Topic: New Mutants

movies/TVThe New Mutants Review

Rob Stewart checks in with his full review of the long-delayed comic book horror film The New Mutants, Fox's last...

movies/TVThe New Mutants Gets a New IMAX Poster, Tickets Going on Sale Next Week for Theatrical Release

Check out the new poster art...

movies/TVDisney Pulls Mulan, New Mutants, Antlers From Schedule

The coronavirus-shaped hammer has come down on Mulan, New Mutants, and Antlers, as Disney has yanked all three films from...

movies/TVComic Reviews: Cable, X-Men, More  

The 411 staff presents this week's comic reviews including Cable #1, X-Men #8, and more...

movies/TVComic Reviews: Jean Grey and Emma Frost, New Mutants

The 411 staff presents this week's comic reviews including Giant Sized X-Men: Jean Grey and Emma Frost, New Mutants #8,...

movies/TVComic Reviews: Wolverine, New Mutants, More 

The 411 staff gives this week's comic reviews including Wolverine #1, New Mutants #7, and more...

movies/TVNew Trailer For New Mutants Coming Next Week

It looks as if the latest release date for the oft-delayed New Mutants might stick, with a trailer coming next...

movies/TVComic Reviews: X-Force, Fallen Angels, More  

The 411 staff gives this week's comic reviews including X-Force #3, New Mutants #3, and more...

movies/TVComic Reviews: New Mutants, X-Force, More  

The 411 staff checks in with this week's comic reviews including New Mutants #2, X-Force #2, and more...

movies/TVComic Reviews: X-Force, New Mutants, More

The 411 staff provides this week's comic reviews including X-Force #1, Fantastic Four: Grand Design #1 and more...

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