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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 5.24.24

May 24, 2024 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE NXT Level Up 5-24-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 5.24.24  

-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, FL

Jazmyn Nyx vs. Lainey Reid

-Nyx is making her Level Up debut. I love seeing debuts on this show! This is Reid’s second Level Up Match. Nyx throws a kick but Reid catches her leg and drops her. Now Red tries a kick and Nyx catches but Reid gets a trip take down into a roll-up for two. Arm drag from Reid and another and another for a two count. Reid looks for a head scissors, but gets caught as Nyx lands a kick. She follows with a slam and then a running kick for two. It seems Nyx has a soccer background which explains all the kicks. Now Nyx gets a head scissors and holds that for a bit as Reid shows flashes where she rolls back to get a two count. Reid rolls and is able to stand up with Nyx on her shoulders and she drops her face first on the top buckle. Forearms from Reid followed by a shoulder tackle and then a modified Rude Awakening. Back splash in the corner, and a belly to back but with a twist as she drops Jazmyn on her face. Nice! That gets two as I was thinking they might be it. Butterfly suplex with a roll through, but Nyx blocks a second attempt and hits the Pele kick for the pin at 5:37.

Winner: Jazmyn Nix via pin at 5:37
-This was solid as they got things going in the last few moments. I want to see more from both of these women. **

-Hank and Tank get promo time backstage.

-NXT Battleground commercial!

-Back to RAW where Bron Breakker destroyed Kale Dixon and sent him packing on a stretcher.

Tank Ledger vs. Kale Dixon

-In a nice little touch they flash on the screen that this match was previously recorded. That’s a nice little way of explaining why Kale is healthy here. I appreciate the effort there. This is also our Main Event as we are seemingly back to the two match format for the time being. Dixon with a side headlock, but gets shoved off and mowed down with a shoulder. Hank Walker is out there for Ledger and we are told that he will be on the shelf for a bit with an injury. Dixon uses the hair to reverse but gets run down with another shoulder. Tank reaches out for the tag as I guess he is an idiot and used to being in a tag team at this point. Ledger lands some punches in the corner, but Dixon fights back and stomps away. Dixon chokes away with his boot in the corner and uses the ropes to work the back. Tank fights from the mat, but Dixon lands a knee to the jaw for a two count. Dixon with chops that Byron compares to GUNTHER. You shut your mouth! Another chop to the back and more stomping. Dixon buries a knee in the and stretches Tank for a few seconds. He releases and then go backs to it. Kale winds up for 96, but Tank rips his head off with a clothesline. Tank Mode is activated as he starts to run wild. Atomic Drop followed by a shoulder tackle from the top. Dixon blocks a submission and gets a roll-up for two. Tank with another clothesline and a Bubba Bomb finishes at 6:52.

Winner: Tank Ledger via pin at 6:52
-This was okay if a little dull and boring at times. **

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
Two solidly average matches makes for an average, though enjoyable little show.

article topics :

NXT Level Up, Robert Leighty Jr.