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Well everyone, it’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. With the RAW debut on Netflix behind us it’s full steam ahead to the Royal Rumble in February. Roman Reigns defeated Solo Sikoa in Tribal Combat to regain the ula fala and had a brief interaction with The Rock, so now we’re waiting on confirmation about how the story will go. Solo will have to try and keep his crew of savages in check without being Tribal Chief, and that could go very poorly for him if Jacob Fatu has decided he no longer loves Solo. Roman will need something specific pretty soon now that he’s the Official Tribal Chief again, but as has been noted quite a bit Roman hasn’t changed all that much as a character but now might be a good time for some kind of shift depending on what Solo, The Rock, or any of the original Bloodline choose to do. Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens are still after blood as they ramp up for their ladder match at the Rumble, LA Knight is getting a shot at the US title he used to hold but beating Shinsuke Nakamura clean seems unlikely. Drew McIntyre might be coming over to Smackdown and if he is then he’ll be an interesting addition to the roster, and we’re just waiting on Randy Orton to return from the kayfabe injury he suffered. The tag team title scene is a soap opera mess of intersecting issues and feuds, but I mean that as a compliment. Tiffany Stratton became the women’s champion last week, this will be our first look at how she might interact with Nia Jax or anyone else now that she’s presumably without backup. I think we’ve got another 3 hour show tonight but Triple H indicated Smackdown will be going back to 2 hours at some point, so who knows. Anyway we’re rife with opportunity to set up compelling feuds for the Rumble so let’s get to the action.
We’re in Portland, Oregon tonight and commentary welcome us to the show. We’ve got Wade Barrett and Joe Tessitore on the call because Netflix gets all the good stuff.
We do see wrestlers arriving, including Tiffany Stratton and Shinsuke Nakamura. Paul Heyman is also here and walks towards the ring as we get a recap of RAW on Netflix. I imagine there will be a few more of these to come. You know, much as I don’t exactly love the darker blue ring Smackdown has now I’ll take it over the billboard that’s passing for a mat on RAW.
We come back to Heyman in the ring and he introduces himself and says tonight is one of the nights he’s glad to be here. He calls this among the greatest honors of his career to say there is only one Tribal Chief of WWE and the Island Relevancy and it’s Roman Reigns. And our Tribal Chief has told Heyman to let everyone know what he plans next, this is news not just for the fans but for one person in particular and calls to the ring WWE champion Cody Rhodes. That does bring out the champ to one of his usual monster pops. Cody and Heyman shake hands then Heyman says Cody deserves that love and a whole lot more, then puts over Cody for earning Roman’s respect. Heyman has respected Cody for a long time and he puts over Cody as a champion and his work ethic. Because Cody is such a great champion Roman has told Heyman to come out here and make sure Cody knows that Roman is coming for his title. Roman also wants Cody to know how he’s going to do that, Roman will be in the Royal Rumble and will win then challenge Cody again for the WWE title. So, respectfully, Cody what do you want to talk about. Cody gets a mic but before he can talk he’s interrupted by Kevin Owens on a mic in the crowd. Owens wants to talk about Cody getting even worse, even worse than teaming with Roman is him shaking hands with The Rock on Monday. And now he’s shaking hands with Heyman, and 30 seconds after they shook hands Heyman said Roman wants his title back. Well Cody has done that to himself, he should have let the Bloodline tear Roman apart but now look what’s happened. The whole company is hurting with Roman like this, and Cody charges Owens because actions count more than words and Cody begins brawling with Owens. Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga enter the ring and stare down Heyman, Heyman looks terrified and backs into a corner as they menace him but Jimmy Uso runs down alone. That seems foolish but he gets a few good shots him then gets a chair. Jimmy with chair shots to Tama and Fatu but Fatu cares not for selling and runs over Jimmy. Fatu sets for a chair assisted hip attack on Jimmy, some officials try to break this up but Fatu kills one of them with a superkick. Cody comes back through the crowd while Fatu kills more refs and officials and then Cody attacks Tama and stares down with Fatu. That leads to some more brawling but Cody clotheslines Fatu out of the ring and stands tall. Roman declaring for the Rumble means he doesn’t have to be at TV too much since just being in that match handles a lot of that kind of heavy lifting. Anyway that scene sends us to break.
