is eliminated.
York charges at Puma in the corner but eats boot and Puma hits a missile dropkick. He fires away on Shaw but Shaw hits the Orton backbreaker into a neckbreaker for 3. Puma is eliminated.
Silva attacks from behind and he hits a flying kneestrike. Bentley attacks now and Silva hits some jabs. Reverse atomic drop by Silva and he hits a flying kneestrike to Bentley. Orton backbreaker into the neckbreaker by Shaw to Silva and Bentley covers for 3. Alex Silva is eliminated.
Bentley rakes the eyes of Shaw and he goes for a suplex but Shaw escapes. Superkick by Bentley and Rave stomps away in the corner. Forearms by Rave but Shaw fires back with his own. Ghanarhea by Rave gets 3. Sam Shaw is eliminated.
O’Connor roll by York to Rave gets 2 and Bentley nails York. Rave holds York for an axe handle off the top by Bentley. Rave chops away on York and they double team York in the corner. Corner clothesline by Bentley and Rave charges in the corner but eats boot. Half nelson suplex by York to Rave and he hits Mood Swing to Bentley for 3. Matt Bentley is eliminated.
Rave sends York into the cage and he starts to climb. York follows and he brings Rave back inside. York slams Rave’s face off the cage a few times but Rave takes York down by the hair sending him crashing to the mat. Rave continues to climb but York follows and they slug it out on top of the cage. York fires away and he brings Rave off the top with the swinging neckbreaker. York climbs and he fights Rave off. York escapes for the win.
Winner- Christian York **1/2 ( The final few minutes between York and Rave were pretty good but the rest of the match as a decent spot fest that was sloppy at times and the crowd didn’t care for. )

Top Ten X-Division Moment: Ultimate X Match from Victory Road 2008.

Anthony Nese and Rashad Cameron say they represent the new revolution of the X-Division.

Kid Kash and Douglas Williams vs. Anthony Nese and Rashad Cameron
This is billed as old vs. new school. Williams and Cameron start. Cameron takes Williams down into the crucifix for 1. Williams takes Cameron down and grabs a toe hold. Rowboat by Williams and Kash throws some cheap shots. Cameron catches Williams with a roll-up for 1 and he hits a dropkick forcing Williams to bail. Back in, Nese and Kash gets the tag and they wrestle for control. Kash catches Nese in a chinlock but Nese escapes and Kash charges in the corner but eats elbow. Springboard crossbody by Nese gets 2 and he clotheslines Kash to the floor. Williams catches Nese with a lariat but Cameron dropkicks him to the floor. Summersault plancha by Cameron followed up with the corkscrew plancha by Nese!!! Back in, Nese tries to springboard in but Kash nails him and tags Williams. He works over Nese and tags Kash who throws some kicks to the chest of Nese. Kash stomps away in the corner and stomps the groin of Nese. Tag to Williams and he goes for a back suplex but Nese escapes and tags Cameron. Hurricanrana by Cameron and he hits a double knee strike in the corner. Missile dropkick by Cameron gets 2. Kash throws a knee to the back of Cameron allowing Williams to hit a lariat. Tag to Kash and he tosses Cameron down by the afro. Kash stomps away in the corner and he chokes Cameron with his boot. Release back suplex by Kash and he throws a kick to the back for 2. Tag to Williams and he hits a jawbreaker. Knee strike in the corner by Williams and he hits a snap suplex. Tag to Kash and throws rapid kicks at Cameron. Slam by Kash and he chokes away on Cameron. Cameron fights back with forearms but Kash knocks him down with one of his own. Slam by Kash and he goes up. Kash goes for the moonsault off the top but eats knees and Nese gets the tag. Nese cleans house and he hits a springboard moonsault for 2. Kash rakes the eyes and tags Williams who eats a boot to the face and a spinning heel kick from Nese. Sit-out pumphandle bomb by Nese but Kash catches him with a basement dropkick before he could make the cover. Double dropkick by Nese and Cameron catches Williams with a corner forearm. Corner kneestrike by Nese gets 2 as Kash saves. Cameron dropkicks Kash to the floor and he hits a slingshot pescado to the floor. Back in, Nese hits a dropkick to the leg of Williams and he goes for a German suplex but Williams blocks. Nese blocks a roll-up attempt for 2 and Kash nails Nese allowing Williams to hit the Chaos Theory for 3.
Winners- Kid Kash and Douglas Williams **3/4 ( Good match with Nese putting on one hell of a performance that makes TNA look dump from releasing him so quickly. The main issue with the match was that neither team seemed to gel well which caused some awkward moments during the match but there was another action to make it worthwhile. )

