Titans explores the original team and their conflict with Deathstroke in “Aqualad.” Jeremy Thomas checks in with his full...
Topic: Titans Review
Titans returns for its second season on DC Universe and dives right at its big cliffhanger. 411's Jeremy Thomas...
Dick must face Batman in a dreamscape created by Trigon. 411's Jeremy Thomas checks in with his review of...
Kory uncovers her identity and Rachel’s father is revealed in “Koriand’r.” 411's Jeremy Thomas checks in with his review...
Hawk and Dove’s origin is revealed in “Hank and Dawn.” 411's Jeremy Thomas checks in with his review of...
As the Titans go their separate ways, Dick turns to an old friend in Donna Troy. 411's Jeremy Thomas...
Dick teams with the new Robin to catch a serial killer targeting people from Dick’s past in "Jason Todd." 411's...
The heroes start to train as the Nuclear Family homes in on them in "Together." 411's Jeremy Thomas checks in...
Gar takes Rachel home to meet his unique family in "Doom Patrol." 411's Jeremy Thomas checks in with his review...
Kory comes to the rescue and the team looks to the past in "Origins." 411's Jeremy Thomas checks in with...