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Acero’s WWE RAW Review 7.22.24

July 22, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw Bron Breakker 7-22-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Acero’s WWE RAW Review 7.22.24  

Michael Ornelas’s is back with his healthy relationship with his father, and my envy couldn’t be more present. Check out the reiew of Shoney’s…whatever the hell that is. .

We start Hot with Gunther! He knows, he is aware. He gets it. He meant every word he said last week. Priest and everyone here is a bum. Priest is a pretender and a wannabe. There is a saying where he comes from, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are.” We know Priests friends, we know The Judgment Day. Today, he will judge them. He judges all of them collectively as street trash. He has one last offer for Priest: Come off here and lift the title off his shoulder and hand him the championship. Let’s get it over with, he can go home to the trailer park.

Damien Priest is pissed. He sashay’s down the ring and into it, then clocks Gunther with a hard right. No words needed. They brawl until refs come down to stop them, but the big guys are able to get a few good licks in. Black shirts come in, which I suppose are higher up on the hierarchy of goons than refs, but not quite as high as producers.

Here come the agents to join in on the break apart as we go to break.

We are back with Jackie Redmond front and center. Gunther is in the background with his hands on his hips, trying to catch a breather, but here comes Priest to attack again! They end up outside where Preist slams Gunther into some boxes then they get pulled apart again.

We head to the ring where Dragunov is heading out for some action.

Intercontinental Championship Number One Contendership Match
Ilja Dragunov vs Bron Breakker

Ilja kicks, Bron side steps and gets a waistlock. Ilja back elobws then hits a chop. Bron no sells it and gets a takedown, then hammers down on him, but Ilja rolls outside. Bron follows! He drives some forearms to the head then sends Ilja into the apron. Bron sends him into the ring. Ilja is standing, hits a right, left, right, left, right, then hits the ropes and a running knee to the face. Ilja gets Bron to the corner, hits a chop, sends him to the other corner, hits another chop. Bron with a forearm, another, uppercut, Ilja rebounds off the ropes for a kick to the face, sending Bron to the apron. Ilja hops to the apron, too and club the neck. Uppercuts from Bron, some rights to the head, and good god, he is mauling Ilja. Ilja with a kick, fireman’s to Bron. Bron holds onto the ropes so Ilja drops behind and hits a right to the neck. Bron to the opposite side of the post. He sends Ilja’s face into the buckle. Bron grabs the head and pulls Ilja up, locks the head, climbs up and we get a deadlift suplex attempt, only for Ilja to block and attack the mid. He lifts, tries for a suplex of his own, but cant get it. Bron lifts up and drops Ilja stomach first onto the ringpost!!! LAWD!

We come back and Bron hits a gutbuster to Ilja, really working on that mid section. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Bron locks the head up and sets up for a powerbomb, but Ilja slips off and hits a DDT! Chop from Ilja, right fro mBron, right from Ilja, chop, another, spinning chop to the thigh, backfist to the chest, enziguri to the head. Bron hits the ropes, runs into a kick, still stnaifng. Ilja ducks under a right, Constantine Special! Chop in the corner, grabs the head, sends him into the other corner, big chop. Running knee to the corner. Ilja hits the ropes, big kick across the face. Ilja locks the head, tries to lift, but his core doesn’t help. He tries to lift again, B ron is up, slaps from Ilja, a third. Locks up again, flips up and POWERBOBM! Ilja falls into a cover! 1.2…NO!!! Ilja to the top rope! Bron climbs and grabs the leg. Chop to Bron. Bron walks up and hits a frankensteiner! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Bron to the top rope! Ilja up! He kicks the legs out from Bron! Bron falls on his nuts. Ilja to the top rope, locks the head, Stands tall on the top rope, SUPERPLEX! Ilja rolls through. H-Bomb!!! Ilja cant cover! Bron rolls out of the ring! Ilja to the apron. Fireman’s.

DVD ON THE APRON TO BRON!!!! Ilja looks to fly! SPEARRRRRR MID AIR!!! HOLY FUCK!!!! His head hits the apron!

Bron rolls into the ring. The ref checks on Ilja and calls the match. Bron is the winner!

