wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Impact Report 4.26.07

April 26, 2007 | Posted by Larry Csonka

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show for the 3R’s!

    TNA Impact Begins…NOW!

    -We get a video recap of last week’s show.

    -Tenay and West welcome us to the show.

  • #1 Contender’s Spot on the Line: Sting vs. Kurt Angle

    Lock up and a side headlock by Sting. Angle reverses out and gets a hammerlock. Sting escapes, and slams Angle to the corner hard. Again. Stinger splash, Scorpion try, counter by Angle into the ankle lock and Sting to the floor. Sting back in, lock up and forearms by Angle. Off the ropes and a clothesline by Sting. He stomps on Angle’s hands and then to the corner, boots by Sting and then an overhead belly-to-belly counter by Angle. Angle tosses him to the floor, Sting grabs a leg and drags Angle out with him. They brawl into the crowd now, Angle slams Sting to the wall. Team Cage is out and attacks both men and that’s the match.

    Winner: No Contest @ 2:40

    -AJ, Cage, Steiner and Tomko beat them down. Recliner on Sting and Cage nails Angle with a chair shot. Tomko and AJ hold Angle in the corner, who is bleeding and he works over the back on Angle with the chair. IMPLANT DDT on the chair by Cage. Sting is now back with a chair and clears out the ring.

    -Back from commercial and Angle was taken from the ring on a stretcher. West has been called away to take a call with Jim Cornette. Tenay walks us through a replay.

    -JB is with Team Cage. Cage mocks him and says Mission Accomplished. Last week Abyss, this week Angle. He is sick of Angle trying to take a match that isn’t his. He says Sharky, Dutt and others need a shot. AJ asks about him and they move on. He already beat Angle, and there are no second chances. Cornette got his way, and Sting will get his chance and he better make it count. Cage will win and Sting will get no 3rd chance. Now Tomko and Steiner have a tag title shot, and he says bring the title home to team Cage! West is here and says Cage will defend the title tonight against Sting. If Team Cage gets involved, Cage is DQ’d and the title will change hands.

  • Sabin Stampede: Jerry Lynn & Petey Williams vs. Senshi & Shark Boy vs. Alex Shelley & Kaz vs. “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt
    Winning Team Advances into a 3-way to battle Chris Sabin for the X-Division title at Sacrifice

    Sharky and Kaz start things off. Elbows and kicks by Sharky. Shark bite on Kaz. Sabin is out to watch. Petey in with a front lung blower on Kaz. Shelley stops a destroyer. Shelley almost pinned Kaz. Dutt slingshots in with a RANA on Kaz. Knee buster and a neck breaker connect. Asai moonsault for 2. Shelley pokes him in the eyes. Stiff kick to Dutt, Petey in and Petey with a Russian leg sweep for 2. Senshi in with kicks to Petey. Jay in and a suicide dive to Shelley, Sharky gets a knee buster to Kaz. Lynn in and bites Sharky. TKO connects. Leg drop to Kaz. Senshi dives to the floor onto a bunch of people. Dragon DDT by Dutt, Elbow drop by Jay and they pin Kaz.

    Winners: Dutt and Machismo @ 3:08 via pin

    -Dutt is pissed that Machismo stole the pin. Nash is out and goes to congratulate his boys and Dutt refuses.

    -JB is with Angle. Doctors are looking at him and he apparently hurt his neck. Sting is here and says he and Angle didn’t see eye to eye, but they came to settle it man to man. Sting will take the title shot, and he may be the aging veteran, but it matters what is on the inside. Enough said, tonight it will be Showtime!

    -Back from commercial and we get a video package for the Eric Young and Robert Roode saga.

