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Himanshu’s TNA Impact Review 5.23.24

Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. The road to Against All Odds heats up from the greater Cincinnati area as Speedball Mountain’s Mike Bailey and Trent Seven clash for an X-Division Title shot, Matt Hardy and Ryan Nemeth battle TNA World Tag Team Champions Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards and more. So let’s jump right in!
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
Date: May 23rd, 2024
Location: MegaCorp Pavilion in the Greater Cincinnati area
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt
Match 1: Matt Hardy and Ryan Nemeth vs. The System
Eddie Edwards drops an elbow across Ryan’s back and punches him and tags to Brian Myers. Irish Whip in the corner to Ryan followed by a clothesline. Brian Myers covers Ryan for two. Tag to Eddie who wrings Ryan’s arm but Ryan hits a DDT and gets the tag to Matt Hardy. Hardy hits a bulldog and clothesline combo on Eddie and Brian. Matt Hardy hits a double DDT on Eddie and Brian and covers Brian for two. Ryan hits a crossbody off the top rope onto Brian for the win.
Result: Matt Hardy and Ryan Nemeth def. The System by pinfall
Rating: ***
After the match, Matt Hardy goes after Myers but Moose comes in and spears Matt Hardy. Moose gets a chair from under the ring. Eddie sets the chair around Ryan’s neck but Nic Nemeth shows up and clears the ring.
Gia Miller is backstage with ABC and Bey talks about the fight between Cody Deaner and Jake Something and brothers fight. Ace says maybe what they need to work some feelings out of their system. Ace suggests a match between the two of them. Bey says he trusts Ace and they go to talk to Santino.
Santino is backstage and Matt Hardy and The Nemeth brothers come in. Santino says they pinned the tag team champions and get themselves a title shot. Santino books Matt Hardy vs. Moose for the TNA World Title and Nic and Ryan Nemeth vs. The System for the World Tag Team Titles at Against All Odds.
Match 2: The Rascalz vs. Sinner and Saint
Wentz gets a chinlock on Travis Williams and hits elbows across his neck. Williams hits a backhand on Wentz and gets the tag to Judas Icarus. Icarus gets a boot onto Trey Miguel and tags to Williams who hits a bridging German Suplex for two. Trey hits a spinebuster and tags to Wentz who hits a stomp for the win.
Result: The Rascalz vs. Sinner and Saint by pinfall
Rating: ***¼
After the match, Steve Maclin runs in and attacks Wentz and Miguel and sets them both up in the corner and spears them.
Maclin goes backstage and Gia interviews him and Maclin says he will make sure to get this over. Santana shows up and challenges him to a match next week.
We see Kazarian berating ring announcer Jade Chung at ringside and he gets on the mic to say The King is leaving.
Cody Deaner comes out. He calls out his cousin Jake Something to the ring. Jake Something comes out and Deaner says last week Something laid him out and one thing that was running in his mind was that he deserved it. Deaner says he doesn’t want to fight against him, he wants to fight against him. He says it doesn’t matter what he wants, it matters what the people want. He asks the people in Newport if they want to see Jake shake his hand. The fans cheer and Cody gets his hand out.
The Good Hands come out and Skyler says Jake Something wants nothing to do with Deaner. Jake Something says he doesn’t need anyone to speak for him. Skyler says he does because he can barely form a sentence. Skyler says he has big muscles but tiny brain. Something lays out Skyler and the two teams brawl.
Santino comes out and says he sees a perfect opportunity. He says he used to live here in Kentucky and books a KFC (Kentucky Fight Club) tag team match.
Match 3: Cody Deaner and Jake Something vs. The Good Hands
Jason Hotch gets an arm lock on Cody Deaner and hits a belly to belly-to-back suplex for two. Skyler gets the tag and hits a side Russian leg sweep for two. Skyler tags to Hotch and they look for the double team bulldog but Deaner ducks and tags to Something. Jake hits a double clothesline and looks for a powerbomb but Hotch hits a enzugiri and Skyler hits a slingshot spear for two. Deaner feeds Skyler to Something who hits Into The Void for the win.
Result: Cody Deaner and Jake Something def. The Good Hands by pinfall
Rating: **½
After the match, Cody Deaner offers his hand and Jake Something shakes it.
