80. Kota Ibushi vs. Tomohiro Ishii – NJPW G1 Climax 7/23/17 The second Kota Ibushi was announced for the G1...
Topic: RPW

wrestlingKevin’s Top 130 Matches of 2017: #80-71: Usos vs. New Day, Styles vs. Shane, More

wrestlingFurious’ RPW High Stakes 2017 Review
Rev Pro's first major show of the year is headlined by a dream of a match...

wrestlingRPW High Stakes Results 1.21.17: Katsuyori Shibata vs Matt Riddle, Zack Sabre vs Marty Scurll
Credit: Wrestlezone Revolution Pro Wrestling ran their High Stakes 2017 event at York Hall in London today, featuring New Japan...

wrestlingViews from the Hawke’s Nest: RPW Uprising 2016
Bethnal Green, Greater London, England August 12, 2016 Jay White vs. Josh Bodom This was a pretty standard indie match...