wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Superstars Report 07.13.13 & 07.20.13
Commentators: Alex Riley & Tony Dawson
Championship’s roll call: WWE Champion: John Cena… World Champion: Alberto Del Rio… Intercontinental Champion: Curtis Axel… United States Champion: Dean Ambrose… Tag Team Champions: The Shield… NXT Champion: Bo Dallas… NXT Tag Team Champions: Adrian Neville & Corey Graves… Diva’s Champion: AJ Lee
Tons of Funk (w/The Funkadactyls) vs. The Primetime Players: Clay and Young opens the contest and Daren tries a chinlock but Clay uses his girth to toss him around. O’Neil tags in and this is a more even battle but Tensai gets a tag and they bowl him (and Young) over with a pair of shoulderblocks. Sweet T gets the one-footed monkey flip out of the corner; he tosses Titus cross-corner but O’Neil FLOATS OVER and clobbers him with a clothesline. The Players take over and hit the tandem release suplex splash for two. Young tries some European uppercuts but it has zero effect on Tensai so Darren uses some speed to avoid him and power to plant him with a back suplex. Titus tags in and applies an armtrap chinlock. Tensai fires back but runs into a big boot from O’Neil. Young comes back in and they double up on Tensai. He tries a straddle but Tensai moves and tags in Clay. He charges in and tosses Young around with clotheslines, exploder suplex, Funky Avalanche and powerslam, for two because Titus came in. Sweet T shows up and wipes him out and TOF easily overwhelms Young with a Baldo Bomb and then Clay wins with a splash. 4/10 Decent opening match up but it was just a traditional tag match where TOF won; the Players should trade some wins with them and get an actual rivalry going.
Here are your winners… Tons of Funk via splash pinfall
Raw recaps begin with Mark Henry getting attacked by the Shield. For my full Raw recap click here.
The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Ryback: How did this not make it onto Raw? The show was in Brooklyn and this is the perfect heel squash for Ryback. Ryback tosses the Brawler around as the fans are SOLIDLY behind him and go crazy for his comeback. He avoids a charge and keeps on him. Ryback quickly ends the flurry with a Meat Hook and Shell Shocked for the pinfall. 5/10 Squash but it was cool of the WWE to cart the Brawler out there in Brooklyn.
Here is your winner… Ryback via Shell Shocked pinfall
The entire verbal battle between CM Pun and Paul Heyman is shown including the beat down from Brock Lesnar.
The Miz vs. Heath Slater (w/3MB): Alex Riley has mellowed on his rivalry with Miz and puts him over during the match. Miz works the arm and a side headlock. They go back-and-forth and Miz slides through the legs with a cradle. Miz keeps on him with a kneelift and a running boot. Slater comes back with Miller’s Crossing but it only gets two. Slater goes to a chinlock and plants him with a bulldog-like move and then goes back to the chinlock. Miz fights back and hits a running crossbody; a kneelift into a running boot sets up the Awesome Clotheslines in the corner. The top rope sledge… for the win… for two! Slater tries to counter a charge in the corner but gets his leg hung up in the ropes and Miz goes to work on it. He tries a charge but Slater surprises him with the Whammy Bar leg lariat, for two. That was a surprising offensive flurry. Unfortunately for Heath he used the leg that Miz was kicking for the Whammy Bar and cannot capitalize quickly and this allows Miz to get a shinbreaker into a figure-four leglock. 3MB pops up on the apron and Miz, for some inane reason, goes after them and almost fells to a schoolboy. Miz hits the ropes but this time Mahal’s interference backfires and Miz immediately grabs the figure-four leglock for the tapout. 3/10 Usual from Miz; 3MB almost made this fun in the end but they went all Keystone Kops on us and Miz wins again by the figure-four.
Here is your winner… The Miz via figure-four leglock submission
The show ends with “the Decision” where John Cena picks the fan favorite Daniel Bryan to face him in the main event of Summerslam for the WWE title. YES!
OVERALL 3.5/10 The highlight of this show was the Brooklyn Brawler. Last week was much better. Speaking of last week…
Please follow Marc Elusive on Twitter or like Marc Elusive on Facebook or check out www.marcelusive.net for reviews and recaps (of current WWE and old WWF PPVs, DVDs and VHS tapes) and a little analysis; more of a play-by-play style, like my reviews here. Thank you for all of your support.
