wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Sunday Night Heat Report 6.05.05

June 5, 2005 | Posted by Alex P.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Sunday Night HeAt! And tonight we have Maven opening the show, with Todd Grisham and The Coach at the announcers table. Maven cuts an in ring promo, saying that although Tajiri claimed he couldn’t make it to wrestle Maven because of personal reasons, but the real reason is because he’s afraid of Maven and the rest of Eric Bischoff’s crusaders. He says that he challenges anyone from ECW wrestler to come down, and he’ll show them some real wrestling. And none other than Lance Storm answers his challenge.

Maven Vs. Lance Storm

Lock up and Maven grabs a headlock, Storm reverses it with an arm drag, holds the arm, picks him up and gives him a very delayed vertical suplex. He goes to pick up Maven and is met with a knee to the gut. Maven them picks up storm’s head and beats on him for a while, before picks him up and sending him chest first into the ropes, and clubbing his back. Maven then picks him up and hit’s a backsuplex, which Storm takes ala Flair, apparently subconsciously favouring his back. Maven them locks in a rear naked choke. Storm breaks out, hits 2 clotheslines and a back elbow before going for a cross body, only to find no one home as he goes crashing into the mat and rolls to the outside. Maven poses in the ring for a moment, before going to pull Storm back into the ring. But as Maven grabs Storm he is hit in the throat with a chair Lance Storm seemingly found under the ring. Storm hops up to the apron and hit’s a springboard cross body for the win.

Winner: Lance Storm


And we’re back

Lock up, and Synn forces him back into the corner. They’re forced to break, and lock up again in the middle of the ring, and some impressive chain wrestling ensues, it ends with Synn on the mat in some form of choke. Regal switches it up into a modified rear naked choke, before picking him up and driving the knees into Synn’s face. Regal then drives him into the corner and clubs his chest. Regal then pulls him out and gives him a half nelson suplex, which unlike Antonio, Synn doesn’t take like a retard, but Regal gets only 2 none-the-less. Synn begins a comeback, shooting Regal to the ropes but Regal comes back with a stiff knee lift for the win.

Winner: William Regal

And we’re back with a recap of the Tables Match between Edge and Chris Benoit from RAW. They also show a recap of Hulk Hogan’s Autograph signing at World’s Gym.


And some more local talent is getting to shine tonight because here’s our old friend Wavell Starr.

Tyson Tomko Vs. Wavell Starr

Lock up, and Starr is forced into the corner, and gets a slap in the face before Tomko is forced to break. They lock up again, and Tomko drives his face into the mat, and clubs his head from behind. In one of the sickest moves of the night, Tomko sits Wavell Starr on the ropes, before viciously pushing him off forcing Starr backwards to the outside. Tomko follows him out and beats the hell out of him, before throwing him in, and beating him some more. The embarrassing beating ends with a huge Yakuza kick from Tomko, and Wavell Starr is out cold.

Winner: Tyson Tomko


Coach and Todd welcome us back, before leading us into a recap of Batista from RAW including: his answering HHH, and his match with Hassan. They then remind us that tomorrow HHH and Batista with sign the Hell In a Cell contract, and Chris Jericho will interview the first draft pick.


And it’s time for our main event of the evening, so here’s Simon Dean…oh god he has a microphone.

He says that Canadians are so fat that you could tattoo “Saskatchewan” across their bellies. He says the with his patented Simon System “You can look just like your favourite NHL hockey stars on TV…Oh wait, there are no NHL Hockey stars on TV!” that’s cold Simon, that’s just cold. Anyway, here’s Jericho.

Chris Jericho Vs. Simon Dean

Here’s the tie up, and they break, before pushing each other around for a while. Jeircho whips dean to the ropes, and hits them with a huge back elbow, and a dropkick. Dean rolls to the apron, and Jericho hit’s the springboard dropkick, and follows up with a baseball slide, before throwing him back into the ring, and stomping a mudhole in the corner. The ref forcews him to the break, and as he’s arguing with the ref, he is blindsided by Simon dean, who hit’s a back kick for 2, before picking him up and hitting an STO for another near fall. Simon dean looks frustrated as he ties up the legs of Jericho and hit’s a CURB STOMP! That’s right, a curb stomp in the WWE, but it only gains him another near fall. Simon Dean tries to pick up Dean, but Jericho comes back with a series of chops followed up by a Ghetto Blaster, and eye poke, and a roll up into an attempt at the walls of Jericho, but Dean forces his way out, and runs at Jericho, but is met with a boot, and Chris Jericho locks in The Walls for The Win.

Winner: “The Man of a Thousand Nick Names” Chris Jericho


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Alex P.

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