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Update on WWE Schedule for Roman Reigns, WrestleMania Match Still Up in the Air

February 27, 2019 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Roman Reigns Raw 91018 Image Credit: WWE

As previously reported, Roman Reigns announced that he is free of leukemia and is now returning to the WWE this week on Raw. With Reigns now slated to return, Roman Reigns is now being advertised for all editions of Raw through May 6. That edition of Raw is being held in Cincinantti, Ohio. Additionally, he’s advertised to appear on several events for the post-WrestleMania 35 European tour. That includes live events in Brussels, Marseille, and Paris.

Reigns had not yet been added to non-TV live events in the US as of yet. Additionally, WrestleVotes posted a tweet on what to possibly expect from Reigns at WrestleMania 35. Per the report, “Chatting with a source this AM regarding WrestleMania…WWE is now figuring out where to slot Roman Reigns on the card, with multiple options on the table. Along with Reigns, John Cena’s matchup is also still in discussion. Many different roads they can travel down. Lots in play.” You can check out that tweet below.