wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWF Raw Is War Report 12.18.00

December 18, 2000 | Posted by PK

411’s WWF Raw Is War Report 12.18.00
Live from Greenville, SC
Announced by JR and King
Report exclusively for 411 by PK

We get a video package on the McMahon family squabbling.


Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring. He his saddened and burdened. His life has changed. He says his reaction was misinterpreted. He was sad, but that’s not what it looked like. Linda suffered a major nervous breakdown, and he will take a lot of the blame, but Mick Foley also deserves some of the blame. Stephanie also deserves some of the blame. If Steph didn’t provoke him, he wouldn’t have said the things he did on Smackdown. Starting tonight, he will start making things right in his personal and business life, but before he does, he must place most of the blame on Linda herself. He cares about her, and he has instructed his lawyers to temporarily postpone the divorce procedures. He also put together a video package of them two. It’s a bunch of stills of them two together. HHH’s music hits and Stephanie comes down. She looks a little pissed. She his here to tell him what she thinks of him. She called him disgusting, but after what she just saw, that doesn’t quite fit. His actions make her sick. She calls him a mean old bastard. He goes on to say that Shane was conceived in the back of the Impala. Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring. He is disgusted to see this happening. For one member of a family to show such disrespect. He is ashamed of the way Stephanie is acting. The Commish comes out. He was disgusted to see they way Vince is treating Steph and Linda. Kurt then gets in Foley’s face, only to have Foley make fun of him and make him defend the Title tonight. He will make him defend against a real bad ass, a former WWF Champion, and a man Angle has never wrestled….VINCE!!


Recap of what happened.

Chris Benoit (c) vs. Jeff Hardy – IC Title
I missed the first few seconds. Jeff with a suicide plancha to the outside. In the ring, Benoit with a snap suplex for 2. Benoit throws Hardy into the turnbuckle, catches him and hits the 3 German suplexes, and then with the Headbutt gets a 2 count. Jeff with a corkscrew for 2. Hardy goes for a reverse Twist of Fate, but Benoit blocks it and turns it into the Crossface for the submission.
Winner and Still Champion – Benoit

Vince and Angle discussing their match. Vince wants the belt.


Angle finds E&C. Angle wants them to talk to Foley to call the match off. They will try.

JR and King tell us that Chyna has been hospitalized, and has gone through a bunch of tests.

MC with Billy Gunn. Gunn and the Dudz take on RTC tonight. I wonder if anyone remembers that it was the Dudz that took Gunn out last February? He will pick off one of the members of RTC, and they won’t know what one.

E&C go into Foley’s office. They mess around a bit, but then E&C ask Foley to call the match off. Foley says no, and they tries to joke around. E&C get pissed the Foley sees them as a joke, they Foley gets mad and gives them a Tag Title match against Undertaker and Rock…..great.


Rewind: Dudz putting the RTC Santa through a table last night on Heat.

Dudley Boyz and The One vs. Bull, GoodFather, and Val Venis (w/ Ivory and Stevie)
Brawling on the ramp. D-Von and Bull start. Bull gets the edge, and tags in GF. D-Von gets to Buh Buh, and GF hits a back body drop. GF goes for the Ho Train, but Buh Buh drills him. Dudz with the WAZZZZZZZZZZUP Headbutt…D-Von….get the tables. Stevie and Ivory in the ring, ref distracted. Ivory with a low blow. Bull and Buh Buh are the legal men, double clothesline. One and Val tagged in. Tilt-a-whirl slam on Val for 2. Dudz and the rest of RTC come in. Everyone is everywhere. Ivory is taken in the ring by One. One goes for the pile driver, but Stevie with a superkick. Val back in with a Perfectplex for the win. Dudz are irate.
Winners – RTC

Angle tries to apologize to E&C, but they won’t hear it. Taker and Rock go towards the ring.


Angle with McMahon. McMahon wants Angle to throw the match. Angle will not, and Vince is none-too-pleased.

