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Star Wars: Episode IX Said To Have “Looser” Feel Than Other Movies
In an interview with Indiewire, Oscar Isaac said that Star Wars: Episode IX has a looser feel than other Star Wars movies he’s been involved with. Here are highlights:
On taking a break when he’s done with Star Wars: “I haven’t really stopped for 10 years. I’m just going to be with family and taking a bit of a rest.”
On shooting the latest film: “The way they’ve been shooting it right now is looser than it’s been for the last two times. It does feel like a relief to get on set and feel like, ‘Oh, we can try things.’ It’s a testament to J.J. coming back and feeling confident. There’s less pressure for it to be right. We just want to make a good movie and have a really good time while doing it.”
On the backlash for The Last Jedi: “Luckily, since I’m not directing it, producing it, or distributing it, I don’t have to worry so much about fan expectations. Also, not all fans have the same expectations. People had very strong feelings, but there wasn’t as much of an organized way to speak out about it. People that run blogs and websites need content. So it’s like, ‘There’s some content!’ Five people on Twitter. Hundreds. Whatever it is. Then you make it into a story.”