wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Sunday Night Heat Report 1.02.05

January 2, 2005 | Posted by Alex P.

Todd Grisham and Ivory welcome us the broadcast.

Victoria Vs. Trish
Trish with a cheapshot to start. Lots of hair pulling but the ref breaks it up. Damn. Victoria swings at trish, but she bridges, Victoria jumps on Trish in the bridge position for a knocksdown. Scoop slam by Victoria, and a standing moonsault. Victoria goes up to the top rope, but Trish sets up the Stratusphere. Victoria pulls her up on the turnbuckle and they exchange shots until Trish falls to the outside. Both women back in the ring, and Trish grabs a full nelson. Victoria powers out, and hits a series out headbutts for 2. Then she sends Trish to the corner, and sets her up for the Spider’s Web (fireman’s carry to Sidewalk slam), but as Victoria swings her, Trish gets a headscissor. Victoria gets up, and connects with a right hand, then a toe kick, and goes for the Widow’s Peak. But Trish reverses it into a northern lights suplex for 2. Victoria gets up and Trish hits the chick kick for the win.

Great Match!

Winner: Trish

Our main event this evening is a personal dream match of mine, Val Venis Vs. Ric Flair.


We’re back.

Robert Conway Vs. The Hurricane

Lock up. Go behind by conway, go behind by hurricane, and conway comes out with an armbar. Hurricane rolls out and get and arm bar out his own. Conway takes him to the ropes. Conway jumps over, and hurricane rolls under, goes to the ropes and hits a head scissors. Conway runs to the outside, hurricane goes for a plancha but misses. Back in the ring, conway witha neck breaker for 2. Reverse dragon sleeper by Conway. Hurricane powers out, and hits a sunset flip for 2, then a roll up for another near fall. They trade shots, and hurricane comes out witha clothesline and a running calf kick. Underdog by the hurricane, who then head to the top. Crossbody by the hurricane for 2. Eye rake by conway, whips him to the corner, then eat boot. Hurrican comes out, but is met with a version of the Complete shot for 2. Conway goes for the Au Revoir V 2.0. Hurricane goes for the eye of the hurricane, but conway reverses. Hurricane goes for it again and hits it for the win.

Winner: The Hurricane


Recap of the Mahammad Hassan and Daivari segment from RAW. As well as Bischoff annoucing the Debate *yawn*

Tomko Vs. Regal up next


Tyson Tomko Vs. William Regal

Tie up. Tyson forces Regal into the corner, but the ref forces him to break. European uppercut by Regal. Lock up, armbar by Tomko, Regal tries to roll through, but is shut down by Tomko. Armdrag by Regal, but Tomko locks onto the arm again. Tomko drives him into the corner, hits a shoulder to the gut, and a series of right hands. Tomko picks him up and hits an oklahoma slam, then throws him across the ring. Regal gets up and is met with a huge right hand for 2. Headlock by Tomko, but regal powers out. Regal hits a back elbow and then 3 shoulder blocks, and then tries to pin him at least 10 times to no avail. Christian runs out and distracts Regal, who is hit with a Big Boot as he turns around. Tomko pin him for the 1…2…3.

Winner: Tyson Tomko


Recap of the “Beat the Clock Challenge” from RAW.


“The Man Hooker” Val Venis Vs. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

Lock up. Headlock on flair, reverse and send venis to the ropes, but Val comes back with a shoulder block. Takedown by Flair, but venis comes out with a hammerlock. Armdrag by Flair but venis hold onto the hammerlock, but Flair gets the ropes. HERES THE NATURE BOY STRUT. Shoulder block by Flair, hits the ropes again and here backdrop by Venis, Flair flip, trademark #1. Venis goes to pick him up, but gets an eye gouge, stumbles to the corner, and gets 2 chops. WOOOOOO. And a right hand. Flair picks venis up and gets a snapmare, and a knee drop, which Venis sells like kryptonite. Another chop by Flair, and the strut. Yet another chop, and venis is down. Gets up and sends flair to the corner, and hits a couple of his own chops, then a neck breaker for 2. Flair is up in the corner, and Venis hits the 10 mounted punches, Flair stumbles out, and yes you guessed it, FLAIR FLOP! Trademark #2, one left, flair you know what we want. Flair gets up and hits a knee clip, then another, and he signals for th Figure 4 and he gets it. And Venis taps.

Winner Ric Flair (duh)

Well there you have it folks, I am Alex P. for 411wrestling.com and this has been your Sunday Night Heat Report.


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Alex P.

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