Winner: Bron Breakker
I really expected some shenanigans, but they went for severe brutality, and it was brutally wonderful.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 13:04

Backstage, Rhea Ripley walks into The Judgment Days’ little locker room area. Dominik Mysterio has some words though. He is wondering about Jey and Rhea’s connection with him. Rhea says this is all fun and games, unlike Liv and him.

Her comes Finn Balor to ask if Rhea is defending Jey Uso. He thinks Dom needs to handle him.

Lyra Valkyria (w/ Kitana Chance and Kayden Carter) vs Sonya Deville (w/ Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark)

LOCKUP!!!!! Sonya with some knees, then slams Lyra down hard. Lyra slaps from the mat, then lifts up for some shoulder attacks in the corner. Kicks over and over till the ref stops it. Lyra blocks a kick, hits a right hand, whip to Soyna, reversed, Lyra hops over from the corner and cartwheels away, then trips Sonya up and hits a running dropkick. Cover for 1..NO! We end up outside and Sonya grabs Lyra to send her into the barricade then head to break.

We come back and Sonya is seated in the corner, buy Lyra is quick on the attack. Sonya kicks, Lyra splits her legs then climbs up high. Elbows then some clubbing blows to the bcack. She locks the head, tries for a suplex, hits it!!! Lyra favors the back hard, possibly a stinger. Ref checks on her, seemingly ok. Lyra with right hands. Both girls on their knees. Sonya up first, kicks, a knee, another kick drops Lyra. Running knee is missd by Sonya, Lyra kips up and kicks the head, then locks up for Nightwing. Deville escapes, Lya with a headbutt, kick, roundhouse, Sonya is down. Lyra grabs her, locks the head then lifts up for a modified Northern Lights. 1..2..NO!!!! Lyra locks the head. Sonya escapes, firemans formlyra, Deville steps behind, tries for Deville’s Advocate, but Lya flips her over nd gut wrenches then powerbomb!!! Pin!! 1..2….NO!!! Lyra walks over the stomach, heads to the top rope, but

Shayna and Zoey hop on the apron. Zoey shoves Lyra off the top. Kitana and Kayden attack, but Sonya kicks Chance off the apron. Lyra gets distracted enough for Sonya to grab her with the Deville’s Advocate! Cover! 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Sonya Deville
A little bit of a rough start that got better near the end. Perfectly average.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:09

We get a Wyatt6 video that focuses on Nikki, where the voiceover says he’s been watching her suffer in solitude. He has been the answer all along. He makes her look at herself. She screams, and we end there.

CM Punk is here!

We come back after a break, and CM Punk. He ponders if it’s great to be alive on a Monday in Green Bay. He asks if the Bay is Green. He says his shoes are pink, and he says we stain both of them with the blood of a Scottish Psychopath. He saw his surgeon Saturday, and he said he is CLEARED! This means they’re going to fight. He tells Drew to come get this beating that he deserves.

CM Punk brought his own wrist tape, and starts taping up.

Here comes Drew McIntyre with a mic, but he doesn’t head to the ring.

Drew cant tell him how long he’s waited for this, all the times he’s screwed him over. There is nothing stopping him from getting in the ring and tearing him apart…except the fact that he doesn’t want to.

Punk grabs the mic, says well he does, then leaves the ring to attack, only for refs to come stop him. Drew says this is a big money match, and deserves better than Green Bay. He is chilled and relaxed. When he is emotional, he just turns to family.

Drew takes the bracelet out of his pocket.

Here comes Pearce to say that is enough. He tells Punk that he has news. There is a reason they are not fighting tonight. Drew is re-instated, Punk is medically clear, so it is official CM PUNK VS DREW MCINTYRE at SUmmerslam.

Punk wants it now, but Pearce has more news. He wants to make it clear; if either of them lay a finger on one another, the match is off. Whoever throws the first off is suspended indefinitely. The chaos has not stopped. He has a big referee problem…

Here is Seth Rollins to spin his way into this whole mess. Seth says that all the chaos they have caused in the last year has scared everyone from getting in between them. Seth is not a problem guy, though. He is a solution guy. He knows a guy who thrives on chaos, a guy who would love nothing more than to put both of them in their places. He is Seth Rollins.

