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Rob Van Dam Discusses Triple H Being Inducted Into the WWE Hall of Fame

On the latest episode of 1 Of A Kind, Rob Van Dam talked about WWE Chief Creative Officer and former WWE Champion Paul “Triple H” Levesque being announced for the WWE Hall of Fame and more. You can check out some highlights of his thoughts on the subject below:
On Brian Cage: “I watched the match between Brian Cage and Will Ospreay yesterday. Man, he reminds me of Hercules for a lot of reasons. Except he’s actually of course way more jacked. But at that time, we hadn’t seen anyone that looked like Brian Cage. But he just comes across like a Greek god to me. Just watching him perform out there, he’s so strong and so jacked. He looks like he should be a lot — he should be really hard to beat. Let me put it that way. You know, he looks like he should be f**king on top, crushing the competition.”
On Triple H being inducted into WWE Hall of Fame: “I did. Man, I think that’s awesome. I like that it is synchronized with his image getting an upgrade. So like, if this would have happened 15 years ago, I’m sure people would have cried nepotism, and thought that he ended up voting himself in and this and that. But now that he gets credit for single-handedly making the business better and all these changes that he’s getting accredited for. He’s now, I think, seen in the best light that he ever has been in before. And I think he’s vibing in the highest frequency that he ever has before. And I think that it’s awesome that his being inducted into the Hall of Fame coincides with that. It’s perfect.”
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit 1 Of A Kind an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.