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Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: 1.21 Gigawatts Live Report 3.21.08
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: 1.21 Gigawatts
March 21, 2008. American Legion Hall Reseda, CA
8:20 Start Time, Attendance: 250 – 275 (Approx)
1. Brandon Bonham (sp) Defeats NEMESIS, Pinfall via Swanton Bomb
Bonham, aka “New Guy” debuted in PWG and was completely unknown to the crowd and some of the wrestlers. Billed from “Pismo Beach” Bonham (sp) wrestled semi-regular NEMESIS in the opening match which was fairly good, but unspectacular as it was clear that neither men were familiar with each other and managed to put on a decent showing. NEMESIS controlled most of the match until Bonham hit a burst of offense including a springboard Diamond Dust and a Swanton Bomb to finish. Crowd was pretty hot for the opening match. Perhaps a sign of things to come as PWG looks for more West Coast talent. **
2. Candice LaRae Defeats LuFisto, Pinfall via roll-up.
Very solid outing for the women as the match played out as you would expect with LuFisto controlling most of the match and Candice bumping around the ring and sneaking in the occasional armdrag, enziguiri, and roll-up. LuFisto worked (and looked) like a female Rhyno during the match. Some brutal strikes and kicks during the match and each woman came off very well. Women’s wrestling looked very much a part of PWG after the match as both women put on a good effort. The finish came when LuFisto went for a top rope crossbody block and Candice rolled through for the pin. Afterwards Human Tornado and Claudio Castagnoli rushed the ring and began beating down Candice. Chris Hero then came out to even the odds, which led to the next match. **1/2
3. Chris Hero Defeats Claudio Castagnoli, Pinfall via Roll-up.
The crowd seemed very surprised when this match was announced as both men were scheduled for different matches on the card. Very good match that had a lot of crowd heat behind it as well as history and consisted mainly of strikes, European uppercuts and Kicks to the head. Good back and forth action that seemed a little rushed, but delivered a solid effort including a couple of dives into the crowd as well as early domination by Claudio. Finish came when Hero kicked out of the Alpamare Waterslide and after Claudio went (inexplicably) for the Giant Swing, Hero countered it into a roll-up for the win. After the match another melee took place as Human Tornado, LuFisto, Candice, Hero, and Claudio all brawled.
4. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Tag Team Champion Match
Kevin Steen & El Generico Defeats Joey Ryan & Scott Lost w/ Jade Chung, Pinfall via Brainbustaah
Scott Lost and Joey Ryan came out first with Joey Ryan sporting one of the most questionable pink ascots that has ever been dawned in a wrestling ring. Eddie Kingston was announced as not being at the show and therefore the Dynasty claimed to have sent out an open challenge to prove that the Tag Titles were INDEED still one of the most prestigious titles in the Indy world. El Generico was the first man to answer that call and then introduced his tag team partner….the returning Kevin Steen. Great match that was both heated and brutal as Steen dominated the match. Hard hitting contest was interrupted near the end of the match with all four men down when Super Dragon ran in to attack Jade Chung on the outside with a brutal forearm and threw her into the ring and hit a wicked Psycho Driver right in the middle. Lost then carried Jade to the back as Joey ate an Ole kick, Package Piledriver, and Brainbustaaah for the pin. ***3/4.
Excalibur came out to announce that since Necro Butcher was busy filming some scenes for “The Wrestler” the main event would be changed. The new match would be Human Tornado & LuFisto vs Chris Hero & Candice LaRae in a “Street Fight”
5. DDT Tournament Qualifying 4 Corners Elimination Match
Los Luchas (Phoenix Star & Zokre) Defeats The Youngbucks, Scorpio Sky & Ronin, and Hook Bomberry & TJ Perkins, pinfall via Top Rope Inverted Angle Slam into Double Knee Gutbuster
Insane and spot-astic, just as you would expect from all 4 teams. Hard to describe, but very intense and fast paced. TJ Perkins rolled up Scorpio Sky with Hook holding his legs from outside the ring for the first elimination. Los Luchas eliminated Hook Bomberry with a double team springboard double Senton bomb from opposite ropes. Los Luchas then knocked off the “crowd favorites” when they hit the very hard to type finisher I just described above. The crowd was very into this match and Los Luchas, who were probably the underdogs in this match even though they are the veterans and NWA Tag Champions, won to a very good crowd reaction. A fun and mindless spot fest but came off very well after the great build. ***1/2
6. Chris Hero & Candice LaRae Defeats Human Tornado & LuFisto
Very brutal and hard to follow match. Hardcore slugfest with the women taking and giving as good as the men. The action took place all around the venue and you’re going to have to buy the DVD to see everything that took place. The crescendo of this match happened after LuFist busted Candice open and she was juicing pretty good as LuFisto and Tornado worked her over for the remaining of the match. The end came when Hero hit Tornado with a Kravat Stunner for the pin. After the match Claudio rushed the ring and duct taped Hero to the tope rope as LuFisto Gored a bloody Candice into a table in the corner. The referees tried to stop the beating but were assaulted by Tornado’s crew. Hero watched on in horror as the heels then taunted them both and left after TARO and Excalibur finally left the commentary table to chase them off. A very heated feud and storyline was taken to the next level as it was clear Hero would either need more back-up or would need to get Tornado alone to finish things off. ***3/4
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