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New WWE 2K25 Teaser Hints At New Feature

January 23, 2025 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE 2K25 CM Punk Image Credit: 2K Sports

A new WWE 2K25 teaser video features Bianca Belair hinting at a new game feature. 2K Games released a new clip of Belair and Raquel Rodriguez hyping the impending announcement of the game. The clip features Belair saying she has some “exciting” news and asking if we’ve “heard the big news about the i–” before being cut off.

There’s no confirmed word on what Belair was teasing, but PWInsider points out that it seems as if she was about to say “the island” and that Hot 97’s Hip-Hop Gamer recently noted that he spoke with 2K developers, who said they were working on a game mode that is similar to The Neighborhood mode in NBA 2K. That mode is an open world experience in which NBA 2K players can interact with others online with avatars and play games and the like.

Again, this does not mean that this is what Belair was teasing and is just a possibility. WWE is reportedly planning a big announcement for Monday and teasers have hinted at possible intergender matches as well as a Bloodline Showcase mode.

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WWE 2K25, Jeremy Thomas