We come back to Tama and Fatu being ejected from the building with the help of LA Knight. Well Fatu and Knight might be a thing in the near future.
To the ring and Michin awaits her women’s US title match.
Match #1 – Women’s US Title Match: (c) Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven vs. Michin
Green avoids an early Eat Defeat then Michin lays in strikes. Wheel kick from Michin then a dropkick. Michin gets slammed into a corner but lands a boot then transitions into a Tarantula. Michin up top but misses a flying nothing and Green tosses her out of the ring. Green tosses Michin into a barricade then looks to take the count out win but Michin breaks the count. Feels like they mistimed an earlier spot as now they go picture in picture instead of after the first exit to the floor.
Green retains control in the ring, they mistime a counter spot but power through then Green lands an enziguri. Michin fires back with strikes then a School Boy for a 2 count but Green then whacks her to retain control. Green tosses Michin out of the ring and Piper gets in a few cheap shots before tossing Michin back into the ring. Dropkick from Green then she has a chin lock going as we come back. Michin tries to fight free, and eventually she has to hit a back suplex to break the hold. Green runs into a back elbow then Michin lands a boot and a hurricanrana, then another rana and shotgun dropkick. Corner cannonball senton from Michin gets a 2 count. Green hits an elevated Flatliner for a 2 count but can’t get a pin. Michin looks to go up top but decides to hit a dive onto Piper, then goes back up and hits a crossbody but Green rolls through and grabs the tights for leverage on a pin to retain the title.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Chelsea Green retained the title in 8:46
Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: A few rough spots and the commercial break wind up putting this a little below average. Green and Michin have had much better matches than this one.
Post match Michin looks to attack Green but Piper crushes her with a senton.
We get a recap of the tag team title match from last week. That leads into some backstage stuff where several teams talk with Nick Aldis. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller wander into frame to make everything worse. Eventually Nick settles things and make Pretty Deadly vs. Los Garzas, then the Motor City Machine Guns vs. A-Town Down Under for a title shot.
To the ring and here come Los Garza with new music that isn’t nearly as good. That tag team match will be up after this break.
Post break Pretty Deadly are finishing up their entrance.
Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Los Garza (Angel and Berto) w/ Elektra Lopez and Santos Escobar vs. Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson and Elton Prince)
We get a brawl right away and Berto almost misses a suicide dive, that felt a little mistimed. Back in the ring Berto kicks Wilson a few times then tags in Angel. Wilson tries to beg off then takes a double team move then tandem superkicks. Angel sets Wilson under the ropes and gets a sandwich kicks then Berto tags in. Wilson starts firing punches, Berto then counters with an arm drag and very high dropkick. Prince blind tags and yanks Berto out of the ring as we head to break.
Post break Prince is working a chin lock on Berto. Berto fights to his feet but misses an enziguri and Wilson tags in only to miss a corner attack. Berto tags in Angel and Angel gets to run wild with tilt a whirl backbreakers. Angel up top and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Head scissors from Angel, then his trunks come off and he lands a superkick as Wilson begs for DIY to run down and help but they’re not forthcoming. Prince yanks down Angel as the ref was distracted. Lopez distracts the ref so Escobar crotches Prince then an NTY from Angel and Berto ends things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Los Garza won in 8:56
Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: Felt a little disjointed at times and that new entrance music for Legado is not good, but Angel and Berto as faces might work out for them.
LA Knight heads to the ring to a big pop and we head to break.
Post break here comes Shinsuke Nakamura.
