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Sadie Katz On Her Role In Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar, Approaching Her Character

March 29, 2024 | Posted by Bryan Kristopowitz
Space Wars Sadie Katz Image Credit: Garo Setian

The 411 Interview: Sadie Katz

Image Credit: Garo Setian

Sadie Katz is an actor, writer, producer, and director who has been working in the entertainment world, according to imdb, since at least 2011. Katz has appeared in such movies as Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort, Bus Party to Hell, Meaning of Violence, AND Automationamong others, written the screenplay for such movies as Scorned and Clown Fear and directed the documentary The Bill Murray Experience. One of Katz’s latest movies as an actor is the terrific sci-fi action adventure flick Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar, which is now available to purchase on DVD here and is available to rent or purchase via Amazon here and is available to rent or purchase via YouTube here and is currently streaming for free on Tubi (check it out here) and Flix for Free (check it out here). In this interview, Katz talks with this writer about making Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar, working with director Garo Setian, and more.


Image Credit: Uncork’d Entertainment

Bryan Kristopowitz: How did you get involved with Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar?

Sadie Katz: I had worked previously with Garo on his first feature Automation. I’ll tell you when we first worked together; I was standing in a huge warehouse during a night shoot at 3 A.M., crying and being chased by an actor in a robot suit- I was like is this going to work? When I saw the completed film Automation for the first time – I was so blown away and on board with anything Garo sets his mind to. When I got the phone call for Space Wars I was like yes! Yes!

BK: How did you approach your character Elnora?

SK: I’m really glad the reviewers and audience got what I was going for with Elnora. It’s always a risk when you go over the top that people won’t get it and they’ll be like “OVER ACTOR” which is like so, so dreaded as an actress. Elnora is a bit of the comic relief in a fabulously silly way. Not to bring up Star Wars but to bring up Star Wars (the OG of course) Darth Vader if you really take him or Jabba The Hutt are both over the top characters they revel in their evil deeds, they embrace and love the “Dark Side” with no apologies. I thought Elnora’s fun if she takes that approach.

BK: What was it like working with the cast of Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar?

SK: I was really stoked to work with Garo’s actual real life son Hunter Setian. Hunter played my son and he’s such a sweet human which translates into his acting- there was something delicious about teasing him! I love that Elnora has a son. I think Garo and Joe Knetter grounded Elnora in such a cool way. She’s a big bad BUT she has to deal with her son. It’s such a clever character development in the script. Hunter fills those shoes so perfectly.

BK: What was it like working with Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar director Garo Setian?

SK: Garo is one of the kindest humans on the planet. Like, he’s an actual family man with high values! What the hell is he doing in entertainment? Kidding. Jokes aside – Garo is very respectful of actors- I think because he’s married to Anahit (who’s brilliant in Space Wars) he has a real reverence for actors and gives them room to create. Also, I hope he’ll forgive me for saying this, but he’s a bit of a nerd. Like, he really knows his sci-fi stuff so he comes with a real grasp on his vision and there’s something freeing in knowing that the director knows what he wants.

BK: What was the hardest part of making Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar for you as an actor? What was the easiest?

SK: Honestly, the hardest part was that Elnora wasn’t around to play with all the characters more. I’ve never worked with green screen so much. I wasn’t actually with the actors. Jean Heathen did the wardrobe and she is freaking brilliant- she made my job so easy by giving Elnora such a cool costume. In indie film sometimes the wardrobe isn’t given the attention it needs and let me tell you it’s a gift as an actor when you get to work with something character defining.

Image Credit: Hungry Monster Entertainment

BK: What is your favorite scene in Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar?

SK: All of my scenes of course! Ha. Actually the scenes with Anahit Setian are a lesson in acting. She’s quite lovable on camera.

BK: Do you consider Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar science fiction or is it more appropriate to call it space opera?

SK: I love the idea it’s a space opera. I think it would make a great series.

BK: What is the difference, if any, between making Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar and something like Automation, the other movie you made with Garo Setian?

SK: Automation had horror elements- which you know as an actor you sorta have to hit the genre. You know you play to the genre a bit. It’s like “girl trips over dead body, falls into the blood and screams.” So, you make those moments work. Space Wars is a different genre and maybe a tad more lighthearted but serious at the same time…does that make any sense? I don’t know, they’re both wildly fun to play in!

Image Credit: Garo Setian

BK: Any upcoming projects you can tell us about?

SK: I have a fun werewolf noir coming out called 12 to Midnight. I have a new Amityville movie details coming soon…and my exorcism movie The Possession of Anne.

BK: Would you like to appear in a potential Space Wars 2?

SK: Tell Garo if he doesn’t bring back Elnora I’ll steal his essence. Kidding. (I’m not though.)

BK: What is your favorite science fiction movie?

SK: The first three Star Wars– the rest don’t exist to me. (Don’t hate me.)

Image Credit: Hungry Monster Entertainment


A very special thanks to Sadie Katz for agreeing to participate in this interview and to david j. moore for setting it up.

Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar is available to purchase on DVD here and is available to rent or purchase via Amazon here and is available to rent or purchase via YouTube here and is currently streaming for free on Tubi (check it out here) and Flix for Free (check it out here).

Check out my review of Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar here!

Check out my review of Automation here!

Check out Sadie Katz’s Twitter page here, Facebook page here, and Instagram page here.

The Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar poster image courtesy of Uncork’d Entertainment. First Sadie Katz image and image from Automation courtesy of Garo Setian. All other images courtesy of Hungry Monster Entertainment.