Top Ten X-Division Moment: Samoa Joe wins his first X-Division Championship.

Samoa Joe says tonight is a night to celebrate a style of wrestling where you would do anything to win. He warns Austin Aries that he will beat him down and choke him out.

Robbie E comes out and claims he invented the X-Division. He says he’s going to give everyone in the Impact Zone a treat by letting them applaud him. Chavo Guerrero Jr. interrupts him and Chavo talks about how the X-Division originated from the Cruiserweight Division of which he was a great champion of. He also mentions lucha libre also giving rise to the X-Division and says that the Guerrero family helped to launch the X-Division. He challenges Robbie E to a match but Robbie E claims they don’t have a ref for the match. Chavo says he has a ref, a brother of a former X-Division champion, Joseph Park.

Robbie E vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Joseph Park is your guest ref. Waist lock by Chavo to start but E backs him to the corner to break. Chavo stomps away on E in the corner and he charges but E backdroips him to the floor. E misses a slingshot pescado to the floor and Chavo hammers away on the floor. Back in, Chavo hits the Hilo for 1. Whip to the corner hard by E and he hits a slam. E hits a front elbow drop off the second rope for 2. Chinlock by E but Chavo elbows out. Dropkick by Chavo and he hits a tilt-a-whirl slam. Spinning heel kick by Chavo and he goes for a suplex but E blocks. He goes for a crossbody but Chavo moves and Park catches him. Three Amigos by Chavo and he goes up. Frog Splash by Chavo gets 3.
Winner- Chavo Guerrero Jr. * ( This whole segment, including the match, just wasn’t good. Joseph Park’s participation just came across as forced and Chavo pretty much squashed Robbie E. )

We get highlights of some of the craziest moves in the history of the X-Division.

Kenny King talks about being the centerpiece of the X-Division and he doesn’t fear the danger that comes with the Ultimate X match. He says he’s not to prove he’s the future but the present of the X-Division.

We see highlights of the history of the Ultimate X Match.