Don’t quite see the need for a special ref, but ok…

The Judgment Day is walking backstage together until Carlito says they need to divide and conquer. JD and Carlito leave, then Finn tells Dom to split up, too. Dom goes out on his own and…here’s Liv Morgan to whisper to Dom. Dom tells her no, she cant keep doing this. Liv tells him shhh and ays she knows how Rhea is making him feel. Everything will be ok. Dom says him and Rhea are perfect.

Here comes Finn to be like yo wtf. Liv says that’s her cue. Dom tries to head the same direction as Liv, but Finn tells him no, go the other way.

Sami Zayn is asked about Bron winning. He says Bron and Ilja just went to war. He is taking Bron seriously. He has some advice for Bron. Don’t make the same mistake he did at MitB, and take him seriously. He will bring 100%.

Cathy is not yet aware of Ilja’s injuries. But…

Sami hears some commotion nearby. He runs to check it out, and we see Judgment Day attacking Jey Uso! Sami fights JD off. Carlito comes by to attack but Samie sends him flying then slams JD onto a box. Carlito screams ABORT and he and JD run away.

Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Xavier Woods (w/ Maxxine) vs The Final Testament

Woods and Cross to start. Ah, Cross with the ol switcheroo, tagging in Razar before the action starts. Kick from Woods, right hand, another, another, Razar eats them. He chokes up Woods in the corner. Ref breaks it up. Woods chops, again, another, Razar eats them. He tosses Woods into the corner. Tag to Akam. Kicks. Woods works the arm. Akira with a tag. He drops an axe onto the arm. Akam chokes Akira up, he flips over, grabs the ropes, Akam to the outside! Dropkick from Akira! Suicide dive! He is back in the ring and rips his shirt better than that Trump loving orange guy.

We are back and Cross tags in to corner Akira and whip him into the opposite corner. Akira flies into the arms of Cross, Cross sits him on the shoulders and spins him with like an F10. Stomp to the small of the back. Cross elbows Woods off the apron as the crowd chants for Otis. Akira kicks out of the corner, Cross is still standing, gets sent into the corner. Tag to Otis. Otis with a big right, one for Razar, another for Cross, one for Akam. Roll through and a big pounce! Otis is getting all the love. Splash in the corner to Akam. OTIS WITH THE CATERPILLAR! Cole: “Free Otis! Otis is free!” lol.

Woods gets a tag, flies with a dropkick to Cross. Akira to the top rope, flies on the outside onto Razar. Kip up from Woods.

Rights to Cross over and over into the corner. Ref breaks them up but Woods keeps goin. He kicks Akam off the apron, Cross lifts up and hits Woods with The Final Prayer.

Winners: The Final Testament
Them winning was a given, and yet still there is no oomph from it. The biggest pop was from the guy who is only storyline adjacent, which shows how much interest this has.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:33

Woods, Otis, Akira, and Maxxine are left in the ring, disappointed.

The music of Chad Gable hits and he comes out with The Creed Brothers.

We come back from break and Gable wants to ttalk to them. There is something in him that wants to keep helping his former pupils. He sees Otis has assumed leadership, and calls that an interesting choice. But he decided to team with Woods, and they lost. The coach in him would tell Otis to lead with his mind. But using his brain is not his strong point. It is Gable’s, though. Which is why he recruited The Creed Brothers. He is here to offer them an opportunity – do the right thing, and come back to their coach and rejoin this team.

Gable reminds them that The Wyatt 6 are after everyone, but Otis says are you sure? Like when he protected The Creed Brothers last week? That’s the kind of man Gable is. His answer is no. Gable addresses Akira and Maxxine. They stand by Otis. Gable calls this unfortunate then calls The Creeds on them.

The Creeds attack, cornering Otis and stomping him after making short work of Akira. Otis shoves them both asid and hits a huge clothesline to both of them then stares Gable down. He grabs him by the neck and looks to attack with a slam, but The Brothers are back up and we get a three-on-one attack. Gable barks orders as the brothers send Otis into the post. They leave the ring for more, grabbing Otis and hitting him with right hands then sending Otis back first into the apron. Gable has two chairs, handing them over, and just as they are about to attack…

The lights go out and the fireflies go up!!!! Fog fills the ring as the crowd chants YOU FUCKED UP.

The Creeds wait for the attack with chairs in hand. Gable stands in the middle of the ring.

