wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE RAW Report 2.22.16
From Fastlane to a slow crawl, let’s hope tonight’s RAW is everything we’ve ever dreamed of. Speaking of crawl…
Recap of Roman Reigns pointing at the Wrestlemania sign.
Breaking news, according to Cole, and we get a video posted to Facebook from Earlier today.
Ambrose has been taken to a “nearby medical facility.”
We switch gears to the man in the suit, Vince McMahon. Dude looks killer in a dark colors.
The award we’ve been hearing about since last week is in the middle of the ring. It looks like a small piece of The Fortress of Solitude. The Legacy of Excellence Award sits atop a black sheet as Vince grabs a mic. He says it’ll be a night we’ll never, ever forget. Tonight, he will present the first ever Vincent J. McMahon award. He tells the crowd not to WHAT the award, because it’s too special.
For over 100 years, McMahons have been presenting sports entertainment. From his great grandfather in 1914 to his dad who was inducted into the Madison Square Garden in 1984. His dad was a very cunning yet kind person. He had a really warm heart and a generous person, so the person they honor tonight has those qualities. A truly, warm, good-hearted soul. Vince introduces:
Vince says there is no one in the world that deserves this award as much as Steph. He is so proud of her. She was born into the business, and exemplify all of the attributes of his father. The crowd is booing so hard.
Steph fake cries, and gets the Vickie Guerrero boos. Steph says she didn’t expect to win, but prepared something just in case. Before she says anything, she wants to acknowledge her husband.
SHANE O MAC IS HERE!!!! He does the money shimmy!!! Shane O Mac heads to the ring. Steph and Vince are shocked.
He’s still got the moves!!!
THIS IS AWESOME chant. Shane is nearly crying.
We finally get to them talking, and Vince says they should do this in the back. Shane says that even when he was a child, Vince said they always wanted to do things in the ring, so they’re doing this tonight.
Steph says this is her moment, this is her legacy,
Shane says she hasn’t earned it.
She says it’s real convenient for him to watch from home, but she and HHH have been running this show whether people appreciate it or not.
Before he addresses this – says Shane – he turns to his father and says “She doesn’t know, does she?”
Uh oh….
Shane then says that her and her husband have been really…running this company into the ground. Let’s take a few indicators. Stock, ratings, plethora of talent injuries all over Steph’s watch….great job.
Steph gets super evil, says Shane is nothing more than a quitter, and tells Shane to get the hell out of her ring.
Shane says that it’s her father’s ring, #1, and – let him explain something. Vince says it’s not the time or place. Shane says it’s definitely the time and place.
Shane explains that several years ago, Vince messed up big time. Hugely. Who was there to save the day? Shane. Vince and Shane cut themselves a little deal. In that deal, Shane was able to do lots of things that he wanted to do – take some time off, build businesses, but he never lost his place in line. The reason Steph has been able to climb so high is because he has let it happen.
Steph doesn’t believe in it, asks Vince what’s the truth. Vince says that he wants to have a word with Shane real quick. Steph says this is insane. They have Wrestlemania coming up. Steph says she’ll get him a ticket, not ringside, but she’ll do her best.
Vince tells Steph that they’ll talk later. He’s got to have a word with Shane later. He’ll present the award to her backstage. She asks if it’s true. Vince finally confesses that there is some truth to it. Shane says it’s all true. At the time, it was “best for business.”
Steph says she will never forgive Shane for this.
Steph heads out, and Vince wants to know what this is all about. Vince has his checkbook, and he wants to know Shane’s price. Shane says this isn’t about money; it was never about money. He left a lot of money on the table just to get out from underneath Vince. He has finally realized, however, that he is not beholden to Vince anymore. What this is about is legacy. Vince’s GRANDFATHER, His father, Vince being third and he being fourth generation, GROOMING the fifth generation. He wants this business to be on for the sixth and the seventh, and the way it’s heading….
Vince asks what Shane really wants then, if it’s not about the money.