Ultimate X Match- Zema Ion vs. Rubix vs. Kenny King vs. Mason Andrews
Rubix and Andrews clean house on King and Ion to start and Andrews catches Rubix with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Rubix comes back with an arm drag into a basement dropkick but runs into a spinkick from King. Rubix charges at Ion in the corner but misses and Ion hits a slingshot stomp to the head of Rubix. Slam into a springboard legdrop by King to Rubix and he dumps Rubix to the floor. All four ment go at it on the floor and Rubix sends King into the railings. Back in, Andrews goes up but Ion stops him. Andrews fights him off and connects with a crossbody off the top onto Ion. Second rope dropkick by Rubix to Ion and he slams Andrews. Slingshot legdrop by Rubix and he goes up but King fights him off. Ion climbs but Andrews stops him and follows up. He hammers away on Ion but now Rubix follows. Andrews fights him off and King begins to climb the X. Andrews pulls King down into the reverse atomic drop. Rubix sends Andrews to the floor and he goes up. Ion stops him and he tosses Rubix off the top. King goes up but Andrews runs up and takes King off the top with the superplex. Rubix climbs the X but he drops himself into a hurricanrana onto Ion!!! Kick to the head by King knocks Rubix off the apron and he follows up with a twisting slingshot pesaco to the floor. Summersault plancha to the floor by Andrews and Ion goes up. Corkscrew press to the floor onto everyone by Ion!!! Rubix climbs the strutcture holding up the X and he hits a crossbody to the floor onto everyone!!!! Rubix climbs the X but King pulls him down into the Royal Flush. King goes up but Ion crotches him and follows up. He goes for a superplex but King blocks and dumps Ion to the floor. Andrews takes King off the top with the hurricanrana and he climbs the X. Ion pulls him off and hits the back suplex into the facebuster. Running double knees by King to Ion and Rubix uses Ion as a base to hit a Tornado DDT onto King. King and Ion are stacked in the corner for an Avalanche by Rubix. Andrews climbs but Rubix pulls him off and hits a release German suplex. Rubix goes up but Ion pushes him to the apron and he suplexes Rubix back in. Ion climbs the X but King and Rubix pull him down. Ion neckbreakers King while King connects with a DDT to Rubix. Ion goes up but Andrews pushes him into the steel structure where he gets caught up. Missile dropkick by Rubix to King but he walks into a bicycle kneestrike from Andrews. Andrews climbs the X but Ion follows and they fight in the middle off the X. Andrews takes Ion off the X with the Flatliner!!! Rubix climbs the X and he unhooks the X. King catches him leaping off with the electric chair and he steals the X for the win!!!
Winner- Kenny King ***1/2 ( The first portion of the match they never utilized the X and the action wasn’t great but once they started incorporating the X into the match it was awesome. All four men got a chance to shine and put on an entertaining and exciting Ultimate X match. This was the best King and Xion have looked in quite some time and Andrews and Rubix again showed they deserve to be on the roster. )

Top Ten X-Division Moment: Brian Kendrick defeats Abyss at Destination X 2011.

Bad Influence laid claim to being the best tag team in Pro Wrestling and brag about their greatness.

Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams talks about training for their return to TNA over the last few years and look forward to showcasing their abilities once again.

Top Ten X-Division Moment: The AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels rivalry.

Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels and Kazarian) vs. Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams
Daniels and Williams start. Daniels hammers away in the corner to start and he hits a corner forearm. He charges again but eats boot and Williams hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Second rope hurricanrana by Williams and he drop toe holds Daniles into the ropes. Dropkick to the back by Williams and Dutt tags in. Double back elbow to Daniels gets 2 and Daniels rams Dutt into the corner to stop the momentum. Tag to Kazarian and Dutt rolls through a sunset flip attempt into a standing moonsault for 2. Dutt works the arm but Kazarian backs him to the corner to break. Rights by Dutt and he hits a dropkick for 1. Tag to Williams and they hit a double flapjack to Kazarian. They catch Daniels with one coming in and Kazarian rolls Williams up for 2. Williams catches Kazarian in the Sharpshooter while Dutt grabs the Octapus on Daniels but Kazarian grabs the ropes to break. Williams bulldogs Daniels onto Kazarian and he dropkicks Daniels out of the ring. Williams goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Daniels grabs the leg to block. This allows Kazarian to hot shot Williams into a clothesline. Gordbuster into the ropes by Kazarian and he kicks Williams to the floor. Daniels works him over on the floor and back in, Daniels hits a slam. Slingshot elbow drop by Daniels and Kazarian tags in. Slingshot legdrop gets 2 and he chokes Williams in the ropes. Tag to Daniels and he hits the second rope stomp for 2. Chinlock by Daniels but Williams fights out. Daniels rams him into the corner and tags Kazarian who chokes Williams with his boot. Slam by Kazarian and he hits a springboard legdrop for 2. He grabs the front facelock but Williams starts to fight out and tags Dutt but the ref didn’t see it, allowing Bad Influence to double team Williams. Williams catches Kazarian with a swinging neckbreaker and Dutt gets the tag. He cleans house and bulldogs Daniels into the turnbuckle. Dutt with a slingshot legdrop while Daniels is in the ropes and he slingshots into the ring with a summersault hurricanrana. Tilt-a-whirl DDT by Dutt and he follows up with a standing SSP for 2 as Kazarian saves. Dutt springboards in but Daniels moves and Kazarian catches him with a slingshot DDT for 2. Double hiptoss into a powerbom/neckbreaker combo by Bad Influence gets 2 as Williams saves. Tilt-a-whirl side Russian leg sweep to Daniels by Williams and he goes for the Destroyer but Kazarian nails him to block. Enzuigiri by Dutt and he hits the standing Sliced Bread #2 for 2 as Daniels saves. Williams hiptosses Daniels to the floor and follows up with a slingshot hurricanrana to the floor. Dutt charges in the corner but eats boot and Kazarian covers with his feet on the ropes for 2. He argues with the ref and gets shoved into a Dutt roll-up for 2. Basement superkick by Dutt and he goes up but Daniels crotches him. Fade to Black by Kazarian and Daniels hits the BME for 3!!!
Winners- Bad Influence ***1/2 ( This match is a great throwback to the type of X-Division tag matches you saw back in 2005 and 2006. Tons of great action, good teamwork, and a hot finish. Another super fun match and Dutt and Williams look like they haven’t lost a step. )