We look to the stage, and here they are! All save for Uncle Howdy, who is behind Gable. Gable turns. Uncle Howdy hits him with a Sister Abigail!!!

Recap of what we just saw.

Pete Dunne vs Bronson Reed



Total Rating:
Match Time:

Backstage, Rhea walks in on Judgment day asking what the hell happened. Carlito brings up Sami. Finn says he has had enough of the disrespect. Tonight, it’ll be Finn and JD vs Sami and Jey Uso. Next week, we’ll see who is laughing when Finn faces Gunther.

Rhea says that’s all great, but she told them not to touch Jey Uso, and now Sami is involved? Where was Dom during all of this?

Rhea grabs him by the arm and says that’s it we’re going to the ring.

Sheamus is backstage with Jackie, and tells Pete they can talk over a pint with this, or they can go in the ring and have themselves a banger.

Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio make their way to the ring. Rhea, angrily, and Dom being forced.

Rhea yells to Liv that if she wants him, come get him.

Liv Morgan isn the crowd with her title and says unlike Rhea, she has some self-control. She can wait till SUmmerslam. She thinks the reason she is out here is obvious, though. She has feelings for Dominik. Dom has feelings for her, too. You cant deny it. Wamma know why Rhea cant deny it? Because gorgeous men like Dominik don’t go for girls that look like Rhea. They go for girls that look like her.

Rhea looks to attack, but Dom stops he for some reason. Rhea shoves him, Dom grabs her by the arm. She yells for him to let go. Dom asks her to listen, please. He says he will take care of this.

Liv asks the crowd to let Daddy Dom talk. Lol. She knows what he is going to say, and she feels the same way. Just say those three little words.

Dom says ok, “I hate you, Liv!” He calls her stupid and deaf. He doesn’t like her, she has ruined his life over and over again. She is crazy. He goes off on her in Spanish. Liv starts with the tears.

Liv walks to the back crying, and Rhea is all smiles. She grabs Dom by the hair and whispers into his ear, then licks his face and gives him a kiss.

Zelina Vega comes out with an injured arm and a chancla. Cathy is here to ask her if she is concerned tonight.

Vega says no one can keep her down. She has been underestimated her entire life. She is here to prove people wrong and shut people the hell up.

She comes down, obviously “injured” for her match against Zoey.

Zelina Vega vs Zoey Stark

Vega tries for a rollup, gets a 1. Zoey gets her to the shoulders. Vega drops down. Zoey stomps her injured arm, but Vega rolls out of the way. Zoey shoots her into the ropes, mounts for some right hands. Zoey grabs the injured arm, Vega with left jabs. Zoey with a knee. She corners Vega with some shoulders. Lefts to Zoey, back elbow. She sends Stark into the buckle then drives knees to the back. Vega to the top rope, Zoey attacks the back. She climbs, locks up from behind, Vega with a back elbow. To the top rope, Zoey dlimbs again, grabs the arm and pulls Vega off the top onto the top rope arm first!! !

We are back and Vega with a cradle gets a 1.2..NO!!! Vega kicks out the corner, Zoey to the apron, missile dropkick off thespringboard! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Vega fights out, then arm drags. Kick to the hammy, another, over and over. Zoey catches one, enziguri from Vega. She hits the ropes, tornado DDT from Vega! To the top rope. Vega stares at her arm for no reason, then hits a moonsault and a cover for 1.2..NO!!! Tries for Code Red, Zoey with a superkick. Cover for `1..2..NO!!! Drop Toe Hold! Deville distracts, Shayna trips up Vega.

Here comes Kitana, Carter, and Lyra to attack! Vega is left alone with Zoey. She clocks Zoey with her elbow. Hits her again with the arm brace. Code Red. Pin for 1.2….3!!!

Winner: Zelina Vega
Vega’s issue is her insistence on being a plucky babyface without the fanfare, and it kinda comes off as hokey.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:50

Backstage, Woods asks Pearce for a match with Cross next week.

Here comes Drew to complain about the ref, but Pearce is like bruh you been tossin refs around like nothin. Pearce tells him that next week, all three of them will be in the ring to go over the official ref instructions.

