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WandaVision, Loki, and The Mandalorian Getting UHD & Blu-ray Releases

August 21, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WandaVision Image Credit: Marvel Studios

Disney is giving some of its digitally-released Marvel and Star Wars series physical releases with WandaVision, Loki, and The Mandalorian. The company announced on Monday that the first season of Loki as well as WandaVision and the first two seasons of The Mandalorian will be released on 4K UHD and in steelbook Blu-rays. The dates for the releases will be as follows:

* Loki: The Complete First Season (September 26th, 2023)
* WandaVision: The Complete Series (November 28th, 2023
* The Mandalorian: The Complete First Season (December 12th, 2023)
* The Mandalorian: The Complete Second Season (December 12th, 2023)

The physical media releases of the shows come following the announcement last week by Disney that the Hulu-released Prey would be receiving 4K, Blu-ray and DVD releases. Streaming releases have rarely come to physical media despite pleas from fans, which have ramped up as some titles have been removed from platforms like Paramount+, Max, Hulu and Disney+.

Disney’s press release announced the following bonus features for Loki. Bonus features for the other releases have yet to be announced.

* Designing the TVA – Step into the incredible set of Loki Season 1 with Production Designer, Kasra Farahani, and Tom Hiddleston while getting a sneak peek into Season 2.
* The Official TVA Orientation Video – Miss Minutes explains the inner workings of the TVA timeline in her orientation video.
* Gag Reel – Take a look at some of the fun outtakes on set with the cast and crew of Loki Season 1.
* Deleted Scene: Loki’s Coronation – Mobius reviews some moments from Loki’s timeline, in which Frog Thor makes an appearance during Loki’s coronation.
* Deleted Scene: The Standoff – Loki holds Sylvie hostage against the TVA in a standoff.
* Assembled: The Making of Loki – Loki explores the series centering on the MCU’s chief mischief maker.