Shane says it’s simple….he wants control of Monday Night RAW.
Vince says things have changed, it’s a public company, he can’t just step right in and pick up where he left off.
Shane says he is here for generational growth. Vince claims Shane is here to embarrass Vince and Stephanie, and we people want Shane to run RAw? We have no idea what we’re asking for.
Vince will make a deal with Shane. He’ll give Shane what he wants as long as he has one match one night. If Shane wins, he gets his wish. If he doesn’t win, then Vince gets the key to a lockbox that Shane possesses. How about it, “Shane-O?”
Shane says he’s down! Good lord, I don’t want to get too anxious, but this would be the perfect opportunity for a creative alteration drastic enough for a positive outcome!
Vince calls this one last opportunity to watch Tony Acero be with AJ Lee. Or something like that…
Shane says he remembers the beatings very vividly, but all they ever did was just make him stronger. Vince wants to know how strong is he, because his place and opponent will be almost as big as his ego. The place and time is……Wrestlemania, and the opponent…..
The Undertaker.
Also, it will be Hell in a Cell. Welcome back, Shane-O.
Match 1: The New Day vs Lucha Dragons and Neville
Woods and Kalisto to start. Lockup, and Woods works the left arm. Armdrag from Kalisto. Dropkick, and Woods rolls out of the ring.
We’re back after a short break, and Kalisto drops an elbow on Woods’ head. Tag from Sin Cara who hops over the top rope for a senton. Tag to Neville. He heads in with a standing shooting star into a pin for 1..2..NO! Woods stands and grabs the ropes, forcing the hold to be broken. He pokes Neville in the eye hard, then sends him into the heel corner. Unicorn Stampede? Nope! Neville with a surprise kick out of the corner. Woods falls into a tag to Kofi. Neville turns and hits a jawbreaker, but Big E rushes in and hits a belly to belly. Looks like Big E got a pin I didn’t see. He sends Neville back into the corner and starts the stampede. Tag to Kofi, who keeps it going. Woods is still down on the mat, so E and Kofi trade off for a few times. Woods is energetic enough to grab Francesca II and play a tune. Kofi bounces off the ropes with a hard kick to Neville. Pin for 1..2..NO! Neville is able to escape a hold with an arm drag, but can’t get the pin. Kofi stops him, then hits a dropkick. Tag to Woods. Kofi holds Neville up on the middle rope. Woods with a running dropkick! Pin for 1..2..NO!
Back after another break. Kofi with a snapmare and a tag to Woods, who rushes in with a dropkick then a tag to Big E. Big E with the splash, and it looks like Woods drops an elbow at the same time. Nice. Tag to Woods. Replay shows Woods drops a leg, not an elbow, at the same time Big E hits his splash. Woods tosses Neville in the corner. He goes for a splash, but Neville sends Woods over the ropes down to the floor. Woods hits the steel steps. Big E grabs Woods and rolls him back in the ring. Kofi with a blind tag. He stops the tag!!! Clothesline to the back of the head of Neville!!! Kofi sends Kalisto off the apron. Neville jumps to tag in Sin Cara!! He comes off the top, knocks Big E off the apron. Springboard crossbody from Sin Cara. Rope work, and a springboard elbow! Kicks to Kofi in the corner. Chops. Another. Sin Cara rushes, Kofi side steps onto the apron. Cara knocks him off! Cara hits the ropes. Suicide Dive!!! Sin Cara sends Kofi back inside. He hits the ropes again. Springboard moonsault into a pin for 1..2..NO! Big E breaks it up!! Kalisto is bck! Springboard dropkick. Woods sends Kalisto t the outside. Neville with a high kick, but Woods with a spinning right hand!! Kick from Neville, another, Woods sends Neville on the apron, Neville with a high kick. Big E in the ring. he hits the ropes and tries for a crossbody, but Neville moves!! Woods is here! He eats a foot by Neville! Woods on the apron! 450 onto Big E on the outside!!!!! Kalisto uses Neville’s back to hit a 450 of his own onto Woods!!!
