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411 Fact or Fiction Wrestling: Will Triple H Win The Royal Rumble?

January 15, 2016 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Welcome back to the latest edition of 411 Fact or Fiction, Wrestling Edition! Stuff happened, people loved/hated it and let everyone else know. I pick through the interesting/not so interesting tidbits and then make 411 staff members discuss them for your pleasure. Battling this week are 411’s Greg DeMarco and Dino Zee!

  • Questions were sent out Monday.
  • Participants were told to expect wrestling-related content, as well as possible statements on quantum physics, homemade pharmaceuticals, the Turtle Total Trip Theorem, pizza and hydroponics.

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    1. WWE is wasting Brock Lesnar appearances by having him work matches with fresh opponents (Sheamus & Del Rio) on live events instead of having these matches take place on network specials.

    Dino Zee: FACT – Went back and forth on this a bit, but ultimately settled on Fact. I don’t consider it a “waste” to have Brock show up at live events, as this could help drive up business for these shows. However, I do consider it a waste to give away not-yet-seen matches at these events, especially when, for Brock/Sheamus, it was a match that many fans have expressed a desire to see. Sure, they can still do the match, and no, it’s not imperative that it be the “first time” the two wrestle, but for something that’s had a very real anticipation to it, giving it away to a few thousand people at a house show seems a bit weird. For that, I have to go Fact. Give everyone the big matches that they want.

    Greg DeMarco: FACT – Brock Lesnar is a big deal. A huge deal. I feel like the WWE either doesn’t know what to do with him, or wants him to feel like he isn’t a big deal. Now, I can’t speak for the houses he’s drawing, but it simply doesn’t make sense for him to be used in this way. He’s not Brock “House Show” Lesnar, he’s Brock “Special Attraction” Lesnar. He doesn’t need to be on Raw, he doesn’t need to be on house shows. He’s a pay-per-view draw who doesn’t need a build. Why? Because he’s Brock Freaking Lesnar.

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    2. AJ Styles will make his WWE debut at the Royal Rumble PPV.

    Dino Zee: FACT – I’m hoping the entire New Japan contingent does, honestly. AJ, Gallows, Anderson… maybe Tama Tonga, and let’s add Nakamura to this, too. Have them completely hijack the Rumble. Do something unexpected and fun. Or maybe just have AJ debut at #9, only to be eliminated before #16 comes out. That’d be just as good, right? Cynicism aside, yes, I fully expect to see AJ at the Rumble.

    Greg DeMarco: FICTION – Look, this would be awesome. Absolutely amazing. In fact, it’d be phenomenal. But I just don’t see it. Something is going down with he, Finn Balor and the others. I do think we’re getting a Balor/Bullet Club faction, and they might debut at or after WrestleMania. In fact, I could see the WWE debuting AJ Styles against Shinsuke Nakamura, possibly at WrestleMania, and winning because of a Club debut of some sort. But know this: I really hope I’m wrong. I really hope he is a surprise debut in the Royal Rumble. I just don’t think it’ll happen.

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    3. You are excited about the news that AAA is reportedly working on a US TV show.

    Dino Zee: FACT – Of course it’s Fact – I’m the dork that can’t get enough wrestling action! I used to watch AAA years ago when it was available on TV, but fell off when it disappeared. Watching CMLL the last couple years has been a nice way to get some lucha action (along with Lucha Underground), but I’ve always hoped for a return to AAA. So, hopefully this will all work out, and I’ll be able to get back into the AAA loop sooner than later. Absolutely excited about this news.

    Greg DeMarco: FACT – The more wrestling the better. Change that–the more alternatives to the WWE, the better. And AAA is an alternative. Much like Lucha Underground, it can catch on with a niche audience and do well. What I don’t want to see is a Lucha Underground crossover. Keep them separate. And let us enjoy both.


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    4. TNA reuniting Beer money is not a good idea.

    Greg DeMarco: FACT – Why do this? I mean, Bobby Roode fucked James Storm, and fucked him hard. And Storm never recovered. They should feud for years, in a way that if they drew each other for a “Joker’s Wild” match they’d immediately started brawling. Beer Money was awesome, but TNA is missing the boat with Storm as a top face

    Dino Zee: FACT – Depending on how you look at it, and what criteria you’re using, either Fact or Fiction, I feel, would work just fine as answers. If you’re looking at TNA taking two of its top homegrown talent and forcing them back into a tag team, then I could see where you think this is a bad idea. Or if you’re angry that TNA is taking one of its singles champions and putting him into a tag team, then again, I see where you might not like this. Me, though? I’m looking at this as Roode and Storm looking to, as Storm quite literally said, have a little fun with one more go around. Both of them definitely have useful years left, but they’re not the young guns of the company anymore. Keeping them together, where they can maybe have some fun matches against The Wolves at the very least, while keeping them peripherally involved in singles action, may not be the worst idea in the world. Seriously, with EC3, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Tyrus (and his guaranteed title shot), and even guys like Eric Young and Drew Galloway, the road to the TNA Title may be a little longer than expected for Bobby Roode or James Storm. Since that’s the case, I’m fine with putting Beer Money back together. Besides, their music rules!

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    5. Triple H will return at the Royal Rumble and win the match and WWE Title.

    Greg DeMarco: FICTION – It would mess up WrestleMania. I predicted it before the Royal Rumble change, and I stand by it: Roman Reigns will defend the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Triple H at WrestleMania 32. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say they made this change just so Triple H doesn’t have to win the Rumble. And it’s the right call. That match needs to happen at WrestleMania, with Roman (successfully) defending.

    Dino Zee: FICTION – Is this a popular theory? I hadn’t heard it, and while I could see that being possible, I’m going Fiction. I’m personally leaning towards Brock/Reigns 2 at Mania, which means Brock either wins the Rumble, or is the last one eliminated and demands a title shot. I’m thinking Brock wins the Rumble, but either way, I don’t see Triple H walking out as the Champ. I’m still hoping we get The Rock vs. Triple H at Mania since it puts two part timers in the ring with each other, while also giving the two a proper one on one contest at WrestleMania. A Trips win would give Roman Reigns an easy-to-hate opponent, but I don’t think the win would be as big as some may think. A win over Brock, however? That could be just the trick.

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    6. It may not be this year, but Lemmy Kilister will eventually be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

    Greg DeMarco: FACT – Hell it might be this year. Lemmy will go in, possibly with all of Motorhead. They’re a big part of Triple H’s persona. But I need to make one thing very clear: If Lemmy/Motorhead goes in, and Jim Johnston doesn’t? That’s a crime.

    Dino Zee: FACT – If Triple H has *any* say – and I believe he does – this is a slam-dunk to happen.