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Noamie Harris Says a Moneypenny Spin-Off Is Possible

October 22, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

Moneypenny is a core part of the James Bond universe, and if Naomie Harris and Barry Jenkins get their way, she may get her own film. Harris spoke with promoting Black and Blue and revealed that she and Jenkins, who directed Harris in the Oscar winner Moonlight, have spoken about ideas a potential spin-off.

“Actually, Barry Jenkins, the director of Moonlight, he always said that he wanted to do a Moneypenny spin-off, so maybe…” Harris stated. When asked if Jenkins had spoken with EON Productions, who are in charge of the Bond franchise, she said, “I got him together with Barbara [Broccoli], and they had a little discussion, but nothing’s happened so far, but you never know.”

Harris has played the field agent-turned-secretary since Skyfall and got to see some action in that film. She is set to reprise the role in the upcoming No Time to Die, which releases next year.