In the ring, Sin Cara jumps off the top rope, but Kofi moves! Sin grabs Kofi. Kofi grabs the mask. Trouble in Paradise! Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: New Day
That ending tho….
Rating: ***1/2
Backstage, Roman is playing Plants vs Zombies 2. JoJo wants to know if Roman has an update on Ambrose. He says he’s called the hospital, and all he knows is that Dean went through a window. JoJo asks about his win. Reigns says this is what he’s been waiting for. No family business, no more corporate tricks. Just Reigns and HHH in the ring in front of the whole world. It’s going to come down to the fist and the heart. Reigns likes his odds. Nice of him to be able to transition from Ambrose to himself.
Heyman and Brock are here, and Heyman wants to inform us that THIS is the main event of the evening. Of course, Brock is not in his wrestling gear, but every single segment that involves Brock is the main event. Brock is the biggest box office attraction in sports entertainment or MMA. oOooooOooooO. Last night, Brock took both Dean and Roman to Suplex City. Then, he locked the kimura on Reigns. He was only seconds away from tapping out. Just as Reigns was going to tap out, along comes Dean Ambrose. Ambrose takes a competitive triple threat wrestling match and turns it into a street fight. He takes Brock out of the equation for the main event of Wrestlemania. This pissed off Brock Lesnar. Then Dean takes himself out of the equation – he’s so out of his mind. Today, as soon as Ambrose arrived, Brock got his revenge. Since Brock is out of the main event, then Dean Ambrose will be out of Mania all together.
Heyman shows the footage we’ve seen three times now in less than an hour.
There is on shield that can protect Dean Ambrose from the wrath of Brock Lesnar. Lesnar deserves the main event, but moreso…Brock IS the main event. Triple H may think that he is the main event, but Brock Lesnar is on the card. Reigns? Ha! Brock is on the card. Allllll because of this Dean Ambrose. He does all of these little things until the reality of a semi hops up on the sidewalk and runs their asses over. Heyman knocks the mic out of his hand to show more character, knocking his mic out in the process. ECW chant. Now if we think that Heyman is in this destructive of a mood, how destructive do we think Brock Lesnar is?
Brock needs a new opponent, so this is fair warning to any member in the locker room that wants to step up; Go to the hospital tonight and visit the barely breathing Dean Ambrose and ask what happens when you earn the wrath of Brock Lesnar. There’s an F5 that will tear through the entire locker room all the way to Mania, and it will have no mercy. So sayeth the main event of Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar.
Brock is about to head out of the ring, but the tron shows backstage where a door is rolling up. A horn is honking and an ambulance truck is here. It drives in, knocking shit out of the way in the process. Sirens blare, and Scott Steiner appears.
We get the camera focused on Brock Lesnar for far too long. Finally, it appears the ambulance is heading out stage right. Stage left? Fuck, I don’t know.
So, Ambrose is driving the ambulance, with a neckbrace on. He heads out of the door, removes the brace, struggles to find his footing. Dean crawls down the ramp towards Brock. I mean, I get it…but meh.
Dean makes it to the bottom, where Brock is waiting. He steps right over Dean like he’s trash, and heads back up the ramp.
Ambrose has a mic. He screams at Brock, tells him to kiss his ass, and says he is indestructible, and Brock will find out the hard way. Ambrose wants Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. No Holds Barred. Street Fight.
Brock heads down the ramp, lifts Ambrose like nothing. F5!!!!
Crowd: “One more time!”
Heyman grabs the mic, “My client….accepts your challenge.”
Before the upcoming match, The Dudley Boyz come to the stage. Bubba wants to be the first to welcome them back, and says about what happened a couple of weeks ago, do not take it personal. The Dudleyz just needed to remind the entire WWE Universe that The Dudley Boyz are not one trick ponies. They are not a nostalgia act. are the most decorated tag team in the history of the WWE. They are the 9 time WWE Tag Team Champions. They’re legacy will not be defined by a piece of furniture, but by their accomplishments, and that’s why everyone else will never ever see the tables again.
