wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Sunday Night Heat Report 4.17.05

April 17, 2005 | Posted by Alex P.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Sunday Night HeAt! I am out of introduction catchphrases to use for the present, BUT have no fear I will find a catchphrase to rip off before the night is over. And I must sincerely apologize as I came late to the broadcast and only caught the finish of the first match for here it is.

Val Venis Vs. Viscera

Viscera hangs Venis in a tree of woe and hits a huge splash. He picks Venis up, and hits a big body slam. Venis comes back and takes him down before heading up for the Money Shot, but Viscera gets up, and Venis hops down. They trade shots but Viscera is too much for Venis and Irish whips him before hitting his version of the BK Bomb for the win.

Winner: Viscera
Fast Facts: Viscera was formerly known as Mabel in the WWF. (sorry, it’s slim pickins with Viscera)


Here’s a recap of Shawn (I’m not even going to TRY and spell whatever name WWE gave him) Daivari Vs. Shawn Michaels from RAW and I gotta say that Daivari looks pretty good in the ring, far better than his client at least.

Fast Facts: Shawn Daivari replaced Tyson Dux in last year’s Super 8 tournament.

Then they recap Shawn Michaels talking to Eric Bischoff backstage, and his promo choosing his partner for Backlash.


Here we are with the match that everyone has been waiting for:

Simon Dean & Maven Vs. CM Punk and Mystery partner

Simon Dean and Maven cut a promo, and show some photos with Simon’s drinks over top on Stone Cold’s beers to explain how he got the best of them.

Maven and Mystery Partner start it off. Arm drag by mystery partner, and an armbar by Maven, who then beat him down, and lets him tag out and so does Maven. Simon Dean and CM Punk are in. Dean hits a suplex and a leg drop on Punk, then stomps him in the corner. Dean throws Punk to the ropes then drops down so Maven can hit a dropkick, and Dean tags out. Maven whips Punk, who grabs the rope as Maven goes for the dropkick, and no one’s there. Maven tags in Dean who knocks Punk out of the ring, so that they can hit a double team, eerily similar to the “Au Revoir” used by La Resistance, for the win.

Winners: Simon Dean & Maven

They proceeded to show some footage of Randy Orton’s shoulder surgery. It says that he will be out 3-4 months.


Here is our Main Event of the evening. It is La Resistance’s last shot at the Tag Team Titles.

La Resistance Vs. William Regal & Tajiri

Regal and Conway start it off. Headlock by Conway, and Regal throws him off and hits a drop kick. Regal gets the tag to Tajiri who hits a spinning wheel kick. Conway turns the tide with a knee to the gut and tags out. Grenier beats away at Tajiri before hiting a variation of The Rock Bottom for 2. Grenier then distracts the ref while Conway chokes Tajiri, then tags out. Conway beats away on Tajiri before tagging out so Grenier can do the same. Tajiri finally comes back with a kick to the head of Grenier, then tags out, and Regal cleans house. Tajiri comes back and a double team goes bad, allowing La Resistannce to hit one of their own on Tajiri for the win…Or so they think, as Mike Chioda realizes that Tajiri was NOT the legal man, and restarts the match.


We’re back with Conway stomping away on William Regal. He tags in Grenier, who continues the assault. Before tagging in Conway so they can hit a double team for the two. Conway then picks him up, and beats the hell out of William regal in the corner, before locking in a rear-naked choke. William Regal finally break out with a series of left hands, and tags in Tajiri who cleans house. Tajiri goes for a pin on Conway but Grenier breaks it up. Regal unintentionally distracts the referee, while Conway goes to hit Tajiri with the flag. Tajiri ducks, and Grenier is hit with the flag, Tajiri then mists Conway and gets the pin on Grenier for the win.

Winners: Team International

William Regal then gets on the mic and challenges any team in the world for next week. I smell the return of the Dudley Boyz.

Well that’s all folks. In the meantime, and in-between time, this has been another great edition of Sunday Night HeAt. Goodnight, and see you next week.

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Alex P.