wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Report 07.18.13
From Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tony Dawson & William Regal
Championship’s roll call: WWE Champion: John Cena… World Champion: Alberto Del Rio… Intercontinental Champion: Curtis Axel… United States Champion: Dean Ambrose… Tag Team Champions: The Shield… NXT Champion: Bo Dallas… NXT Tag Team Champions: The Wyatt Family… Diva’s Champion: AJ Lee
Sami Zayn vs. Leo Kruger vs. Antonio Cesaro triple threat, number one contender’s match: Cesaro has the Gadsden Flag with him but no Zeb Colter; he attacks Zayn at the bell and Kruger tries to get involved but gets cast aside; Zayn comes back with come Generic Armdrags to Cesaro and a leg lariat to wipe out Kruger. He focuses on Cesaro in the corner while Kruger recovers; Cesaro comes back but Kruger shows up and plants Zayn with a hammerlock suplex. Now Kruger takes his turn beating on Sami but Cesaro pills Kruger to the floor and they brawl so Zayn leaps over the top with a somersault plancha. We return from break with Zayn stomping on Cesaro to “olé!” chants. He tries a snapmare but it’s blocked and nailed with a European uppercut. Zayn recovers from a backdrop attempt in the corner to try a crossbody but Cesaro catches him in midair with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, for two. I was wondering where Kruger was. He and Cesaro gets into an argument over who is going to beat on Zayn and then turn on each other. Zayn keeps himself involved but takes another European uppercut; he counters a Cesaro charge in the corner but cannot stop Kruger from trying an exploder suplex out of the corner. Cesaro recovers and grabs Leo while he still has Zayn in the cinch position and suplexes both of them across the ring together in a wicked spot. Fans appreciate that one. The deadlift gutwrench sends Kruger to the floor and Zayn gets caught in the Real American Chinlock. He sets up the Neutralizer but Kruger returns with the Slice to break it up and tries pinfalls on both men. They both try to double up on Zayn but he gets a DDT to Kruger and Flatliner to Cesaro simultaneously to put all three men down. Everyone recovers and Zayn is on fire taking both men out. Cesaro tries Swiss Death but Zayn turns it into a Frankensteiner cradle, for a very close nearfall. Tony Dawson thought it was over and so did I. Kruger pops up but gets sent to the floor by Zayn; Cesaro recovers and plants Zayn with the Neutralizer but Kruger sneaks in and pulls Cesaro to the floor and “picks the bones” getting the three count to become the number one contender. A side note: Cesaro dived back in to try to attempt a save but was a split second too late. 7.5/10 What a great match that was and Kruger gets the number one contender’s spot. It makes sense since Cesaro is a main roster guy and Zayn is too new to get a title shot; Kruger has something going with Bo Dallas anyway so it is too perfect. The match itself was outstanding ROH-style back and forth match between these three.
Here is your winner… Leo Kruger via Neutralizer pinfall
Bo Dallas vs. Scott Dawson (w/Sylvester Lefort): Dawson looks more and more like he belongs in the Horsemen save for the redneck look. They jockey for position in the ropes and Dawson roughs him up in the ropes. Bo comes back with dropkick and a crossbody, for two. Dawson fires right back with a falling clothesline and takes over on O; stomps, legdrops, knees and forearms follow from Dawson, along with a few nearfalls sprinkled in. We hit the chinlock but the Champ fires back with clotheslines and a splash in the corner followed by a bulldog. He plants Dawson with the belly-to-belly for the pinfall. Post-match, the new number one contender, Leo Kruger, shows up and attacks Dallas. He plants him with Kruger’s End to “thank you, Kruger” chants. 2/10 Way too short to really mean anything as far as matches goes. If Bo is the champ he should be booked strong but no one likes Dallas, as evident by the fans’ chanting after Kruger’s attack on him.
Here is your winner… Bo Dallas via belly-to-belly pinfall
Charlotte (w/Ric Flair) vs. Bayley: This is Charlotte’s NXT debut, she is indeed Flair’s daughter, and Daddy Naich introduces her to us. He also reminisces about wrestling in Orlando in 1978 and puts over the NXT roster. Bayley acts star struck. They lock up and Charlotte works the arm; Bayley reverses so Charlotte uses a cartwheel to reverse into a nearfall. Another lock up and Charlotte works a waistlock; she gets a unique bridging O’Connor, dubbed Charlotte’s Web, for two. Bayley counters with a jackknife cradle; she powers Charlotte down into a backslide and schoolgirl rollup. OFF COMES THE JACKET on the floor! Woooo! Bayley controls with an exploder suplex for two. She tosses Charlotte into the corner but she handsprings over the buckles to avoid the follow up charge and puts Bayley’s face into the buckles. She controls with some flipping moves including a unique looking somersault stunner move and gets the pinfall. 4/10 Good debut for Charlotte; her linage and athleticism will get her over in the future.
Here is your winner… Charlotte via somersault stunner pinfall
Sheamus is with Tony Dawson; he is excited to wrestle on NXT but gets blindsided by Bray Wyatt who tells him that it takes one stone to fell a giant and to follow the buzzards. Tyler Breeze is a model and a wrestler he cuts a promo as he is being prepped for some kind of runway show. He debuts next week. This is a repackaged Mike Dalton.
NXT Tag Team Championship The Wyatt Family (w/Bray Wyatt) vs. Corey Graves & Adrian Neville: Bray has nothing to say this week, just chills on his rocker. Harper and Graves opens and Graves uses his speed to confound him. He grabs that ring rope figure-four head scissors and tags in Neville for a Poetry in Motion dropkick. Harper quickly takes over and tags in Rowan in. A blind tag allows Graves to save Neville from a caught crossbody and he quickly grabs a keylock. Rowan frees himself but misses a charge in his own corner, posting his shoulder, so Harper smartly tags himself in. Graves takes over on him with a pair of Dragon Screws. He plans a charge in the corner but Rowan steps between them; Neville takes him out with a springboard dropkick. Corey charges but runs right into a big boot, for two. Harper is excited that they have control. Back from commercial with Rowan neck cranking Graves. The Family continues their methodical offense beating on Graves; he attempts some comebacks but they smother him in their corner. They get a tandem splash in the corner into a Rowan bearhug. Harper tags in and drops some elbows, for two; he heads to the chinlock for a while. Graves fights out and sunsets into a tag attempt but Harper cuts him off with a DROPKICK and tags in Rowan. A seven footer doing a dropkick? He gets a legdrop to the back of the head but only gets two. Erick goes to the abdominal stretch with a claw into the ribs for amplified pain. Graves tries to escape again but a clothesline to the back of the head prevents it again. Here’s Harper back in but Graves fights back yet again but gets caught in the Truck Stop but it only gets two. Luke misses a big boot in the corner and tumbles to the floor as William Regal roots on Graves to tag. He makes the tag and Neville flies all over the place. He kicks Rowan in the face and the same for Harper; he takes Harper out with a ‘rana off the apron and then sends Rowan to the floor as well. He gets a top-rope Asai Moonsault landing right next to Wyatt, who does nothing. Regal almost shat himself there. Back in the ring Neville gets a springboard 450 moonsault but Harper saves the titles. Neville goes up and now Bray gets involved. His interference only gets two and here’s Sheamus. I guess he followed the buzzards. He beats up Wyatt on the floor and roots on the challengers. Neville climbs up top and hits the Red Arrow to take the tag titles! Post-match, Sheamus celebrates with the new tag champions. 6.5/10 Fun tag match that crowns new tag champions; they had to get those belts off of the Family since they have been promoted to the WWE. Good match to end yet another entertaining episode of NXT.
Here are your winners AND NEW NXT tag champions… Adrian Neville & Corey Graves via Red Arrow pinfall
OVERALL 7/10 Welp, we have new tag champions in NXT-land as Adrian Neville becomes a two-time champ. A spectacular opening match along with the debut of a Flair offspring in the WWE makes this another show to remember.
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