D-Von: Speaking of One trick ponies, maybe The Usos’ father should have been teaching them a little bit about respect instead of going out and buying thongs.
The Ascension takes the opportunity to cheap shot The Usos before the match officially charges.
Match 2: The Usos vs The Ascension
One of the Usos shoots the legs of Victor. Jimmy knocks Conor off the apron, then gets kicked by Victor. A tag to Conor, and he comes in with a boot. Tag back to Victor who drops a fist the ncovers for 1..2..NO! He hooks the arms from behid. Victor shoves Jimmy ot the corner. Tag to Jey who runs and hits a right to Conor. Right hand to Victor. Kick to the gut. Ducks a clothelsine. Samoan Drop. Jey rushes the corner with a butt splash, then goes for a kick to the incoming Conor. He spins him and eats an Enziguri then a Superkick.
Victor hops off the top rope. Double Superkick!!! Jey Uso goes to the top rope. Splash from up top! Pin for 1..2…3!!
Winner: The Usos
The Ascension is anything but their name…
Rating: *
The Dudley Boyz make to head down to the ring. They stop at the bottom of the ramp to jaw jack and think twice, heading back to the back.
Speaking of back…
Y2J is here, all smiles. He heads to the ring and grabs a mic, soaking in the chants for a bit. He welcomes us to RAW IS JERICHO, and says he has a story. For years, he’s been hearing about a guy named Styles. All he heard about Styles is that he is Phenomenal. He shows up at the Rumble, makes his debut, and right off the bat, Jericho didn’t like him. He didn’t get the self proclaimed phenomenon. He then had three matches with him, and now agrees. Jericho has had 24 hours to reflect on the loss he suffered. He said he didn’t like or respect Styles, but he has a few more things to say tonight. He invites Styles down to the ring.
Styles takes some time, but The Phenomenal one makes his way out eventually. Dueling chants from the crowd.
Jericho says that last night, he told Styles that the pressure was on him. If Jericho had beaten him twice in a row, it would have possibly ended his career before it even began. But that didn’t happen; Styles beat Jericho. Jericho congratulates Styles on the win. Styles proved something to the entire universe. He proved that Styles belongs in the WWE. He has what it takes. More importantly, he proved that he is Phenomenal. They shake hands once again.
The Social Outcasts are here! They all head out clapping. Slater says this is a memorable moment, and they are so sorry that they had to interrupt right before Jericho and Styles were going to hug. Bo says his heart is truly warmed to see so much love in the ring right now; it’s beautiful. Heath says he’s being sarcastic. Bo says, me too. Axel calls this garbage, and they mock the hand shaking. Axel says that they can see right through Jericho, and he’s only playing nice because Style made Jericho tap last night. And Styles? Shaking Jericho’s hand after all that was said by Jericho? Where Heath comes from, they call people like Styles a coward. Rose wants to know what they are now, friends? Buddies? No one is buying them two together. They are not a team. Social Outcasts are a team, and Y2J and Styles need to get out of their ring. Now.
Jericho calls Heath “Ginger Jackass” and tells him to shut up. He does make a little sense. Jericho wasn’t planning on teaming up with Styles, but maybe they should be. Maybe they’re officially a team, and they’re going to start with these four stooges here and now.