After the match, Kazarian toys with Dutt and goes to nail him but misses and nails Daniels. Canadian Destroyer to Kazarian leaves him lying.

Video package for RVD/Jerry Lynn airs.

No DQ Match- Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam
This is their last match at Jerry Lynn is finishing up his retirement tour. Trade roll-ups to start and they reach a standstill. Reverse atomic drop by RVD but Lynn comes back with a clothesline and RVD bails. Back in, RVD catches Lynn with a spinning heel kick and he bails. RVD follows out but Lynn slams RVD’s face off the railings. Lynn goes in and looks to dive but RVD catches him with a kick to the head to block. RVD brings a chair into the ring and he drives it into the midsection of Lynn. RVD goes for the monkey flip but Lynn catches him with a second rope clothesline to block. Back to the floor they go and Lyn sends RVD into the railings. He charges but eats boot and RVD puts Lynn on the railings. Legdrop to the back by RVD takes Lynn off and he pulls out a table. He sets it up in the corner and goes to suplex Lynn back in but he blocks and hits a legdrop with RVD’s head in the ropes. RVD charges in the corner but eats boot and Lynn goes for a Tornado DDT but RVD blocks. Swinging neckbreaker by Lynn gets 2 and a crossbody brings both men crashing back to the floor. Lynn sets a table up on the floor and RVD goes to suplex Lynn to the floor but Lynn blocks. Lynn goes for a sunset flip powerbomb off the apron but RVD blocks with a legdrop. RVD rams the table into the midsection of Lynn a few times and back in, RVD goes up. Lynn crotches him and follows up with a Frankensteiner off the top. Dropkick by Lynn but RVD comes back with a SICK spinkick. RVD goes for the monkey flip but Lynn catches him with a sunset flip powerbomb onto a chair for 2!!! RVD counters a Cradle Piledriver attempt into a jackknife roll-up for 2. Spinning heel kick into the corner by RVD and he goes to dropkick a chair into Lynn but Lynn spears him through the table in the corner for 2!!! RVD hits a Northern Lights suplex onto a chair for 2!!! Springboard superkick by RVD and he goes up. He goes for the Five Star Frog Splash but Lynn moves and RVD eats the chair. Inside cradle by Lynn gets 2 and he legdrops RVD’s head onto a chair for 2!!! Lynn goes for the Cradle Piledriver but RVD backdrops him onto the chair and covers for 2. TKO onto the chair by Lynn gets 2. Lynn goes up with the chair but RVD hits a springboard superkick into the chair knocking Lynn through the table on the floor!!! Back in, RVD covers for 2!!! RVD goes up and hits the Five Star Frog Splash for 3!!!
Winner- Rob Van Dam ***1/2 ( There were times in the match they blew spots but this was a great send off for Jerry Lynn. Love the story of each guy countering and knowing every trick each other had in their book and they did go overboard with the weapons spot. A worthy conclusion to their epic rivalry. )

After the match, RVD and the TNA roster give Jerry Lynn a standing ovation in a nice moment.

