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Rob Zombie Says He Was Miserable Making His Halloween Movies

In an interview with Forbes, Rob Zombie reveled that he was miserable while he was making his two Halloween movies, which include the 2007 remake and its sequel in 2009. Here are highlights:
On the Halloween remake: “Making Halloween with the Weinstein’s was a miserable experience for me, and so I was very reticent to do the second one. I did do the second one, and I thought, ‘Okay, well the first one was a miserable experience, but it did well, so maybe it’ll be easier the second time?’ It was worse. Oh my God. I felt like they weren’t trusting me on the first one because they wanted to make sure it was a hit and now they weren’t trusting me not to fuck up their hit.”
On how difficult the producers were: “They would show me scenes from Halloween to try and make a point and I’d be like, ‘Yeah, I know. I made that movie. Why do you show me that like I’ve never seen it before?’”
On a documentary he made: “We made a behind the scenes documentary for the making of Halloween. That has somehow gotten lost in the vaults. That shows how messed up everything was and what was going on when we were making those movies.”