Edge and Christian (c) vs. Undertaker (w/ retarded Limp Bizkit music) and The Rock – Tag Titles
Rock and Christian start. Christian lays into Rock in the corner, Edge in, Rock with a power slam for 2. Taker in. Goes for a choke slam to Edge, Christian breaks it up. Taker now takes out both men. Taker off the ropes, DDT on Edge. Rock in. Edge with a huge spear. Double teaming by E&C. Edge sets up Rock for a sidewalk slam, then Christian hits an inverted DDT. Christian pounding on Rock. Edge in. Rock hits a Rock Bottom on Edge. Taker and Christian back in. Taker throws Edge to the outside. Taker grabs Christian…WALKS THE ROPES!!!!!!!! Ref goes down do to Edge and Rock brawling. In the Taker with the Last Ride on Christian. Edge with the title belt nails Taker. Christian gets a 2 count. Taker going for Rock. Edge with a sleeper, Taker counters it, tags in Rock. Rock hits a Samoan drop, then a spinebuster, then the People’s Elbow. New Tag Champs….yippie. (I hope my sarcasm is noted.)
Winners and New Champions – Rock and Undertaker


Recap of what just happened…because we all forgot…I wish I did.

Vince in Foley’s office. He gloats that he will beat Angle tonight.

Promo for Royal Rumble.


Vince flexing in a mirror.

Chris Jericho vs. Perry Saturn (w/ Terri)
Saturn mauling Jericho. Jericho F’s up a Lionsault, locks in the Walls for the win. Terri gets in his face, then Jericho puts the Walls on her. Benoit and Malenko come out and beat the hell out of Jericho. Saturn with a DVD, Malenko locks on the Texas Cloverleaf, and Benoit with the Swandive headbutt.
Winner – Chris Jericho

Trish goes to see Vince, they wish each other luck. Vince just so happens to have a bottle of baby oil…I wonder what he’ll be doing after she leaves.

Austin walks…


APA telling Jacky that it is a one shot deal, and they don’t need her in the APA. She wants a cigar and a beer. APA maybe reconsidering.

William Regal vs. Steve Austin
This will be non-title. This should last about 5 seconds. Austin rushes the ring. Lou Theiz Press, snap suplex, for 2. Regal throws Austin to the outside. He then puts Austin in the ringpost twice. Back in the ring, Austin with a clothesline for 2. Austin shoves the ref, Regal with a kick to groin for 2. Austin battles back…stomps a mudhole in Regal and walks it dry. Austin goes for a Stunner, Regal blocks it, pushes Austin in the ref. Regal with a neckbreaker, goes for the Euro strap. Austin with a Stunner, picks up the belt, ref sees Austin with the belt, and DQ’s him. Austin not happy, Stunner to ref Timmy White.
Winner via DQ – Regal


Slam of the Week – Test drilling Bradshaw with a chair last night on Heat.

E&C are pretty pissed at Angle, they walk out on him.

T&A and Trish vs. Acolytes and Jackie
All 6 brawl to start. Jackie spears the hell out of Trish. Test trips up Jackie, and Trish takes control. Jackie with a roll up for 2. Trish with a bulldog for 2. APA and T&A start to brawl. Jackie alone with Trish. Jackie with a floatover DDT for the win. APA tears apart T&A.
Winners – APA and Jackie

Angle tries to talk Foley out of the match. Foley makes fun of him and says….no. Angle won’t forget this.


Lita at WWF NY. He is doing a underwear fashion show. Malenko is watching.

Angle and Vince walk toward the ring.


Royal Rumble Rewind – 1996, Jake “The Snake” Roberts coming to the ring, and unleashing his snake on King. HAHAHA.

Foley comes out and becomes the special ring announcer for the Title Match.

Kurt Angle (c) vs. Vince McMahon – World Title
Foley introduces both of them, poking jokes. Vince with a take down on Angle. Vince grabs the stick and says that was way too easy. He then jumps Foley who is at the announce table. Angle and Vince beat up Foley, but Foley battles back, and has Mr. Socko locked on Vince. Angle with a chair to the back of Foley. E&C come out with chairs. Conchairto (double chair shot to the head) on Foley. Steph comes down, Foley is bleeding. She declares that since Linda is not healthy enough to be a CEO, then the Board of Trustees have declared full control to Vince!! It was a double-double-cross!! Vince then fires Foley. This is really cool!!!

Show over.



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