Gia Miller is backstage with Jordynne Grace. Grace says the loss in the Champions Challenge was not on her. She says she will show Marti Belle that nothing will stop the Juggernaut.
The System is backstage and Moose says he will break every bone in Broken Matt Hardy’s body. Brian Myers says no one will step up to the System. Joe Hendry shows up and says he got the pin to win the match. Eddie Edwards says he will take him on and Joe Hendry is going to learn to always trust The System.
George Iceman comes out before the next match and says that last week we saw a travesty of justice. We see a photo of Ash by Elegance with a bruise on her lips. Iceman introduces the stand-in for Ash by Elegance. Two people bring in a mannequin with a photo of Ash taped to its face.
Match 4: Jordynne Grace vs. Marti Belle
Marti Belle goes for Hell’s Belle but Jordynne fights out of it and hits a rolling Death Valley Driver. Jordynne sets up Marti on the top rope for a Muscle Buster but Marti kicks her away and hits a right hand for one. Marti goes for Hell’s Belle again but Jordynne fights out of it again and hits The Stroke for two. Marti goes for Hell’s Belle for a third time but Jordynne fights out of it again and hits the Juggernaut Driver for the win.
Result: Jordynne Grace def. Marti Belle by pinfall
Rating: **¼
After the match, Allysin Kay runs out and attacks Jordynne is going back up the ramp and throws the mannequin onto Jordynne. Allysin throws Jordynne into the ring and she and Marti double team on Jordynne and lay her out.
We see footage of Gresham covering Kushida’s mouth with a black substance and Kushida vomiting black liquid.
We see Santino calling Gresham and Gresham’s phone going into voicemail. Santino asks if there’s something Gresham can tell him about people getting sick. He says the referee will wear a mask and gloves from here on.
Match 5: Jody Threat vs. Tasha Steelz
Jody Threat picks up Tasha and hits a powerbomb. Jody Threat picks up Tasha for Pop Shove It. Tasha hits a Cutter and gets the win.
Result: Tasha Steelz def. Jody Threat by pinfall
Rating: **¼
We see a vignette with PCO who has a black rose in his hand and is screaming Steph de Lander’s name.
We see AJ Francis and he introduces himself and Rich Swann. Swann says they’ve made their decision on which decision they’re going to kick off their summer with. AJ Francis says its time they let the broke boys in on what they’re going to do.
Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt promote the shows coming up.
Match 6: Trent Seven vs. Mike Bailey
Mike Bailey goes for a Shooting Star Press of the top but Trent Seven moves out of the way. Mustafa Ali comes out with his security through the crowd and gets a seat at ringside. Seven chops Bailey for one. Seven cracks Bailey’s toes and gets a Figure Four Leglock but Bailey gets to the ropes. Trent looks for a vertical suplex but Bailey fights out of it. Seven hits an uppercut and goes for a suplex but Bailey reverses it into a pin for two. Bailey hits a reverse rana and goes to the top rope but Seven chops him down. Seven goes to the top rope but Bailey kicks Seven and goes to the top rope. Seven hits a seated scoop slam from the top rope for two. Seven hits a Seven Star Lariat and gets a two count. Seven goes for a Full Nelson and hits a Snap Dragon Suplex followed by a Suicide Dive onto Bailey on the outside. Bailey whips Seven into Ali and Seven stopped and Bailey goes for a running boot on Seven but hits Ali instead. Seven and Bailey get into a chop fest outside the ring and get back in the ring just before the 10 count. Seven and Bailey get into a chop fest and Bailey hits a moonsault double knee followed by a superkick for two. Bailey hits a Tornado Kick and goes for the Ultima Weapon but Seven moves out of the way. Seven hits a Seven Star Lariat and hits a Birming Hammer on the apron. Seven throws Bailey back into the ring and hits a Seven Star Lariat but only gets a two. Seven goes for a X Plex but Bailey counters with a DDT. Bailey hits the moonsault knees on Seven on the apron. Bailey goes to the top rope but Mustafa Ali distracts him and Champagne Singh comes out to interfere and Trent Seven hits the Birming Hammer for the win.
Result: Trent Seven def. Mike Bailey by pinfall
Rating: ***¾
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