Commentators: R-Truth & Tony Dawson
Championship’s roll call: WWE Champion: John Cena… World Champion: Alberto Del Rio… Intercontinental Champion: Curtis Axel… United States Champion: Dean Ambrose… Tag Team Champions: The Shield… NXT Champion: Bo Dallas… NXT Tag Team Champions: The Wyatt Family… Diva’s Champion: AJ Lee
Justin Gabriel vs. Darren Young (w/Titus O’Neil): Here is a former Nexus battle. They lock up and Gabriel gets a side headlock; they go through some fancy counters and Young gets frustrated and uses the hair. He fires back with chops but Gabriel chops back. They brawl in the corner where Young gets a few European uppercuts; Gabriel fights back and rolls to avoid a clothesline, He puts Young on his face via sweep kick; Young blocks a whip out of the corner and capitalizes with a nasty looking back suplex into the top turnbuckle. That was a wicked move buried on Superstars. Young stays atop with clotheslines and a chinlock. R-Truth would be much more fun on commentary if he were the Little Jimmy arachnophobic heel version. Gabriel flips out of a suplex and drop-toeholds Young into the bottom buckle. He gets some spin kicks and a clothesline off the second rope, for two. Young tries the Gut Check but Gabriel elbows free. He scales the ropes for the 450 but O’Neil interferes. Gabriel kicks him from the apron and gets a SPRINGBOARD 450 Splash! Wow! Tony Dawson may have his critics but he sure knows how to sell a big move and he legit sounds amazed. 5/10 Decent match with a few pretty cool spots and a ridiculous ending, which is all I can really ask from this show. The ending was something so see though.
Here is your winner… Justin Gabriel via springboard 450 Splash pinfall
The Raw recap is John Cena and Mark Henry highlights and Vickie Guerrero’s performance review. For my full Raw recap click here.
We also get clips of the Wyatt Family’s debut attacking Kane.
Zack Ryder vs. Antonio Cesaro (w/Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter): Pre-match, Colter is disgusted at all of the foreigners hanging around the arena; he could blame the government but he blames the fans (because he has been eliciting a lot of babyface cheers). Ryder interrupts the “We the People” part. Cesaro hoists up Ryder and tosses him around and hooks a front facelock; Ryder makes the prerequisite instant comeback via leg trip and armdrags. Cesaro comes right back but Ryder hits a leaping clothesline causing Cesaro to retreat to the floor for a huddle and a commercial. We’re back with Ryder getting a one off a schoolboy and then armdragging into an armbar. He maintains his advantage until Cesaro ducks a high crossbody and Ryder tumbles to the floor; Antonio comes after him and press-slams him back into the ring, for two. Cesaro gets the double stomp and slaps Ryder around Ryder battles back but gets caught in a powerslam, for two. The deadlift gutwrench gets two more. He tortures Ryder stepping on the back of his head and bending his leg back into a crab; a snap-suplex is countered into a neckbreaker, though. Ryder starts his comeback with a missile dropkick but the running forearm in the corner is countered by a European uppercut. The standing chinlock is countered and Ryder gets the Broski Boot. It only gets him two and Cesaro rolls to the floor where Ryder hits a somersault pescado. We head back into the ring where Swagger gets involved and Cesaro clamps on the Real American Chinlock setting him up for the Neutralizer for the three. 4/10 A squash but a fun one as Ryder looked a little more motivated, not sure why since he never wins anymore, surprising he’s not on autopilot. The “We the People” thing is starting to get over; I think it is because the WWE puts more effort into heel characters over the babyfaces as they get stale much quicker.
Here is your winner… Antonio Cesaro via Neutralizer pinfall
The show ends with the conclusion of the CM Punk/Randy Orton main event from Raw.
OVERALL 5/10 Average show this week; just watch the opening match, it’s much more fun. The Cesaro match is the usual from him and if you have seen him squash Ryder before it’s basically the same match.
Please follow Marc Elusive on Twitter or like Marc Elusive on Facebook or check out www.marcelusive.net for reviews and recaps (of current WWE and old WWF PPVs, DVDs and VHS tapes) and a little analysis; more of a play-by-play style, like my reviews here. Thank you for all of your support.
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