We are backstage with Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn who will be going to Smackdown to address the challenge. In come Shayna, Zoey, and Sonya to say they’ve been running Raw. Isla and Alba bring up the loss Zoey just suffered. Deville tells them that Jade and Bianca are not their biggest issue.

Gunther gets a sick video package for Summerslam.

Jey Uso and Sami Zayn make their way throw the food court of the arena to the ring with fans surrounding them.

Jey Uso and Sami Zayn vs Finn Balor and JD McDonagh

Finn and Jey to start. They fel each other out then lockup. Finn with a side headlock. Backed up against the ropes and YEETed off, but Finn comes back with a right and a cover for 1.2.NO!!! Elbow strike then he sends Jey into the corner and hits an uppercut. Shoulder to the stomach. Whip to the corner, Jey hops over, uppercut to the chin. Jey with a back elbow in the corner, high kick to the head Cover for 1.2…NO!!! Jey grabs the arm, twist, tag to Sami who drops the axe on Sami. He locks the head, Finn backs Sami into the corner. Tag from JD. JD with kicks in the corner. Over and over. Sami leap frogs over off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Sami sends JD into the corner, kicks, JD drops an lbow no the forehead then snapmares Sami. Elbow to the head again. JD hits the ropes, leg drop. Cover. 1….NO!! JD punches Jey off the apron. Sami sends him to the outside! Finn is next! Sami hits the apron! Kicks, kick again, Moonsault!!! Dom goes for a cheapshot. The ref backs Dom up. Carlito with a cheap shot!

We come back from the break and JD is dropping Sami with a back suplex. Cover for 1…2..NO!!! Tag to Finn. He runs in, covers for 2. Attacks the head. Stomps to Sami. Finn drops an elbow on the top of the head. Cover for 1….NO!!!! Finn corners Sami and hits some shoulders then tags in JD. Chop to Sami, another. TAG TO JEY! Tag to Finn! Yeet punches. Jey whips Finn, reversed, duck under, kick to the mid, Jey drops and hits a slap to the face. Kick to Finn, spin, enziguri. Finn to the corner, in comes JD, he gets a kick, too. Hip Atack to Finn! One for JD! Kick from Jey. Splash. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Jey up to cheers. He waits for Finn to turn, goes for a spear, Finn kicks, rope work, Samoan D—NO! Finn rakes the eyes and drops an elbow on the chest! Cover! 1.2..NO!!! Finn corners Jey and hits a right. Snapmare. Tag to JD. JD in with a moonsault and a cover for 1..2…NO! Stomp from JD. Tag to Finn. Finn calls to raise Jey, JD does, Finn flies off the 2nd, gets kicked in the chin!

Sami back on the apron! Tag to Sami! Tag to JD! Exploder into the corner! Sami waits! Carlito hops on the apron, Dom holds Sami’s boot! Sami turns, JD with a Spanish Fly! Cover! 1.2….NO!!!! JD whips Sami, but Jey gets the blindtag first. He enters, kicks JD. 1D!!!!!!!! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Finn breaks it up! Finn pulls JD to the corner and tags himself in. He grabs Jey, Jey is up, right hand, another, another, another, one for JD. Finn with a slingblade! Hits the corner! Superkick to Carlito! Splash to JD on the apron! Finn with a shotgun dropkick! Tag to JD. Finn up top! Coup De Grace! JD with a moonsault! Pin gets the 1..2..NO!!! Sami in to break it up! Finn sends him right back out! He and JD lift Jey up to the top rope!

Sami slides back in. Finn attacks both men then gets Finn on his shoulders. He drops Finn, sends Finn outside. Headbutt to JD. HELLUCA KICK TO JD!!! Sami flies over the top rope onto Judgment Day! SPLASH! COVER! 1..2….3!!!!

Winners: Sami Zayn and Jey Uso
Hell of a main event! Much fun was had.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 16:15

Sami celebrates then turns…right into a spear from BRON BREAKER!!!!

End Show

The final score: review Good
The 411
A pretty solid RAW, all things considered, with everything on the show mattering in some way or other. Sure, we could argue that certain things don’t matter to us, such as Vega’s push or The Final Testament getting any kind of win, but at the very least, the show has direction, and a lot going on for it. A bit of a lull there in the middle made the show feel like the three hours it was, but an amazing opener and a fun main event more than made up for it.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero