wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Superstars Report 06.01.13
Commentators: Matt Striker & Tony Dawson
Championship’s roll call: WWE Champion: John Cena… World Champion: Dolph Ziggler… Intercontinental Champion: Wade Barrett… United States Champion: Dean Ambrose… Tag Team Champions: The Shield… NXT Champion: Big E Langston… NXT Tag Team Champions: The Wyatt Family… Diva’s Champion: Kaitlyn
R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro: Cesaro has removed the thigh wraps, unless he’s just forgot them. They lock up and Cesaro powers Truth into the corner and gives him a little love tap. Truth slaps him back but that enrages Cesaro and he punches away; Truth catches a boot and nails a hiplock. Cesaro rolls to the apron to avoid the breakdancing legdrop and hotshots Truth’s throat off the top rope. Cesaro hits a clothesline and vertical suplex to get a one count. He chokes Truth in the ropes and nails a European uppercut in the ropes. He argues with the referee allowing Truth a comeback. Cesaro keeps his advantage with a knee to the gut and the deadlift gutwrench. He kicks his boot to the back of Truth’s head but that serves to fire him up and counters a Euro uppercut with a backslide; Cesaro slows him down with a standing chinlock. Truth fights back and hits a leg lariat; he then goes into comeback mode and hits the Truth Conviction, which gets two. He charges in the corner but misses a forearm and Cesaro gets two off a schoolboy. Back to the chinlock but Truth fights off of that pretty quickly. Cesaro misses a charge in the corner and hits the Lie Detector and gets three. 4/10 Decent little match but short. Truth continues to be one of the more protected midcarders but never goes anywhere. Not sure why going over Cesaro, who is (apparently) on the fast track in the WWE, is the better choice if Truth is going to sporadically appear on Superstars.
Here is your winner… R-Truth via Lie Detector pinfall
We go through Raw highlights including: Paul Heyman on Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel. Team Hell No versus the Shield. A video package for the Wyatt Family, which is AWESOME; so looking forward to seeing what the WWE does with Bray, Harper and Rowan, odd to see Luke Harper (and Erick Rowan for that matter) talk, since he never spoke in NXT. For my full Raw review click here.
Sin Cara & Justin Gabriel vs. The Primetime Players: I could get into this team of Cara and Gabriel while their normal tag partners recover. Young and Cara open and Darren back him into the corner for a referee break; Cara comes back with a pair of ‘ranas to send Young to the floor for a timeout. Cara baseball slides into him to break the conference on the floor. Back in the ring, Cara tags in Gabriel for a pair of running kicks, to get two. Gabriel works an armbar and keeps the Players off-balance with rapid tagging. Cara hits a springboard clothesline; Gabriel with a snap-suplex into a chinlock. Young escapes but eats a dropkick from his former Nexus brethren. Darren to the floor again as we head off to commercial. We return with Young finally tagging O’Neil in to pummel Cara. He upends him with a big European uppercut and a back suplex, which is countered (I think) into a kick. The double jump armdrag is countered into a pair of backbreakers. O’Neil brings Young back in for some stomping and a short clothesline; he goes to a chinlock with added crossfaces. Titus tags and press-slams Cara; more quick tags follow as Young settles into a chinlock again. Cara counters a back suplex with a flip and enziguris into a tag. Gabriel springboards into action and spin kicks away on Young; he plats Young with a tornado DDT. Cara wipes O’Neil and then leaps off the top to the floor with a crossbody. Gabriel pins Young after a 450 Splash. 5.5/10 Fun match; I’m not sure if the Cara/Gabriel team is permanent but it sure could work since neither of them is really doing anything.
Here are your winners… Sin Cara and Justin Gabriel via 450 Splash pinfall
The show ends with the John Cena/Curtis Axel match which was interrupted by Ryback, costing John the win.
OVERALL 5/10 Not too bad this week; average show. They are starting to get a little more creative with the matchups on this show instead of total squash matches all of the time. The continued push/non-push of R-Truth continues to puzzle me.
Please follow Marc Elusive on Twitter or like Marc Elusive on Facebook or check out www.marcelusive.net for reviews and recaps (of current WWE and old WWF PPVs, DVDs and VHS tapes) and a little analysis; more of a play-by-play style, like my reviews here. Thank you for all of your support.
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