Match 3: Styles and Chris Jericho vs Social Outcasts (Heath Slater and Curtis Axel
We come back to Jericho beating down Slater with a chop. Whip into a dropkick by Jericho. Jericho with a suplex. He grabs the head of Slater and tags in Styles. Right hand by Styles. Snapmare into a running forearm to the face. Stlyes calls for the Clash, but Heath lifts him up and over the rope. Styles lands on the apron. Right forearm to Slater. Kick to Rose. Kick to Bo. Axel with a clothesline from the apron. Stomps from Heath and a tag to Axel. Right hand to Styles. Right again. Whip to the ropes and a dropkick from Axel. Axel with stomps in the corner. Tag to Heath. Axel hits an elbow then tosses Styles into a kick. Cover for 1. Cravat from behind by Heath. Styles turns into the hold but Heath hits a high knee then goes for a back suplex. Styles lands on his feet. Pele kick! Styles with a tag! Tag to Axel!! Jericho with a shoulder tackle. Chop in the middle of the ring. Whip. Reversed. Axel tosses Jericho over the ropes. Jericho lands on his feet, hits the top rope. Elbow off the top rope. Springboard dropkick to Heath. Running bulldog to Axel. Lionsault from Jericho is missed!! Axel wittha kick. He hooks te head. Jerich turns, drops Axel, looks for the Walls. Heathruns ii to stop te hold, but Styles flies off the top rope to send Heath to the outside. Bo and Rose help Slater up, so Styles hops over the top rope atop the three men!
Jericho finally locks on the Walls, and Axel taps!!
Winners: Jericho and Styles
Short but fun match
Rating: **
Recap of the return of the best McMahon.
Backstage, Triple H is telling his wife to let it go. She says she was so proud of that moment only to be interrupted by her brother with some bogus claim. Triple H calls Shane a failure. He says tonight may have not started how hey wanted to, but it will end how they want it to. He asks if Steph wants to tell Roman or should he. Steph would love to. So she heads that way.
Backstage, Steph runs into Roman and says that he’ll have a match tonight, and it will be against Sheamus. He says that unlike Reigns and Ambrose, when there is one with the League of Nations, there is all. She would hate if one or all of these guys injured Reigns all over professional jealousy. She tells Reigns good luck and be safe out there.
Further backstage, R-Truth is listening to Miley Cyrus. Goldust comes up to tell Truth that he is sorry. He has a cake. Truth says this was cute at first, real cute, but Goldust doesn’t get it. Truth says Goldust just can’t get right. Truth brings up the few happenings over the last month or so, and asks if he’s supposed to get over it with a cake? Goldust says it’s a yellow cake with chocolate frosting, just like them! Truth says he doesn’t want the apologies, doesn’t want the cake, and for sure doesn’t want the —-
Goldust stops him, says he gets it, he can predict Truth’s every move.
Truth says fo real? Goldust is psychic. So Goldust must think that Truth is going to take the cake and smash it into Goldusts face. Truth says he’s better than that….he walks away…
Truth comes back and shoves the cake in Goldusts’ face.
Match 4: The Wyatt Family vs Ryback, The Big Show, and Kane
Missed a few moments, but does that really matter? Anyway, Kane tosses Wyatt in the corner and hits a right, then a clothesline. Bray tags in Harper, and He runs right into an uppercut. Tag to Ryback by Kane. Kick to Harper by Kane then Ryback doubles up on it and works the arm. Harper with an elbow behind him. He hits the ropes. Ryback with an elbow. Shoulders in the gut. Ryback up on the 2nd rope and hits a few rights. He hits a headbutt then a whip into the corner hard. Ryback with a right hand. He grabs the left arm, works it, tags in Kane. Kane with an uppercut. Headbutt from Kane. Whip to Harper, reversed, dropkick from Harper! Harper tags in Rowan. Rowan with a blow to the back. Elbows to the head, then another right hand. Rowan with stomps in the corner. Rowan with an uppercut. Whip to the corner. Kane comes out of it with a clothesline, though. Both men down, looking for a tag. Tag to Ryback. He comes in with right hands. Ryback ducks a clothesline. Crossbody and a beatdown. Ryback with a running high knee to Rowan. Another one in the corner! Rowan heads to the apron. Ryback grabs his head nd gets hung up for his trouble. Rowan hits the ropes. Spinebuster by Ryback!!! Rowan rolls out of the ring. Ryback follows and hits a big running clothesline, then heads back into the ring.