    -Roode is in the ring with Brooks. He wants to know who his friend is. Young makes his way to the ring. Roode demands to know who he is, and Eric says Roode has everything. Money, power, fame, the girl and all of the skills to make it in the world of wrestling. Eric only has wrestling. His career and reputation and word are what is important to him. The friend has been there for him, and he has given him a lot of advice. Sometimes you have to fight, no matter what. So what he is trying to say is Bob…you can fire him and take what he loves. His word will never be broken. Roode stops him and says that was a tearjerker. He doesn’t give a crap about him, he is there to tell him who the friend is. Who is it? He slaps Eric repeatedly and asks again. Roode then says to hit him, and then says Eric is pathetic, like all the fans. Eric levels him! They brawl! Crowd pops huge! Boot to Brooks, POWERBOMB to Brooks! Eric beats down Roode and Brooks LOW BLOWS him! Roode on the attack and beats down Eric. Roode has a chair now, and KILLS Eric with it! Eric is busted open and they have handcuffs and handcuff him. Roode has the chair and Brooks holds him on his knees and Roode demands to meet the friend again. He has till the count of 3. 1…2…3…JJ’s MUSIC HITS! He charges the ring and LOW BLOW to Roode! Rights now and JJ is on fire. Off the ropes and a backdrop to Roode! He tosses Roode to the floor! Brooks is left alone, goes to low blow JJ and he blocks it! He grabs the guitar…EL KABONG~! Roode watches on and is pissed. JJ checks on Eric.

    -Back from commercial and LAX joins the announce team. They replay the JJ save and discuss the history of JJ and Eric.

    -Back with JB, he has Steiner and Tomko. Steiner tells him to shut the hell up. Steiner is the most decorated athlete ever, and makes JB stand in the shadow of his GUNS. He tells Tomko about the Steiner brothers, so he need to step back and see how to win. Tomko stays and mocks Steiner, who was censored about 63 times.

  • NWA Tag Title Match: Team 3D © vs. Tomko and Scott Steiner

    Konnan is on commentary, which should provide much greatness. Konnan talks so much shit and he is just great. Tomko and Devon to begin. They exchange rights, stiff rights and forearms. Off the ropes and a tag to Ray, double flapjack to Tomko gets 2. Rights by Ray, chops to Tomko and an Irish whip, corner splash connects. Big boot by Tomko and Steiner tags in. Chops by Steiner now connects. Irish whip, reversal and jabs by Ray…flip flop and fly and the Bubba Bomb gets 2. Chops by Ray, and Hector Guerrero is out to watch the action. Overhead T BONE by Steiner. Tag to Tomko, off the ropes and they clothesline each other. Tag to Devon and he fires away with rights. Shoulder block by Devon, neck breaker to Steiner. One for Tomko. Powerslam by Devon for 2 on Tomko, Steiner breaks it up. Steiner tossed to the floor. Slam by Ray, Devon up top…Steiner tosses him off. Cide and Hernandez distract the ref, pull down the rope and Tomko to the floor. Cide in for a RANA, Tomko catches him and tosses him off. 3D connects and that’s all.

    Winners: Team 3D @ 4:00 via pin

    -After the match LAX brawl with Steiner and Tomko. Steiner and Tomko clear the ring of them.

    -Back from commercial with Paparazzi Productions. It is Shelley following Backlund on his walk from his Hotel to Universal. He asks if he remembers when Nash beat him in 90-seconds. Shelley then says he could beat him in 90-seconds. Bob picks up a penny and then some litter. He finds a replica X-Title and then Sabin jumps out from a tree. Wow.

    -Angle is still being attended too. Cage is here, and is pissed that he has to face Sting tonight. He mocks Sting for his short title run, and says he is the real deal. No matter when the match is, he will remain the champion.

  • NWA Title Match: Christian Cage © vs. Sting

    Sting attacks as Cage makes his entrance. They brawl and Sting chokes out Cage with his jacket. Sting slams him to the railing. In the ring and off the ropes, and Cage hits the corner hard. Standing splash by Sting gets 2. Eye rake by Cage, up top and Sting tosses him to the floor. Yup, commercial time @ 1:15.

    Back from commercial @ 5:05 with Cage in control and choking out Sting. We see some action from during the break, Cage up top and misses the head butt. Tenay says next week Jackie vs. Gail in a street fight. Also Rhino and Joe vs. Team 3D. Sing starts the no sell Superman comeback and backdrops Cage. Goozle and a press slam by Sting. Stinger splash connects. Irish whip, misses on and Cage tries the unprettier but Sting gets the reversal and death drop for 2. Cage up top, Sting follows and a superplex! Angle makes his way to the ring, rips off the neck brace and throws the ref down and beats on Cage. Fuck.

    Winner: Sting @ 7:50 via DQ

    -Sting realizes what happened and Angle grabs Sting’s bat to clear the ring. Sting takes it back and levels Angle with it. YAY BABYFACES~!

    -We get the closing wrap up video do hickey.

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show for the 3R’s!
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    Larry Csonka

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