Top Ten X Division Moment: The four way match at Destination X 2011 where Aries got a TNA contract.

Austin Aries talks about how when a money main event is needed, Samoa Joe and him get the call. He says they’ll get the best match of the year from them and show how great the talent of TNA is.

We see RVD and Lynn reflecting on their match backstage and Lynn has mixed feelings on his career coming to an end. Lynn thanks the fans for a great career.

Top Ten X Division Moment: Austin Aries wins the TNA Heavyweight Championship at Destination X 2012.

Top Ten X Division Moment: The Unbreakable 2005 three way match between Styles, Joe, and Daniels.

Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe
Feeling out process to start and Joe catches Aries in the headlock. Aries escapes and Joe powers Aries down with a shoulderblock forcing Aries to bail. Back in, Joe works the arm of Aries but Aries escapes and grabs a headlock of his own. Joe escapes and knocks Aries down with another shoulderblock. Joe with some jabs and he hits a corner back elbow followed by an enzuigiri. Snapmare and Joe chops the back. Kick to the chest into a kneedrop by Joe and he hits more jabs in the corner. Face washes by Joe and he goes for the Ole! Kick but Aries bails to the floor. He takes Joe down and goes to crotch him against the post but Joe pulls him into the post face first. Joe follows out and chops away on Aries, knocking him into the crowd!!! Knees to the midsection by Aries but he gets reversed into the steps. Aries dropkicks the leg of Joe as he was coming in and he snaps Joe’s leg against the ropes. Aries stomps away on the leg in the corner and he gives Joe a face wash. Aries hits some kneedrops to the leg of Joe and he drives Joe’s leg into the mat for 2. Another dropkick to the leg by Aries gets 2. Aries kicks away at Joe but Joe fights back with chops. Aries takes Joe down and he hits an elbow drop off the second rope onto the leg of Joe. Aries works over Joe in the corner and hits another dropkick to the leg of Joe. Dragon screw leg sweep by Aries and he grabs the Figure-4. Joe is able to turn it over and Aries grabs the ropes to break. Aries charges at Joe but gets backdropped to the apron and Joe knocks him off with a forearm. Joe goes for the Elbow Suicida but Aries moves out of the way and takes him out with the Heat Seeking Missile. Back in, Aries goes up and hits the missile dropkick. Joe gets right back up and KILLS Aries with a lariat!!! Forearms by Joe and he hits some jabs. Reverse atomic drop by Joe and he hits a big boot. Back senton by Joe gets 2. Snap powerslam by Joe gets 2. Powerbomb by Joe gets 2 and he converts it into the STF. Aries BITES the arm of Joe to break and they trade forearms. Kick to the leg by Aries and he hits a chop block. He goes for the Figure-4 but Joe catches him with the Conquita Clutch and Aries makes the ropes to break. Joe charges in the corner but misses and Aries hits a corner forearm. Corner dropkick by Aries and he goes for the Brainbuster. Joe counters into the Gordbuster and he goes for the lariat but Aries catches him with the crucifix bomb. Kick to the head by Aries and he can’t lift Joe up so he just covers him for 2. Stomp to the face by Aries and he goes up. He goes for the 450 Splash but Joe rolls out of the way. Aries charges in the corner but Joe catches him with the Urinage. He puts Aries on top and goes for the Muscle Buster but Aries counters into a roll-up for 3!!!
Winner- Austin Aries ***1/2 ( I liked that this match went in a different direction than most of the matches on the PPV as they this was more technical and focused more on the story of Aries trying to chop down the mighty Samoa Joe. It wasn’t anything you haven’t seen these two do before and the roll-up finish was a little deflating but this was a very good match that capped off a fun PPV. )

The 411: You won't find any blow away matches but that doesn't mean that this wasn't an incredibly fun show. The last four matches were all different from each other and represented how great the X-Division once was and how good the X-Division could be again with more attention and devotion. This show was a breeze to go through, and with only one bad match/segment I definitely recommend this show if you ever have three hours to kill.
Final Score:  7.0   [ Good ]  legend

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Dylan Diot

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