Back, after a break, and Rowan sets Ryback up on the corner, laying down. He beats down on the chest of Ryback. Rowan sits Ryback down on the corner then sets up for a superplex, but Ryback is vlocking it. Right hands to the gut. Rowan falls down to his feet. Ryback with a missile dropkick! Ryback struggles for a tag. Tag to Show! Tag to Bray! Show comes in with a clothesline, another. Whip to the ropes, Show with a Spear!!! Show calls for the chokeslam, but runs right into a Superkick! Kane is in with a big boot! Rowan with a spinning heel kick to Kane. Rowan turns into a chokeslam fro mBig Show!!! Big Show rushes the corner with a shoulder, hits the ropes. Strowman is there to hold the ropes, and Show tumbles down to the outside!!! Bray heads to the outside and kicks Show in the ribs. He attacks the head then sends Show into the ring. Tag to Harper and Harper rushes in with a right hand to Show’s face. Harper with an uppercut, Show bounces off the ropes, another right, one more. Show with a HARD chop to the chest!! Another! Uppercut from Harper, kick, and another. He hits the ropes and goes for a Big Boot, but Show goes for a Chokeslam! Harper counters with a sleeper!!! Show with a back suplex to break the hold. Tag to Kane! He’s in with a clothesline. Another. Whip to the corner and another clothesline. Another corner for another clothesline. Sidewalk slam. Kane hits the ropes. Dropkick to Harper!! Kane knocks Rowan and Wyatt off the apron, dodges a splash. DDT to Harper! Kane calls for the chokeslam. Ryback, suddenly, drops from the apron, and heads to the back.
Kane is confused. He chokeslam’s Harper, but Wyatt had already gotten the tag. He attacks from behind, then hits Sister Abigail. Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winners: The Wyatt Family
Just. Not. Interested.
Rating: **
Backstage after the match, Ryback is walking.
Ryback says he won the match last night, he has nothing to prove. He’s done being in tag team. The spotlight should be on him, because he deserves that. As far as Kane and Show, this isn’t personal. He’s gotta start standing by himself, that’s the way it’s gonna be. The glass ceiling, the brassng….”Break it, Take it.” Nicce.
Match 5: Sasha Banks vs Naomi
Naomi with a kick. Rope work and Sasha locks in the abdominal stretch. Sasha calls Naomi “boo boo kitty” haha. Sasha with a rollup for 1..2..NO! Sasha shoots the legs, bridges over, but Naomi bridges out, goes for a backslide, no grabs the hair and tosses Sasha over her head. Kick to Sasha. Naomi grabs the hair then locks up for a suplex, onto the ropes! Naomi with another kick to the chest. Naomi with a right hand to the head, another. The ref holds Naomi back, and Tamina grabs the leg of Sasha. Sasha drops headfirst onto the apron. Ouch.
Back, and Sasha is whipping Naomi into the ropes. Sasha grabs the leg, then kicks the other. Sasha hits the ropes. Double knee stomp to Naomi and a pin for 1..2..NO! Sasha rushes the corner, hops over the top rope, hits a forearm, then goes to the top rope. Tamina distracts, and Naomi drops Sasha on the ropes arm first. Becky Lynch appears and attacks Tamina!
In the ring, Sasha hits the backcracker then the Bank Statement! Naomi taps!!!
Winner: Sasha Banks
Rating: *1/2
It’s happening…
Afterwards, Becky enters the ring and shakes the hand of Sasha.
Charlotte is apparently not a fan of this touching moment. Charlotte comes out wearing one of The Bella’s tops. She is fake crying, says she is so sorry. She is moved by watching the two of the girls bond the last two weeks. It’s like Tina Fey and Amy Peohler, only cheaper hair dye. Anyways, after her very emotional victory of Brie Bella last night, The Authority has informed Charlotte that there will be a match to see who will be facing her come Mania, and it’s Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks. Charlotte wonders who wants it more; the cutthroat former NXT Women’s Champion, The Boss, Charlotte’s former BFF with an axe to grind.