Match #3 – US Title Match: (c) Shinsuke Nakamura vs. LA Knight
They tie up then break without incident. Another tie up, another break in open space. Headlock from Knight then he tries a shoulder block but Nakamura doesn’t go down. They tie up again and hit the corner this time and Knight starts swinging punches then hits a running neckbreaker. Corner stomps from Knight then Nakamura rolls to the apron to avoid a knee attack. Kick to the head from Nakamura then he pulls Knight over the edge of the apron and hits a running knee to the chest. Back in the ring Nakamura with chops, Knight tries to chop back but Nakamura is unphased and begins landing kicks then drapes Knight in a corner for a running knee to the lower back. Knight lands a clothesline from the apron then tosses Nakamura to the floor, he follows with a diving dropkick then bounces Nakamura off the announce table repeatedly. Back into the ring Knight then clotheslines Nakamura back out of the ring. On the floor Nakamura rams Knight into the ring post then picks him up to do it a second time and we go picture in picture.
Nakamura sends Knight back into the ring then heads to the second rope to hit a jumping knee strike. Knight counters a suplex with a neckbreaker but only gets a 2 count. Nakamura lands a boot then a knee drop to retain control. A flurry of strikes and kicks from Nakamura connect then he grabs a Sleeper hold. Knight fights to his feet but Nakamura lands a knee strike, Knight then fights back with a second rope bulldog and both men are down as we come back to broadcast. They start trading strikes then Knight lands a clothesline and follows with mounted punches. Power slam from Knight then a jumping elbow for a 2 count. Nakamura avoids a Torture Rack position then pulls off the middle turn buckle pad, Knight tries an O’Connor Roll and almost gets sent into the steel, ultimately this allows Nakamura to hit the sliding German suplex. Nakamura slowly climbs to the apron then lands a head kick, he climbs up top but Knight jumps up with him and hits a superplex for a near fall. Knight grabs a reverse Boston Crab, the old Billy Goat’s Curse but I’m sure he’s got a different name for it, and Nakamura has to drag himself to the ropes to break the hold. Knight tries to get it back on but Nakamura counters into an armbar and yanks it but Knight rolls on top for a 2 count then Nakamura hits a wheel kick. Nakamura misses a Kinshasa and they both avoid finishers then Nakamura with his rolling elbow to stun Knight then and Kinshasa connects but Knight is in the ropes so no pin. Now Nakamura sets Knight against the exposed buckle, but Knight moves so Nakamura eats the corner then Knight hits Blunt Force Trauma but Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu attack to get the match thrown out.
OFFICIAL RESULT: LA Knight won via disqualification in 14:06
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: This was going higher before the ending. Knight and Nakamura actually work pretty well together and this was no exception to that, some good hard hitting stuff and enough big spots to make the match feel like a big deal.
Fatu spikes Knight with a pop up Samoan Drop then Tama holds him so Fatu can hit a hip attack. Another hip attack from Fatu then his lovely double jump moonsault. Cody runs down with Jimmy Uso in tow and we’ve got a brawl on. Fatu eats a bevy of superkicks before getting tossed out of the ringside area. Cody then gets on the mic and says he and Jimmy want Fatu and Tama in a tag team match. Nick Aldis agrees, that presumably becomes our main event and we head to break.
Post break we get a recap of Tiffany Stratton’s cash in from last week.
To the ring for our next match, the Guns head to the ring and we head to break.
Post break Theory and Waller head to the ring.
Match #4 – Tag Team Match: Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) vs. A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory and Grayson Waller)
Shelley and Waller start us off, Shelley goes to the arm of Waller and Waller lands a punch. Theory tags in and Waller trips Sabin on the apron then Theory punches away at Shelley. Shelley takes a Hitman bump into the corner. Some corner work from Theory then he begs the crowd to react, they sort of do. Sabin blind tags and bulldogs Theory. Theory runs Sabin into the corner and tags in Waller who starts the cravat work but Sabin with an arm drag then rope running but Waller lands a right hand. Shelley with a blind tag and he and Sabin hit double kicks to Waller then clothesline him out of the ring. Sabin sets for a suicide dive but Theory trips him up. Shelley hits Theory but Waller lands a rolling Flatliner for a 2 count and we head to break.
We come back to Shelley being isolated and taking a double strike for a 2 count. Theory lands a back elbow and again tries to get crowd reactions with mixed results. Waller tags in but Shelley shoves Theory into him then lands a superkick. Sabin wants in and gets the tag then starts unloading on Waller. Dropkick from Sabin then a punt kick for Theory for good measure. Running gamen giri from Sabin then he tags in Shelley for double baseball slides then Sabin hits a suicide dive onto both men. Shelley with knees to Waller then he and Sabin with the dropkick assisted Flatliner for a near fall. Sabin tags back in but Theory with a blind tag and Waller tosses Sabin but misses a sliding clothesline. Back in the ring Sabin sets for a dive but Theory intercepts with an elbow. Theory tags Waller and then hit a double punch for a 2 count. Sabin with a jawbreaker, Theory tags in and Waller gets low bridged. Theory avoids an O’Connor Roll, tries one of his own but Shelley tagged in and everyone gets a second to land a big move until everyone’s down. Sabin tags back in and Waller gets their usual tandem offensive flurry. Double kick to Theory, Shelley tags in then the Skull and Bones connects to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Motor City Machine Guns won in 12:07
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Good match hurt by the commercial break, the Guns are getting more and more reactions from the crowd while Waller and Theory really need direction and probably to separate. For the live crowd this was probably closer to 3.5 but I can only rate what I saw.
In the back DIY saw that match and are not happy. They walk away from a monitor and find Pretty Deadly, Pretty Deadly ask why DIY didn’t help them and Gargano says they’ve got too much heat on them. This devolves into some bickering, and Johnny Gargano promises they’ll get them a title match. Pretty Deadly think they might be on the wrong end of things. Apollo Crews wanders over to say they really shouldn’t believe DIY.
Elsewhere in the back Nia Jax and Candice LeRae talk. Candice says Tiffany headed for the ring, and Jax plans to “congratulate” her personally. That sends us to break.
Post break I realize we’ve got another hour to go. This makes me sad.
Tiffany Stratton heads to the ring with her belt, she’s dressed to wrestle or just in case things get physical. Byron joins Tiffany in the ring to interview her, she talks about winning the belt in less than a year and calls herself better than all our favorites at only 25 years old. Tiffany takes the mic and says Jax never bullied her, she befriended Jax to get to this point. Jax thought Tiffany was just a dumb blonde, and Tiffany let her think that until Jax let her guard down and Tiffany stole the women’s title. She’s interrupted by Nia Jax who’s also in ring gear. Jax has a mic and starts talking from the stage, calls Tiffany an ungrateful little shit and says she made Tiffany what she is. Jax begins walking to the ring and asks why it took Tiffany so long to finally rub two braincells together and cash in. Well now Tiffany can have her moment, Jax gets into the ring now, and while it might be Tiffy Time, that time will be up. Either Tiffany can hand her back the belt or Jax can take it from her. Out comes Bayley to complicate things, Bayley tells Jax to shut up then admits she thought Tiffany was stupid before that cash in, but knows Jax is stupid. Jax took Tiffany under her wing and Tiffany still outsmarted her. Bayley gets to the ring and reminds Tiffany Jax only beat Bayley is because of Tiffany, so it’s only fair if Bayley takes the belt from Tiffany. Naomi now shows up, because who doesn’t love a good revolving door promo segment. Bianca Belair is with Naomi and Naomi had Jax beaten last week if not for Tiffany’s interference. So Naomi should get the first title shot. Jax pushes Naomi aside and gets after Belair, and things break down into a brawl. Tiffany hits a Prettiest Moonsault Ever onto all four other women and heads out with her belt. Nick Aldis walks down behind Tiffany with a mic and has had an idea. If the four of those women want a title shot they can wrestle for it in a Fatal 4-Way right now with the winner getting a title shot and we head to break.
Match #5 – Fatal 4-Way Match: Naomi vs. Nia Jax vs. Bayley vs. Bianca Belair
The bell rings as we come back. Jax attacks Belair because that Kiss of Death really hurt her ego. Naomi and Belair get stacked up but Naomi fights back on Jax with strikes then Belair joins in and they try a double suplex but Jax counters and that results in a bad landing for Naomi. Bayley shows up and lays into Jax with strikes in the corner. Naomi and Belair take turns with corner splashes to Jax. Jax keeps fighting back but all three other women are able to take her out, resulting in Bayley and Naomi squaring off in the ring. Bayley hits a shoulder block then more rope running with arm drags being traded then Naomi tries a crucifix for a 2 count. Jackknife pin from Bayley gets 2. Naomi avoids a clothesline then hits a drop toe hold and La Magistral cradle for a 2 count. Jax pulls Bayley out of the ring and tosses her into a barricade. Naomi hits Jax with a jawbreaker and everyone loses their place for a moment, then Jax drops Naomi with a powerbomb and Belair breaks up the pin. Belair tries the Kiss of Death on Jax but Jax fights this one off then Belair hits her with a dropkick. Belair goes for a 10 punch and gets to 14 but Jax comes out of the corner with a powerbomb and Bayley then wipes out Jax with a running knee strike. Bayley yells at Jax then punches away at her then hits a back suplex for a 2 count. Bayley goes up top but Jax punches her up there then lands a headbutt. Jax climbs up with Bayley and looks for a superplex, it takes a bit and Jax shifts to try an avalanche Samoan Drop but Belair and Naomi show up to turn it into a Tower of Doom spot and everyone’s down now while we head to break.
We come back to Naomi hitting another jawbreaker but running into a Catatonic from Jax but the pin is broken up. Bayley and Belair team up to attack Jax with strikes then knock her out of the ring. The two old rivals square up now and then start trading elbows, Belair then tries a suplex but Bayley counters into a Small Package for 2. Belair tries a Kiss of Death but can’t find it, Bayley with an O’Connor Roll but Jax shows up to run them over. Naomi tries elbows to Jax then hits an enziguri then a Russian leg sweep. Naomi hits the split legged moonsault on Jax for a 2 count. Bayley up top and drops an elbow on Jax for a near fall as Naomi breaks up the pin. Belair up top for good measure and hits a 450 Splash on Jax but Bayley breaks up the pin. Everyone tries to pin Jax, Candice LeRae then runs down to make things worse. Candice looks to talk with Jax on the floor while Bayley takes a double Russian leg sweep from Belair and Naomi. Bayley then rolls out of the ring and that leaves Belair and Naomi alone together. They don’t fight yet and instead Belair dives onto Bayley then Jax catches Naomi and rams her into the ring. Jax and Belair square off, Belair hits a Spear and Bayley has to break things up. Bayley to Belly to Belair but Naomi breaks up the pin. Naomi with a Rear View to Bayley and Jax breaks up the pin. Jax with a Samoan Drop to Naomi and now it’s Belair who breaks up the pin.
Belair gets posted by Jax, then Naomi dropkicks Jax out of the ring. Bayley wiht a knee to Naomi but Belair hits her with a spinebuster then handspring moonsault for a 2 count. Belair tries a Kiss of Death on Bayley but Candice breaks that up with a braid grab and when Belair yanks her braid free it hits Naomi. Jax pulls Belair out of the ring and the two fall over the desk. Back in the ring Bayley hits Naomi with a Rose Plant and pins to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Bayley won in 17:18
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: Pretty good match here, especially for TV. A ton of intersecting narratives were at play and all were given appropriate attention. Jax getting more heated at Belair because Belair actually has her number makes sense while Naomi keeps coming up short to fuel her presumptive heel turn in the near future. Bayley will make a suitable first opponent for Tiffany as well.
In the back Jimmy Uso and Cody Rhodes talk, Jimmy brings up Roman and Cody says he always knew that rematch was coming. Carmelo Hayes wanders over to make things awkward. Hayes says he’s tapped in with Solo and crew. Jimmy says Hayes could build a house out of all the bricks he’s been putting up then heads out. Our main event will get entrances after this break.
Post break Bayley walks in the back and finds Byron, Byron asks her about her title shot next week. Bayley likes to take advantage of opportunities, she’s made a career out of it, and has known a lot of people like Tiffany and brings up that Tiffany has never beaten her despite them wrestling all last year.
Commentary run down next weeks card, the Guns and Los Garza will wrestle in addition to that women’s title match, plus Solo Sikoa will return and have to talk which I feel hurts us more than him.
In the back Jacob Fatu walks and talks, Fatu is good in this kind of spot and that sends them to the ring. We head to break again.
Post break we get a recap of John Cena putting himself into the Royal Rumble because he wants to become a 17 time world champion and needs to win the Rumble to earn that shot.
Commentary runs down what we know of the Rumble thus far.
Back to the ring and here comes Jimmy Uso followed by Cody Rhodes.
Match #6 – Tag Team Match: Cody Rhodes and Jimmy Uso vs. Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga
Cody and Tama start us off. Cody with a kick then a right hand to Tama followed by a delayed gordbuster. Tama tries to fight back but Cody is the better wrestler but Cody keeps looking over at Fatu. Jimmy tags in and goes for the arm of Tama but Tama escapes and tags in Fatu. Fatu kicks away at Jimmy then hits a corner avalanche followed by a headbutt. Right hand from Jimmy then one for Tama but Fatu cuts him off with the pop up Samoan Drop. We got picture in picture as Fatu keeps up the attack on Jimmy.
Tama tags in and keeps up the attack on Jimmy before Fatu tags back in. Fatu launches Jimmy into a corner. Jimmy starts firing punches but Fatu blocks his tag attempt then hits a couple of falling headbutts to keep Jimmy down. Again Jimmy fires up with strikes and hits an enziguri as we come back to broadcast. Clothesline from Fatu floors Jimmy then Tama tags in and hits a hilo. Tama with a cheap shot to Cody. Some nerve holds from Tama then headbutts. Jimmy hits a jawbreaker, Fatu tags in and cheap shots Cody then hits a senton on Jimmy. Fatu with a hip attack to Jimmy, then a second one for good measure which leads to a 2 count. Fatu sets Jimmy on the top rope and climbs up with him to land headbutts. Jimmy fights back as Fatu does the “I love you” taunt then Jimmy with a version of the Whisper in the Wind to put both men down. Both men tag out and Cody gets to run wild on Tama. Cody hits Fatu with a Dragon Screw in the ropes to keep him out of things. Tama blocks a Cross Rhodes then hits his guard pulling DDT for a 2 count. Tama hits Jimmy but that lets Cody set him on the top rope and whack him. Jimmy tags in and they hit Tama with the old Power and Glory spot but Fatu breaks up the pin. Cody takes out Fatu with a super Cody Cutter then Jimmy follows with a suicide dive. Cody sees Kevin Owens on the ramp and goes right after him. Those two brawl to the back. Jimmy superkicks Tama then hits a Spear and a Splash but Fatu yanks him out of the ring and then tags in. Fatu bounces Jimmy into the announce table repeatedly. Back in the ring Fatu hits the Impaler DDT then the double jump moonsault and pins to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga won in 13:18
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Decent house show style main event for most of it, seeing Fatu more and more ready to move on his own is a nice thing and Jimmy can easily eat a pin in this kind of spot. Next week when Fatu turns on Solo will be a big deal.
We see Cody and Owens still brawling in the back and then into the crowd area. Owens gets Cody on some crates and then tries to powerbomb him through some tables, Cody fights free then tackles Owens and both men crash through the tables. They’re both down and a bunch of officials come over to check both men as the episode ends.
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