Charlotte screams for Becky to watch out, and Becky falls for it. Charlotte says the relationship must be so rock solid. The next few weeks should be fun…for Charlotte.
If you guys want to join me after RAW for my RAW REACTION PODCAST feel free to click the link and call in! Show starts 15 minutes after RAW ends! Would love for you guys to call in.
Backstage, Steph and Vince are talking. She says she doesn’t know what Shane has, but Vince needs to really consider all these options. Steph says she refuses to wotrk for her brother. Vince says that the odds of Shane winning are astronomical. What he did to Shane is he manipulated him. They have another main event. vince says that what makes this run is a Machiavellian like attitude. Steph nods in understanding.
Match 6: Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus
Sheamus works the arm of Reigns as commentary talks about how good a friend Reigns is to Ambrose. Sheamus drops the arm the ncovers for 1..2..NO! Sheamus continues to work the left arm by dropping an elbow, and another, then key locks it. Sorta. Reigns shoves Sheamus in the corner, the ref breaks it, and Reigns hits a right slap. Another. Reigns with a headbutt in the corner. Reigns up top with the ten punch. He gets to about six then Sheamus drops Reigns on the ropes, crotch first. He drops a knee to the fallen Reigns. Sheamus continues working the left arm. Reigns with a right hand. Another. Samoan drop attempt is thwarted, but Reigns hits a hard right hand. Clothesline sends Sheamus over the top rope, and we’ve got a pretty divided crowd right now. Reigns leaves the ring and clotheslines Sheamus hard. He sends Sheamus into the ring. Reigns looks to enter, but Rusev hits with a hard Superkick while the ref isn’t looking.
We learn upon return that The League of Nations has been sent to the back. Reigns and Sheamus are trading blows. Shemus with an uppercut, Reigns with a kick then a right hand, and another. Sheamus kicks the knee, hits the ropes, pauses, Reigns hits the ropes, Irish Curse backbreaker! Brogue Kick attempt, but reigns hits a Superman Punch! The crowd is loud with the boos. Sheamus rolls to the outside. Reigns heads to the outside as well. SPEAR TO SHEAMUS!!! Both men are down. Reigns makes it into the ring at 9, and just as the ref is going to hit 10, the music of Triple H hits. He’s wearing Outfit #2, (ie: Street clothes).
Winner: No Contest
Rating: **
I’ll go ahead and assume the match is over. Reigns doesn’t wait for Triple H. He slides out of the ring and attacks Triple H, sending him into the apron kidney first. Triple H with a knee and right hands, and the crowd is actually CHEERING Reigns!!! Reigns tries to fight back by sending Triple H into the barricade, but H nosells and attacks Reigns, then sends him into the ring. H gets on the apron. SUPERMAN PUNCH!!! Triple H falls down to the floor. He stands against the barricade. Reigns rolls back outside of the ring. He goes after Triple H with a hard clothesline, sending H over the barricade into the time keeper’s area. Reigns isn’t finished. He walks towards the timekeeper, but Triple H pops up and hits Reigns with a the ring bell right in the throat! Triple H tosses some chairs, then grabs Reigns up as the crowd cheers for HIM. He slams Reigns atop the announce table a few times. The camera work here is annoying. The crowd chants YES a bunch of times as Triple H shoves Reigns into the table like 20 times. Reigns nose is bleeding heavily. Triple H holds Reigns up, and Triple H grabs his head and begins a beatdown of his face with numerous right hands to Reigns’ nose. Triple H’s taped up fists are covered in red. Refs run down to hold Triple H back. Wow….blood just made this nuts. Triple H with a stomp to Reigns as refs hold him back.
Triple H: “Do you know who I am, now?!”
Triple H is not done. He grabs the steps and removes the top portion. He grabs Reigns and sets up for The Pedigree as the crowd chants YES. PEDIGREE TO REIGNS ONTO THE STEPS!!!
The crowd chants One More Time.
Triple H grabs the title and holds it high above him as the crowd cheers heavily!
End Show
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